Volume identifiers can be a maximum of 30 characters and must contain only alphabetic characters (A through Z), numeric characters (0 through 9), a hyphen (-), or a period (.). The first character must be alphabetic or numeric, and the identifier cannot contain imbedded blanks.
Although not required, you can include one or more directories in the path name. Each element of the path can be a maximum of 254 characters with the total maximum path length of 256 characters. A path name can consist of any of the EBCDIC characters except x00-x3F, xFF, ″, *, <, >, ?, and \.
The system stores all alphabetic characters for directory and file names to the media in uppercase when created through HFS or the i5/OS™ save interfaces. The system stores all alphabetic characters for directory and file names to the media in mixed case when created through the integrated file system interfaces. File name searches are case-insensitive meaning that you can use either uppercase or lowercase characters to access existing files.
File searches on UDF volumes created by i5/OS are case-insensitive. For UDF media created or updated by another operating system platform, a case sensitive search is performed. If no case-sensitive match is found, a case-insensitve match is returned if it exists. If multiple case-insensitive matches exist on the UDF volume, an error will be returned indicating that ambiguous names exist on the media. Some optical commands, such as Copy Optical (CPYOPT), are not supported when duplicate, ambiguous file names exist. For example, UDF created on another operating system may allow files ABC.ext and abc.EXT to exist in the same directory. This is not supported by CPYOPT and may produce unpredictable results.