Use this record-level keyword to specify an AFP™ or non-AFP resource stored in the integrated file system.
A specific set of resource types is supported (see Table 1).
AFPRSC might not be used to specify fonts, overlays, page segments, form definitions, or page definitions.
The format of the keyword is:
AFPRSC ('resource-name' | &resource-name-field object-type | object-comp-id | &object-type-field position-down | &position-down-field position-across | &position-across-field [(*SIZE width | &width-field height | &height-field)] [(*ROTATION rotation | &rotation-field-name)] [(*PATH 'path-to-use' | *NONE | *CWD | &path-to-use-field-name)] [(*MAPOPT mapping-option | &mapping-option-field-name)] [(*COLORPRF color-profile | color-profile-comp-id | &color-profile-field-name)] [(*SECRSC 'external-name' | &external-name-field secondary-resource-type | sec-resource-comp-id | &sec-resource-type-field-name 'internal-name' | internal-name-hex-id | &internal-name-field 'secondary-resource-path' | *NONE | *CWD | &secondary-resource-path-field)])
The resource-name is the name of the file in the integrated file system, including the file extension, if there is one. If the complete name is not specified, the resource will not be found. The maximum size of the quoted string is 250 bytes. The name cannot contain characters that can be interpreted as path name delimiters. To ensure portability across all AFP platforms, see the MO:DCA™ Reference (SC31-6802) book for a list of characters that are allowed in an external resource name.
The object-type describes the format of the data in the named file. Currently supported values are listed in the following table under the Object type name column. An object-comp-id value can be provided instead of the object-type. The corresponding object-comp-id values are listed in the following table under the Component ID column. The maximum size value allowed for an object-comp-id is 99999. The following table lists the currently supported object-types and the numeric value that identifies the type of the object:
Object type name | Component ID | Description |
*JFIF | 23 | Commonly referred to as JPG |
*PDFSPO | 25 | A PDF single-page object |
*PDFSPOTR | 49 | A PDF single-page object with transparency |
*PCLPO | 34 | A PCL page object |
*BCOCA | – (see note) | An AFPDS BCOCA™ (bar code) object |
*GOCA | – (see note) | An AFPDS GOCA (graphics) object |
*IOCA | – (see note) | An AFPDS IOCA (image) object |
*TIFF | 14 | Tag Image File Format |
If you specify an object component ID value that is not supported by the device, the result will be unpredictable and will depend on the device to which the file is sent.
The position-down parameter defines the vertical starting point of the resource relative to the margins specified on the FRONTMGN or BACKMGN parameter on the CRTPRTF command. Valid values are 0 to 57.790 cm (0 to 22.750 in).
The position-across parameter defines the horizontal starting point of the resource relative to the margins specified on the FRONTMGN or BACKMGN parameter on the CRTPRTF command. Valid values are 0 to 57.790 cm (0 to 22.750 in).
An error message is issued at print time if the resource does not fit on the page.
Use the optional width and height parameters to specify the size of the resource. They are specified as an expression of the form (*SIZE width height). If these parameters are omitted, then the size of the resource will not be changed (the resource will print with the size it was originally created with).
The optional width parameter defines the width of the resource. Valid values are 0.001 to 57.790 cm (0.001 to 22.750 in). If the width is specified, then the height parameter must also be specified.
The optional height parameter defines the height of the resource. Valid values are 0.001 to 57.790 cm (0.001 to 22.750 in). If the height is specified, then the width parameter must also be specified.
The optional rotation parameter allows you to specify a rotation value for the resource. Valid values are 0, 90, 180, and 270. It is specified as an expression of the form (*ROTATION rotation). Consider the following additional points about the rotation parameter:
Use the optional path-to-use parameter to further qualify the AFP resource. It is specified as an expression of the form (*PATH path-to-use). If you do not specify the path-to-use parameter, environment variable QIBM_AFP_RESOURCES_PATH and the explicit path /QIBM/UserData/OS400/AFPresources are used to search for the file. The possible values for path-to-use are:
See How the operating system searches for resources on the path-to-use or the secondary-resource-path parameters for information about how i5/OS searches for resources.
Use the optional mapping-option parameter to specify how the object should be mapped in the object placement area. It is specified as an expression of the form (*MAPOPT mapping-option).
The following table shows the available mapping options.
Mapping option | DDS value | Description |
Position | *P | It specifies that the object is positioned at the upper, left corner of the object placement area, as defined by the position-across and position-down parameters. Any portion of the object that falls outside the object placement area, as defined by the object's size, is not trimmed. If this occurs, the printer will report an error irrespective of the printer file's value for the FIDELITY parameter. |
Position and trim | *PT | It specifies that the object is positioned at the upper left corner of the object placement area, as defined by the position-across and position-down parameters. Any portion of the object that falls outside the object placement area, as defined by the object's size, is trimmed. |
Scale to fit | *ST | It specifies that the object is scaled to fit within the object placement area. The object is centered in the object placement area and it is scaled up or down to fit this area. Scaling is symmetrical. This option ensures that all of the data in the object is presented at the largest possible size and the object is not trimmed. |
Center and trim | *CT | It specifies that the object is centered in the object placement area. Any portion of the object that falls outside the object placement area is trimmed. |
Scale to fill | *SL | It specifies that the object is centered in the object placement area. The object is then scaled, so that it completely fills the object placement area. This might require that the object be asymmetrically scaled. |
Not all options are available for all types of objects. The following table shows which options are available. If you do not specify a mapping option, the default mapping option for the object type is used.
Object type | Available mapping options |
*BCOCA | *P (default) |
*GOCA | *PT (default), *ST, *CT, *SL |
*IOCA | *PT (default), *ST, *CT, *SL |
All others | *PT (default), *P, *ST, *CT, *SL |
Use the optional color-profile parameter to specify a color profile, if it is required by the object. It is specified as an expression of the form (*COLORPRF color-profile). The color profile is resident within a printer. A PostScript level 1 file might contain color that is specific to a geography-based offset press standard, which defines the color rendering.
The following table lists the color profiles that are supported in AFP environments, and the numeric value that identifies the color profile. The currently supported values for color-profile are defined in the Color profile name column; the equivalent values for color-profile-comp-id are listed in the Component ID column. The maximum size value for a color-profile-comp-id is 99999.
Color profile name | Component ID | Description |
*CMYKEURO | 1 | CMYK Euroscale (Europe) |
If you specify an unsupported color-profile-comp-id value, the result will depend on the printer to which the file is sent. Some printers do not support a color profile with certain object types. If you specify any of these unsupported combinations, the result will depend on the printer to which the file is sent.
Use the optional secondary resource parameter to specify up to 5 secondary resources for the named resource. It is specified as an expression of the form (*SECRSC external-name secondary-resource-type internal-name secondary-resource-path). A secondary resource is a resource that resides in the integrated file system and is referenced within the file identified by the resource-name (also called the primary resource).
The external-name is the name of the file, including the file extension, if there is one. If the complete name is not specified, the secondary resource will not be found. The value is a quoted string whose maximum size is 250 bytes. The name cannot contain characters which can be interpreted as path name delimiters.
The secondary-resource-type identifies the type of the secondary resource. The following table lists the corresponding secondary-resource-types and the numeric value that identifies the type of the secondary resource. Currently supported values for the secondary-resource-type are listed in the Resource type name column; the equivalent values for sec-resource-comp-id are listed under the Component ID column. The maximum size value for a sec-resource-comp-id is 99999.
Resource type name | Component ID | Description |
*PDFRO | 26 | PDF resource object |
*IOCAFS45RO | 47 | IOCA FS45 resource object |
If you specify an unsupported sec-resource-comp-id value, the result will depend on the device to which the file is sent. Some devices do not support secondary resources with certain object types. Also, some devices do not support any secondary resource and object type combination. If you specify any of these unsupported combinations, the result will depend on the device to which the file is sent.
The internal-name is the name of the secondary resource as it is referenced in the primary resource. The value is a quoted string or a HEX string (internal-name-hex-id). This value might be different than the external-name. You must obtain the internal-name from the person or application that generated the primary resource. The maximum length of a quoted string is 250 bytes. The format of the internal-name-hex-id is X'hhhh' where 'h' are hexadecimal characters. The maximum number of HEX characters is 500. Therefore, the maximum length of a HEX string is 503 bytes.
See How the operating system searches for resources on the path-to-use or the secondary-resource-path parameters for information about how i5/OS searches for resources.
You can specify the resource-name, object-type, position-down, position-across, width, height, rotation, path-to-use, mapping-option, color-profile, external-name, secondary-resource-type, internal-name, and secondary-resource-path parameters as constants, program-to-system fields, or a combination of both. For example, the required parameters can be expressed in the following ways:
AFPRSC('Some resource name' *JFIF 10.2 11.2 ... ) AFPRSC(&field1 *JFIF 10.2 11.2 ... ) AFPRSC(&field1 &field2 10.2 11.2 ... ) AFPRSC(&field1 &field2 &field3 12.3 ... ) AFPRSC(&field1 *JFIF 10.3 &field3 ... ) AFPRSC(&field1 &field2 &field3 &field4 ... )
When you specify the resource-name as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined with a length in the range 1 to 250, data type A (character), and usage P (program-to-system).
When you specify the object-type as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined with a length of 10, data type A (character), and usage P (program-to-system). If you provide a numeric component id for the value of the field, assign a zoned decimal value, left-aligned in the field, and padded with blanks or HEX zeros. The maximum size of the numeric component id value is 99999.
When you specify position-down or position-across as program-to-system fields, the fields must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. The fields must be defined as length 5 with 3 decimal positions, data type S, and usage P.
When you specify the width or height fields as program-to-system fields, the fields must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. The fields must be defined as length 5 with 3 decimal positions, data type S, and usage P.
A program-to-system field for rotation must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword, and it must be defined as length 3 with 0 decimal positions, data type S, and usage P.
When you specify path-to-use as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined with a length in the range 1 to 5000, data type A (character), and usage P.
When you specify mapping-option as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined as length 3, data type A (character), and usage P.
When you specify color-profile as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined as length 9, data type A (character), and usage P. If you provide a numeric component id for the value of the field, assign a zoned decimal value, left- aligned in the field, and padded with blanks or HEX zeros. The maximum size of the numeric component id value is 99999.
When you specify external-name as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined with a length in the range of 1 to 250, data type A (character), and usage P.
When you specify secondary-resource-type as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined as length 11, data type A (character), and usage P. If you provide a numeric component id for the value of the field, assign a zoned decimal value, left-aligned in the field and padded with blanks or HEX zeros. The maximum size of the numeric component id value is 99999.
When you specify internal-name as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined with a length in the range of 3 to 252, data type A (character), and usage P. The first two bytes of the field's value must be a two byte binary length field. The value in the length field indicates the length of the name in the remainder of the program-to-system field.
When you specify secondary-resource-path as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the AFPRSC keyword. It must be defined with a length in the range of 1 to 5000, data type A (character), and usage P.
Specify DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) on the CRTPRTF command when AFPRSC is specified in the file. If DEVTYPE is changed to anything other than *AFPDS, the keyword is ignored and a warning message is issued at print time.
When the AFPRSC keyword is specified on a record format, all fields within the record format must be positioned using the POSITION keyword.
An error message is issued if a constant field is specified in a record format where the AFPRSC keyword is also specified.
Each resource-name can only be used to refer to a single AFP or non-AFP resource per page. Each external-name can be used only to refer to a single secondary resource per page. Multiple instances of the same resource are allowed on a page. Identical names that are specified with different paths are treated as different resources and will result in an error.
A maximum of 10 AFP or non-AFP resources can be used on a single page. Only one AFPRSC keyword can be used on a record.
AFP or non-AFP resources are not automatically rotated when using the PAGRTT keyword or the PAGRTT parameter on the printer file.
Option indicators are valid for this keyword.
How the operating system searches for resources on the path-to-use or the secondary-resource-path parameters:
The operating system searches for resources for the path-to-use parameter or the secondary-resource-path parameter in the following way:
When specifying a specific path name, and sending the spooled file to another iSeries™ server, that path must exist on the receiving server. If the path does not exist on the receiving server, PSF reports an error when searching for the resource.
When specifying *CWD or a specific path, and sending the spooled file to a non-iSeries system, the path information will be ignored by the receiving system.
The following example shows how to specify the AFPRSC keyword.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 A* A R REC1 AFPRSC('My_resource' *PDFSPO 1.234 + A 14.62) A* A R REC2 AFPRSC(&RESN &RESTYP &POSD &POSA) A RESN 125A P A RESTYP 10A P A POSD 5S 3P A POSA 5S 3P A* A R REC3 AFPRSC('Some_resource' *IOCA + A 4.332 5.661 (*SIZE 10.12 12.345) + A (*ROTATION 90) (*PATH *CWD)) A R REC4 AFPRSC(&RESN &RESTYP &POSD &POSA + A (*SIZE &WDTH &HGT) + A (*ROTATION &ROT) (*PATH &PATH)) A RESN 125A P A RESTYP 10A P A POSD 5S 3P A POSA 5S 3P A WDTH 5S 3P A HGT 5S 3P A ROT 3S 0P A PATH 500A P A R REC5 A 10 AFPRSC('Optional_resource' + A *PDFSPO + A 1.2 4.6 (*MAPOPT *P)(*COLORPRF + A *CMYKSWOP) + A (*SECRSC 'My resource' 26 + A 'Internal name' '/My/path') A
REC1 prints resource 'My_resource' found in either the environment variable QIBM_AFP_RESOURCES_PATH or the explicit path /QIBM/UserData/OS400/AFPresources. The resource is a PDFSPO resource. The resource prints 1.234 units down and 14.62 units across from the margins specified on the FRONTMGN or BACKMGN parameter on the CRTPRTF command.
REC2 allows the application program to specify the resource name, resource type, the position down and the position across parameters by setting program variables at run time. The resource name is provided in variable RESN. The object type of the resource is provided in RESTYP. The resource is positioned by the values in POSD (position down) and POSA (position across).
REC3 uses optional keyword parameters. The resource named 'Some_resource' prints 4.332 units down and 5.661 units across from the margins specified on the FRONTMGN or BACKMGN parameter on the CRTPRTF command. The resource is an IOCA object. It prints with a size of 10.12 units by 12.345 units. It is rotated 90 degrees and found in the user's current working directory.
REC4 uses program-to-system fields for all of the parameters for the keyword. Therefore, the values for the parameters are supplied at run time.
REC5 prints the resource named 'Optional resource' only if indicator 10 is on. REC5 also illustrates the use of additional optional parameters. The position mapping option is requested. A color profile of CMYKSWOP is requested. A secondary resource object 'My resource' whose secondary resource type is PDF resource object is provided; its internal name is 'Internal name' and it is found in path '/My/path'.
The second coding example uses DDS and P-fields.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 * R REC1 AFPRSC(&RESN &OBJT &OFFD &OFFA) * RESN 10A P OBJT 10A P OFFD 5S 3P OFFA 5S 3P
The following example illustrates the location of the resource using the previous DDS code. The application program specifies the resource name and object type by setting fields RESN and OBJT. The application program also sets a value of 2 in field OFFD and a value of 2 in field OFFA. Both the FRONTMGN and BACKMGN parameters on the CRTPRTF command are set to 2.