Find out how to remove one or more licensed program fixes.
To remove one or more licensed program fixes, follow these steps:
- Enter the Remove Program Temporary Fix (RMVPTF) command and press
F4 (Prompt).
On the Remove Program Temporary Fix (RMVPTF)
display, specify the licensed program for the Product (LICPGM) parameter.
- Select the fixes you want removed by doing one of the following:
- Specify *TEMP for the Extent of change (APY) parameter to remove
the fixes temporarily or *PERM to remove the fixes permanently.
- If you are removing immediate fixes, specify *NO for the Delayed
PTFs (DELAYED) parameter.
- If you are identifying delayed or immediate fixes that are to be
automatically removed during the next unattended IPL, specify *YES for the
Delayed PTFs (DELAYED) parameter and *YES for the Remove on unattended IPL
(IPLRMV) parameter.
- Press Enter.
To uninstall fixes for a product, go to the Management Central
online help in iSeries™ Navigator.
Click Help from the menu bar and select Help
Topics. Select What can I do with . . .? to
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to make it happen.