A line of text that is to be printed at the bottom of every page is called the print text. Print text is set by using the PRTTXT parameter on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command. Up to 30 characters are allowed in the line of print text. The 30 characters are centered at the bottom of the page, 2 lines below the overflow line. If the user already has data to print on the line that the print text goes on, the print text is bumped down to the next blank line on the page. If no lines are blank, the print text is printed on the last line of the page.
A system value, Printed page footer (QPRTTXT), can be used to specify the print text so that the same text can appear on all files printed on the system. Also, the print text can be taken from the job description so that all files created from a particular job can have the same print text.
Print text is useful for printing a security classification on each page. It can also be used to print a company name or slogan on each page.