The image is a flow chart that describes the program flow for the
sample RPG program.
The following steps are what the flow chart follows:
- Begin
- Prompt
- F3? (*IN98) If Yes - End Program. If No, go to step 4.
- F2? (Review last) If Yes - go to step 4.a.
If No, go to step 5.
- Read last record for this user.
- Record found? If Yes go to step 4.c.
If No, go to step 4.d.
- Display Last transaction. Go to Begin.
- Display error. No review record. Go to Begin.
- Read product record.
- Found? If Yes, go to step 8.
If No, go to step 7.
- Display error. No product record. Go to Begin or
step 8.
- Check quantity on hand.
- Sufficient? If Yes, go to step 10. If No, go to step 9.a.
- Release lock on product record
- Display error. Not enough quantity. Go to Begin.
- Update product record.
- Write transaction record.
- Commit. Go to Begin.