After you have installed your fixes, you should verify that the install was successful.
You should develop the habit of verifying whether you were successful in installing your fixes. In general, if your fixes did not install, you need to determine whether the failure occurred during the load or apply phase of the install.
If the system did not IPL, then possibly the failure occurred during the load phase. Press Help on the failure message, and then press F10 (Display messages in the job log). Look for all escape messages that might identify what the problem is. You should fix these errors, and then try your request again.
If the system did IPL, but the PTFs did not apply, look at the history log.
Additionally, you can do the following to verify that your fixes have been installed correctly:
If the fixes were installed successfully, you see messages like the following:
PTF installation process started. Loading of PTFs completed successfully. Marking of PTFs for delayed application started. Marking of PTFs for delayed application completed successfully. Apply PTF started. Applying of PTFs for product 5722xxx completed successfully. Applying of PTFs for product 5722xxx completed successfully. Applying of PTFs for product 5722xxx completed successfully. . . . Applying of PTFs completed.
If the PTFs were installed successfully but require a server IPL to activate the changes, you see messages like the following:
PTF installation process started. PTFs installed successfully, but actions pending. Server IPL required.
You must perform a server IPL to activate
the changes to the server firmware
command to determine which PTFs require a server IPL and which IPL source
(##SERV#T or ##SERV#P) to use when performing the server IPL. See Install fixes on systems managed by Hardware Management Console for
information on performing a server IPL.
If the cumulative PTF package was not installed successfully, you see error messages like the following:
PTF installation process started. Loading of PTFs failed. Marking of PTFs for delayed application started. Marking of PTFs for delayed application failed. Apply PTF started. . . . Applying of PTFs failed for product 5722xxx. . . . Applying PTFs failed.