PTF update instructions

Installation of program temporary fixes (PTFs) for the XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX® V7.0 or XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX products is accomplished using the same "non-default installation" script that is used for the initial compiler installation.

Before installing the PTFs, you must have already installed the compilers using the previous steps in this topic.
Start of changeThe following steps will install PTFs for the XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX V7.0 or XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX product on iSeries™ i5/OS™ PASE.End of change
Start of change
  1. Obtain the PTF package files to be installed. You can download compressed TAR images of the compiler PTF packages from the support downloads section of the XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition Web site.
  2. Uncompress and then untar the PTF package files. If you have downloaded the compressed TAR images to the /QOpenSys/vacptf/ directory, you can use these commands from a QP2TERM command line to do this:
    cd /QOpenSys/ptf 
    uncompress <filename.tar.Z>
    tar -xvf <filename.tar>
  3. Create a file containing a list of the PTF packages to be installed. Use these commands from a QP2TERM command line to do this:
    cd /QOpenSys/ptf 
    ls *.bff > ptflist.txt
  4. Run the installation script to install the PTFs. Based on the compiler you are updating, enter one of the following commands from the QP2TERM command line:
    Compiler Command
    For XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX:
    /QIBM/ProdData/DeveloperTools/pase/bin/perl /usr/vacpp/bin/vacppndi -d 
    /QOpenSys/ptf -b /QOpenSys/xlc70 -u /QOpenSys/ptf/ptflist.txt
    For XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX:
    /QIBM/ProdData/DeveloperTools/pase/bin/perl /usr/vac/bin/vacndi -d 
    /QOpenSys/ptf -b /QOpenSys/xlc70 -u /QOpenSys/ptf/ptflist.txt
    For XL Fortran Enterprise Edition for AIX:
    /QIBM/ProdData/DeveloperTools/pase/bin/perl /usr/lpp/xlf/bin/xlfndi -d 
    /QOpenSys/ptf -b /QOpenSys/xlf91 -u /QOpenSys/ptf/ptflist.txt
    Note: Enter the commands as one long command.
    The installation script creates a compressed TAR backup of the compiler files that existed before the PTF update. If you use the directories as shown in these instructions, this file will be named /QOpenSys/xlc70.backup.tar.Z or /QOpenSys/xlf91.backup.tar.Z. If a problem is encountered with the installation of the PTF update or the PTF update itself, you can restore from this backup to uninstall the PTF update.
End of change
Related information
XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX