ERASEINP(*ALL) keyword

Follow the instructions in this topic to set the input save area to blanks and zeros to match the fields cleared at the workstation by the ERASEINP(*ALL) keyword.

Complete the following tasks:
  1. Specify the same option indicators for INZINP as for ERASEINP(*ALL), PUTOVR, and OVERLAY keywords.
  2. Specify OVRDTA or OVRATR for all input/output fields.

    Set option indicators off for these keywords if you do not want to send data or attributes to the device. If you enable OVRATR, also enable OVRDTA.

  3. Specify the OVRATR keyword for all input-only fields.

    Set option indicators off for this keyword if you do not want to send attributes to the device.

  4. Set all input/output fields to blanks (for character fields) or zeros (for numeric fields) before the output operation.

A warning message appears at file creation time if the INZINP keyword is specified on a record with the DSPMOD keyword. At runtime, the INZINP keyword is ignored when the display mode changes.

Option indicators are valid for this keyword.

The following example shows how to specify the INZINP keyword.

00010A          R FMT1
00020A  77                                  PUTOVR OVERLAY ERASEINP(*ALL)
00030A  77                                  INZINP
00040A                                  7  8'CUSTOMER NUMBER'
00050A            CUSNBR         6   I  7 26
00060A N77                                  OVRATR
00070A                                  9 12'CUSTOMER NAME'
00080A            NAME          25   B  9 30
00090A N77                                  OVRATR
00100A                                 10  2'CUSTOMER ADDRESS LINE 1'
00110A            ADDR1         25   B 10 30
00120A N77                                  OVRATR
00130A                                 11  2'CUSTOMER ADDRESS LINE 2'
00140A            ADDR2         25   B 11 30
00150A N77                                  OVRATR
00160A                                 12  9'NEW CREDIT LIMIT'
00170A            LIMIT          4  0I 12 30
00180A N77                                  OVRATR

Example details

This example illustrates the following points:

  1. For the first output operation, the user program sets off option indicator 77. Therefore, the PUTOVR, ERASEINP, and INZINP keywords are not in effect. This has the following effect:
    • Fields NAME, ADDR1, and ADDR2 are sent to the workstation.
    • The input save area contains:
      All blanks
      The program value (which appears on the display)
      The program value (which appears on the display)
      The program value (which appears on the display)
      All zeros
  2. For the second output operation, the user program sets on option indicator 77. This has the following effect:
    • All input-capable fields are cleared at the workstation.
    • No fields are sent to the workstation.
    • The input save area contains:
      All blanks
      The program value (not sent to the display)
      The program value (not sent to the display)
      The program value (not sent to the display)
      All zeros
Note: If fields NAME, ADDR1, and ADDR2 had been set to blanks before this second output operation, the input save area would contain all blanks and zeros.