Specifies which users can work with programs with adopted authorities. (QUSEADPAUT)
Users who can cause programs to use adopted authority from calling programs, also known as QUSEADPAUT, is a member of the security category of i5/OS™ system values. You can use this system value to specify which users can work with programs with adopted authorities. To learn more, keep reading.
Quick reference | |
Location | In iSeries™ Navigator, select your system, |
Special authority | All object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM) |
Default value | All users |
Changes take effect | Immediately |
Lockable | Yes Lock function of security-related system values![]() (Click for details) |
You may define which users can create, change and update programs that use the authority of the program which called them. The specified users can work with programs that have the use adopted authority attribute set to yes (USEADPAUT(*YES)).
A user is able to create a program (Program A) that uses the authority of another program (Program B) when Program A is called by Program B.
Possible options are:
The user's authority is checked against the specified authorization list. This authority cannot come from adopted authority. If the user has at least the USE authority attribute in the specified authorization list, the user can create, change, or update programs or service programs that use the authority of the program which called them.
If the specified authorization list does not exist, the operation being attempted will not complete. A message is sent indicating this. If more than one operation is requested on the command or API, and the authorization list does not exist, the operation is not performed. If the command being attempted when the authorization list cannot be found is Create Pascal Program (CRTPASPGM) or Create Basic Program (CRTBASPGM), the result is a function check. This is a type of error. It is not a security check.
To learn more, go to the security system values overview topic. If you are looking for a specific system value or category of system values, try using the i5/OS system value finder.