Journal entry information
This topic provides information and tasks for working with journal
The system creates different types of journal entries in the journal receiver
for different kinds of activities. You cannot access the information in journal
receivers directly. Several system commands provide formatted information
from a journal receiver:
- Use the Display Journal (DSPJRN) command
to display entries, print them, or write them to an output file.
- Use the Receive Journal Entry (RCVJRNE) command to
specify an exit program. When entries are added to the journal receiver, they
are also passed to the exit program. The exit program can, for example, write
entries to save media or send them to another system.
- Use the Retrieve Journal Entry (RTVJRNE) command to
retrieve journal entries to a CL program.
- Use the Retrieve Journal Entries (QjoRetrieveJournalEntries) API
to retrieve journal entries into a high level language program.
When working with multiple journal entries, the RCVJRNE command
is usually the most efficient interface to get the journal entry information.

When the system formats journal entries for you with the DSPJRN and RTVJRNE
commands, it uses one of several layouts. These layouts include a fixed-length
portion and a variable-length portion. The variable-length portion includes
entry-specific data and null value indicators, if applicable. The fixed-length
portion of the journal entry appears as separate fields in these layouts.
- Journal entry information finder - The Journal code finder shows all the
journal codes and entry types for journal entries. You can search for individual
codes, display codes by category, or display all journal codes.
- Journal code descriptions
- Fixed-length portion of the journal entry
- Variable-length portion of the journal entry
- Work with journal entry information
Note: For information about which journal codes are affected by applying or
removing journaled changes see Actions of applying or removing journaled changes
by journal code.