Listed here are the IBM® Redbooks™ (in PDF format), Web sites, and Information Center topics that relate to the Linux in a logical partition topic. You can view or print any of the PDFs.
- Linux on the IBM iSeries™ Server: An Implementation Guide
- This IBM Redbook begins with an overview of Linux, defines what open source means, and explains why using Linux on iSeries is beneficial. It discusses the basic server administration tasks and Linux application development to help you manage your server and develop Linux applications on the iSeries server. It also introduces a wide range of services, such as Firewall, Apache, Samba, and e-mail, and explains the capabilities of each.
See IBM RedBooks ( ) for additional information.
- Linux on iSeries
- This page contains useful information and links to install Linux on your iSeries.
- iSeries ODBC Driver for Linux
- The iSeries ODBC Driver for Linux allows you to access the iSeries database from a Linux client. This page contains information on installing and using the iSeries ODBC Driver for Linux.
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