Listed here are the product manuals and IBM® Redbooks™ (in PDF format), Web sites,
and information center topics that relate to the TCP/IP routing and workload
balancing topic. You can view or print any of the PDFs.
Other information
- Domain
Name System DNS is an advanced system for managing the host names that
are associated with Internet Protocol (IP) addresses on TCP/IP networks. Here
you will find basic concepts and procedures that you need to know to configure
and administer DNS.
- Logical
partitions This topic provides you with more background information
and detail.
- IP filtering and network address translation Information
in this topic helps you manage your filter rules. Some of the functions include
adding comments, editing, and viewing.
- OptiConnect This
topic provides you with information about OptiConnect routing.
- Point-to-Point
Protocol This protocol is commonly used to connect a computer to the
Internet. PPP is an Internet standard and is the most widely used connection
protocol among Internet service providers (ISPs).
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