Back up the NWSD and disk drives associated with a logical partition

When you install the logical partitions with virtual disk on iSeries™, the hosting i5/OS® partition creates a network server description and disk drives for your logical operating system that you need to back up. Some of the disk drives are server-related (the installation and server drives); others are user-related. Because your logical operating system may consider them a unified server, you need to save all the disk drives and the network server description to restore properly.

The implementation of a logical partition for iSeries allows you to save and restore virtual disk as i5/OS network server storage space objects. These objects are saved as part of the i5/OS server when you perform a full i5/OS server backup. You can also specifically save the network server description and storage spaces that are associated with a logical partition on iSeries. Daily backup of the server drive is a good idea.

To back up the network server description and the disk drives that are associated with a logical partition on iSeries, see Back up NWSDs for a logical partition.