Loading a CD-ROM or DVD media into a drive causes automatic reading of the information from the media. Part of this information is the volume identifier.
The volume identifier is a name that was given to the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM when it was mastered. The identifier is also the name that is given to the DVD-RAM media when it was initialized. Depending on the media format, the volume identifier can be up to 32 characters in length. On the iSeries™ server, applications accessing data from the CD-ROM or DVD often refer to it by its volume identifier. For example, a CD-ROM volume identifier might be VOLID01.
Applications that need to access file data from any optical media need to refer to the volume identifier. For example, you could write a C program to use the integrated file system APIs to read file /DIR1/FILE on the optical volume VOLID01. In this case, the application would specify path /QOPT/VOLID01/DIR1/FILE on the open request.