Change debug values

You can change the debug level, which is useful to administrators who have large zones and do not want the large amount of debug data that they will get while the server is first starting up and loading all of the zone data.

Domain Name System (DNS) in the iSeries™ Navigator interface does not allow you to change the debug level while the server is running. However, you can use character-based interface to change the debug level while the server is running. To change the debug level using the character-based interface, follow these steps, replacing <instance> with the name of the server instance:
  1. At the command line, type ADDLIBLE QDNS and press Enter.
  2. Change the debug level:
    • To turn debugging on, or increase the debug level by 1, type CALL QTOBDRVS ('BUMP' '<instance>') and press Enter.
    • To turn debugging off, type CALL QTOBDRVS ('OFF' '<instance>') and press Enter.