End journaling

Provides information about how to end journaling and why ending journaling might be necessary.

You may need to end journaling for several reasons:

To end journaling proceed as follows:

  1. End journaling for access paths with the End Journal Access Path (ENDJRNAP) command
  2. In iSeries™ Navigator expand the system with the object that you want stop journaling.
  3. If the object is a database file, proceed as follows:
    1. Expand Databases and the database with the journal that you want to end journaling.
    2. Expand Schemas.
    3. Click the schema with the table (file) you are journaling.
    4. Click Tables.
    5. Right-click table and select Journaling.
    6. Click End to end journaling.
  4. If the object is an integrated file system object proceed as follows:
    1. Expand File Systems.
    2. Expand Integrated File System.
    3. Expand the file system with the object you are ending journaling.
    4. If you are ending journaling for a directory, right click that directory. If you are ending journaling for an object in a directory, open the directory and right click the object.
    5. Right-click the object or directory and select Journaling
    6. Click End to end journaling.
  5. If the object is a data area or data queue, proceed as follows:
    1. Expand File Systems.
    2. Expand Integrated File System.
    3. Expand QSYS.LIB.
    4. Select the library with the data area or data queue.
    5. Right-click the data area or data queue you want to end journaling and select Journaling.
    6. Click End to end journaling.

Or, use the following commands or API to end journaling:

You must end journaling for any access paths based on a physical file before you can end journaling for the physical file.

In the following cases, the system implicitly ends journaling:

Related concepts
Distributed database administration
Related tasks
Delete journals
Related reference
End Journal Access Path (ENDJRNAP) command
End Journal Physical File (ENDJRNPF) command
End Journal (ENDJRN) command
End Journal Object (ENDJRNOBJ) command
End Journal (QjoEndJournal) API

How to end journaling for distributed files

When you successfully end journaling on a distributed file, the system distributes the end journal request to the other systems in the node group. All systems are attempted even if there is a failure at any one system. Once journaling is ended on a system in the node group, it stays ended even if there is a failure at any of the other systems.

Even if a distributed file is not locally journaled, and if you specify the file name and the journal name on the ENDJRNPF command, the system will still attempt to distribute the end-journal request to the other systems in the file node group.