Use this field-level keyword to print a field as a user-specified
bar code. BARCODE is valid only for Intelligent Printer
Data Stream™ (IPDS™) printers and only for printer files with device
type *IPDS or *AFPDS specified.
The format of the keyword is:
BARCODE(bar-code-ID [height] [[*HRZ | *VRT]
[modifier] [unit-width]
[PDF417 data]
[Data Matrix data]
[Maxicode data]])
The bar-code-ID parameter is required. You can specify
the bar-code-ID parameter as a special alphanumeric value up to 10 characters
long, or as a numeric ID. Valid special values for the bar-code ID are listed
in Table 1. If you specify a numeric
value for the bar-code ID, then you also must specify the bar-code modifier
parameter. See the documentation for your printer for the bar-code IDs and
modifiers that it supports.
The height parameter is optional, but if you specify it, it must be the
second parameter following the keyword. You can specify the height in one
of two ways:
- Specify the height in number of print lines. Valid values for the bar-code
height are 1 through 9 lines.
Specify the height in inches or centimeters. When you specify
the height in this way, the valid format is (height *UOM).
Valid values are 0.25 to 25.40 cm (0.10 to 10.00 inches). For PDF417 bar-code
type, valid values are 0.02 to 25.40 cm (0.01 to 10.00 inches). The UOM parameter
on the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF) command determines the unit of measure
for the height.
The value you specify for the bar-code height does not include the human
readable interpretation below the bar code. If you do not specify the height
parameter, the printer uses a default height.
You can specify the last 9 parameters (all optional) in any order. Using
these parameters, you can specify that BARCODE:
- Print the bar code horizontally or vertically. The default is horizontal
printing (*HRZ).
- Include or exclude the human readable interpretation of the bar code.
The default is to include the human readable interpretation printed at the
bottom of the bar code (*HRI).
- Indicate that the human readable interpretation should be printed at the
top (*HRITOP) of the bar code. (Check individual printer manuals for different
bar code support of *HRITOP.)
- Include or exclude asterisks around the human readable interpretation
for CODE3OF9 barcodes. The default is to exclude the asterisks (*NOAST).
- Select the bar-code modifier. This is a 1-character hexadecimal value
that cannot be hex FF.
- Specify the width (in inches) of the narrow bar/space. It is specified
as an expression of the form (*WIDTH value). For more information about how
to specify expressions, in the DDS Concepts information. The valid values
for the parameter are 0.007 through 0.208.
- Specify the ratio of the wide bar/space to the narrow bar/space. It is
specified as an expression of the form: (*RATIO value). The valid values for
the parameter are 2.00 through 3.00.
- Specify additional barcode information for the two-dimensional barcodes
PDF417, Maxicode, and Data Matrix. You can specify only one of these barcodes.
See Specify two-dimensional barcodes for
more information.
Note: The overall barcode width is dependent on:
- Ratio or width parameter in user DDS.
- Actual customer data in the barcode.
- Limitations of printer hardware, such as PEL density, pins and so on.
The width and ratio parameters are ignored for the 4234 and 4224 printer
For more information about the 4224 printer models, see the 4224
Printer Models 1xx and 2xx Product and Programming Descriptions, GC31-2551.
If you specify an optional parameter that does not apply to the bar-code
ID you have specified, the printer ignores the optional parameter.
If you attempt to print a bar code on a printer that does
not support bar codes, the digits in the code are treated as text, and a diagnostic
message results in stating that the bar code might not print.
The line and position you specify for the field is used as the upper left
corner of the bar code. Because the line specified in the DDS is the base
line (the imaginary line on which characters are printed) and this is used
as the upper edge of the bar code, the bar code appears to extend down from
the bottom of the line you specify.
The following table describes valid data types, field lengths, and the
numeric IDs for the BARCODE field.
Table 1. Valid bar-code definitionsBar Code ID |
Data type |
Field length |
Numeric ID |
S |
1 through 31 |
2 |
S |
11 |
3 |
S |
10 |
5 |
UPC2 |
S |
2 |
6 |
UPC5 |
S |
5 |
7 |
EAN8 |
S |
7 |
8 |
EAN13 |
S |
12 |
9 |
EAN2 |
S |
2 |
22 |
EAN5 |
S |
5 |
23 |
A |
1 through 50 |
13 |
CODE128 |
A |
1 through 50 |
17 |
A |
1 through 50 |
1 |
S |
1 through 31 |
12 |
S |
1 through 31 |
10 |
S |
1 through 31 |
11 |
S |
1 through 31 |
24 |
S |
1 through 31 |
24 |
A |
1 through 50 |
26 |
A |
8 through 39 |
31 |
A |
1 through 50 |
26 |
A |
7 through 50 |
27 |
PDF417 |
A |
1 through 1850 |
30 |
A |
1 through 138 |
29 |
A |
1 through 3116 |
28 |
The following table describes the supported bar codes.
Table 2. Bar codes supported by
Digits per code |
Range of characters allowed |
Default bar code modifier generated |
Default bar code modifier printed |
Valid bar code modifier |
MSI (changed Plessey) |
311 |
0 through 9 |
2 Modulus 10 |
No |
01 through 09 |
11 |
0 through 9 |
1 |
No |
00 |
10 |
0 through 9 |
1 |
No |
00 |
UPC-2 digit add on (must follow a UPC A or
E bar code) |
2 |
0 through 9 |
No |
No |
00 |
UPC-5 digit add on (must follow a UPC A or
E bar code) |
5 |
0 through 9 |
No |
No |
00 |
EAN-8 |
7 |
0 through 9 |
1 |
Yes |
00 |
EAN-13 |
12 |
0 through 9 |
1 |
Yes |
00 |
EAN-2 digit add on (must follow an EAN 8
or 13 bar code) |
2 |
0 through 9 |
No |
No |
00 |
EAN-5 digit add on (must follow an EAN 8
or 13 bar code) |
5 |
0 through 9 |
No |
No |
00 |
INDUST2OF5 or industrial 2 of 5 |
31 |
0 through 9 |
1 |
Yes |
01 02 |
MATRIX2OF5 or matrix 2 of 5 |
31 |
0 through 9 |
1 |
Yes |
01 02 |
INTERL2OF5 or interleaved 2 of 5 |
31 |
0 through 9 |
1 |
Yes |
01 02 |
Up to 50 characters |
0 through 9,
A through D
(begin/end only),
-, ., $, /, +, and :
1 |
Yes |
01 02 |
CODE128 |
Up to 50 characters |
Refer to CODE128 character set in DDS |
1 |
No |
012 02 |
CODE3OF9 or code 3 of 9 |
Up to 50 characters |
0 through 9,
A through Z
(upper case only),
-, ., $, /, +, %,
and a blank
No |
No |
01 02 |
Up to 31 characters |
0 through 9 |
1 |
Yes |
Ignored |
Up to 31 characters |
0 through 9 |
1 |
Yes |
04 |
Up to 50 characters |
0 through 9
A through Z
1 |
Yes |
00 |
13 through 39 |
0 through 9
A through Z
a through z
space, #
1 |
Yes |
01 through 08 |
Up to 50 characters |
0 through 9
A through Z
a through z
1 |
Yes |
01 |
Up to 50 characters |
0 through 9, A through Z, and - |
1 |
Yes |
00 013 |
PDF417 |
Up to 1850 characters 4 |
Any one-byte character |
No |
No |
00 01 |
Up to 138 characters 4 |
Any one-byte character |
No |
No |
00 |
Up to 3116 characters 4 |
Any one-byte character |
No |
No |
00 |
Notes: - The 4234 Printer only supports 14 digits.
- The value 01 for the bar code modifier is not valid for some printers.
- The value 01 provides migration support for application programs that
use an AFP™ font
to print Japan Postal Bar Codes. Data written into the field must be valid
characters in the AFP font. The application program must also write the
start, stop, and bar code modifier characters.
- For PDF417, up to 1850 text characters, or 1108 bytes of binary data,
per symbol, depending on the security level; refer to the symbology specification.
For Maxicode, up to 93 alphanumeric characters per symbol, depending on the
encoding overhead, or up to 138 numeric characters per symbol; refer to the
symbology specification. For Data Matrix, up to 3116, depending on whether
the data is character or numeric; refer to the symbology specification.
- The PLANET bar code is selected by specifying the POSTNET bar-code-id
and a bar code modifier of 04.
CODEABAR field data must begin with an A, B, C, or D and must end with
an A, B, C, or D. For example, A11224455C or D33447799D.
Do not specify BARCODE in the same field with the CHRSIZ, CHRID, CVTDTA,
See the CVTDTA keyword for information about coding IPDS bar code commands.
If you specify CHRSIZ at the record level, it applies to all fields in
that record. If you specify BARCODE in one of those fields, the BARCODE keyword
is not allowed.
You cannot specify BARCODE on the same record format with BLKFOLD, CPI,
When you specify BARCODE on a numeric field, the number of decimal positions
must be zero.
When you specify BARCODE on a constant field, the only valid bar code IDs
are CODEABAR, CODE128, and CODE3OF9, and you must also specify the DFT keyword
either implicitly or explicitly.
You should specify DEVTYPE (*IPDS) or DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) on the CRTPRTF command
when BARCODE is specified in the file.
BARCODE is allowed only on data types S and A (see Table 2 for
Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.
Japan Postal Bar Codes (bar-code-ID = JPBC) uses only the bar-code-ID parameter,
the bar code print orientation parameter ([*HRZ | *VRT]), and the bar code
modifier parameter. All other parameters have predetermined values, so any
input for them is ignored.
User-specified bar code modifiers are not checked for their
validity, and might cause bar code errors if they are not valid. The Intelligent
Printer Data Stream™ Reference manual contains more information
about bar codes and valid bar code modifiers.
Specify two-dimensional barcodes
can specify additional parameters for the two-dimensional barcodes PDF417,
Maxicode, and Data Matrix.
PDF417: The additional data is specified
as an expression of the form:
(*PDF417 row-size number-rows security
[escape-indicator] [*MACRO(&data-field-name)])
- row-size
- This required parameter for PDF417 barcode specifies the number of data
symbol characters per row. Valid values are in the range of 1 through 30.
- number-rows
- This required parameter for PDF417 barcode specifies the number of rows.
Valid values are in the range of 3 through 90. You can specify a special value
of *MIN (minimum) to instruct the printer to generate the minimum number of
rows that are necessary.
- security
- This required parameter for PDF417 barcode specifies the security level.
Valid values are in the range of 0 through 8. Each higher security level causes
more error correction code words to be added to the symbol. At a particular
security level, a number of code words can be missing or erased, and the symbol
can still be recovered.
- escape-indicator
- This optional parameter for PDF417 barcode specifies whether the backslash
character within the barcode data is treated as an escape character according
to the PDF417 symbology specification. Escape characters (started with backslash)
allow reader programming to be specified within the barcode data. Valid values
for the escape-indicator are:
- *NOESCAPE indicates that each backslash character found in the barcode
data is treated as a normal data character and therefore all escape sequences
are ignored. Specify *NOESCAPE if the barcode data is an image or binary data.
*NOESCAPE is the default value if no escape indicator is specified.
- *ESCAPE indicates that each backslash character found in the barcode data
is treated as an escape character according to the PDF417 symbology specification.
- *MACRO(&data-field-name)
- This optional parameter allows PDF417 Control Block coding to be specified
(as defined in section G.2 of the Uniform Symbology Specification PDF417).
The macro-data must be specified as a program-to-system field. The field must
exist in the same record format as the BARCODE keyword. The length of the
macro data is limited by the rules for a record format; that is, the maximum
combined length of all named fields and indicators in a record format is 32
767 bytes. The data type must be A (character), and usage P (program-to-system).
Maxicode: The additional data is specified as an
expression of the form:
(*MAXICODE symbol-mode [zipper-indicator] [sequence-data])
- symbol-mode
- This required parameter for Maxicode barcode specifies the symbol-mode
for the MaxiCode barcode. Valid values are in the range of 2 through 6:
- 2 – Structured Carrier Message, numeric postal code
- 3 – Structured Carrier Message, alphanumeric postal code
- 4 – Standard code
- 5 – Full ECC symbol
- 6 – Reader program, SEC. No data is transmitted.
- zipper-indicator
- This optional parameter for Maxicode barcode specifies whether to print
a zipper pattern and contrast block. The valid values for the zipper-indicator
- *NOZIPPER indicates that a zipper pattern is not to be printed with the
barcode. *NOZIPPER is the default value if no zipper-indicator is specified.
- *ZIPPER indicates that a zipper pattern is to be printed with the barcode.
- sequence-indicator
- This optional parameter for Maxicode barcode specifies whether this barcode
is part of a structured append. The Maxicode barcode can be logically linked
together to encode large amounts of data. The logically linked symbols can
be presented on the same or different media and are logically recombined after
they are scanned. The sequence data for the Maxicode consists of two parts
of the following form:
*SEQUENCE(sequence-indicator total-symbols)
sequence-indicator specifies
the structured append sequence indicator. Valid values are 0 - 8.
total-symbols specifies
the total number of structured append symbols. Valid values are 2 - 8.
Data Matrix: The additional data is specified as
an expression of the form:
(*DATAMATRIX row-size number-rows [alternate-data-type] [reader]
[header-trailer] [sequence-indicator])
can specify the following parameters for the Data Matrix barcode, in the following
- row-size
- This required parameter for Data Matrix barcode specifies the row size.
Data Matrix barcodes are square symbols or rectangle symbols. The square symbols
are 10 by 10 to 144 by 144 and the rectangle symbols are 8 by 18 to 16 by
48. A special value of *DFT can be specified to have the printer select the
row size based on the amount of symbol data.
- number-rows
- This required parameter for Data Matrix barcode specifies the number of
rows. Data Matrix barcodes are square symbols or rectangle symbols. The square
symbols are 10 by 10 to 144 by 144 and the rectangle symbols are 8 by 18 to
16 by 48. A special value of *DFT can be specified to have the printer select
the number of rows based on the amount of symbol data.
- alternate-data-type
- This optional parameter for the Data Matrix barcode specifies the data
type for the defined symbol. Valid values are:
- *USRDEF indicates that this is a user defined symbol. *USRDEF is the default
value if no alternate-data-type is specified.
- *AIMSTD indicates that the symbol conforms to the specific industry standards
as authorized by AIM international.
- *UCCEAN indicates that the symbol conforms to the UCC/EAN application
identifier standard format.
- reader
- This optional parameter for Data Matrix barcode specifies whether this
barcode encodes a message used to program the reader system. Valid values
- *DATA indicates that barcode data is supplied. *DATA is the default value
if no reader indicator is specified.
- *RDRPRG indicates that the symbol contains a message used to program the
barcode reader.
- header-trailer
- This optional parameter for Data Matrix barcode specifies whether header
and trailers instructions to the barcode reader are to be included. Valid
values are:
- *NO indicates that no header or trailers are to be inserted. *NO is the
default value if no header-trailer value is specified.
- *HEADER5 indicates that the barcode reader will insert a 05 Macro codeword.
- *HEADER6 indicates that the barcode reader will insert a 06 Macro codeword.
- sequence-indicator
- This optional parameter for Data Matrix barcode specifies whether this
barcode is part of a structured append. The Data Matrix barcode can be logically
linked together to encode large amounts of data. The logically linked symbols
can be presented on the same or different media and are logically recombined
after they are scanned. The sequence data for the Data Matrix consists of
three parts of the following form
*SEQUENCE(sequence-indicator total-symbols file-id)
sequence-indicator specifies
the structured append sequence indicator. Valid values are in the range of
1 through 16.
total-symbols specifies the total number of symbols
that is logically linked in a sequence of symbols. Valid values are in the
range of 2 through 16.
file-id specifies a 2-byte unique file
identification for a set of structured-append symbols. When specifying the
file-id, the format is X'nnnn', where nnnn is
the two byte file id in hexadecimal.
Note: When a structured append is specified, you must specify
*NO for the header and trailer, and you must specify *DATA for the reader.
For valid combinations of row-size and number-rows, see the symbology specification.
EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation of two-dimensional barcodes
two-dimensional barcodes PDF417, Maxicode, and Data Matrix are ASCII barcodes.
The system extracts the CCSID of the job that generates the spool file and
translates EBCDIC data to code page 500. The printer then translates the data
from code page 500 to the appropriate ASCII code page.
Maxicode and
Data Matrix barcodes are assumed to start in ISO 8859-1 code page. The IBM® equivalent
is ASCII code page 819. ASCII code page 437 is used for PDF417.
The following example shows how to specify
the BARCODE keyword.
A *AST X'02')
A X'00' (*WIDTH .02))
A 6 5'01234567'
A (*WIDTH 0.1) (*RATIO 2) X'01')
A FIELD6 10S 0 15 5BARCODE(10 X'01')