Use this checklist to perform a complete save.
Use the following checklist for menu options 21, 22, and 23 of
the GO SAVE command. When appropriate, select the option that you require.
If you choose to, you can print system information during the procedure. Otherwise,
Printing system information contains detailed instructions on how to print
system information if you do not want the Save menu option command to print
your system information automatically.
Some of the steps in this checklist
may not apply to your system configuration. See Identify optional features
that affect your backup for help to determine whether you use optional features
in your environment. If you are still unsure how your system is configured,
contact your system administrator.
As an alternative to this checklist,
use Customize your GO SAVE
backup in the iSeries™ Information Center at to
produce a set of instructions that is tailored to your save environment.
Attention: If you are using the Hardware Management Console for eServer™ (HMC),
you must back up the HMC in addition to using the GO SAVE: Option 21 to obtain
a complete save of your system. See
Backing up and restoring the HMC the iSeries Information
Center at
- Sign on with a user profile that has *SAVSYS and *JOBCTL special
authorities, and also has sufficient authority to list different types of
server resources. (The QSECOFR user profile contains all of these authorities.)
This ensures that you have the authority that you need to place the server
in the necessary state and to save everything.
- Virtual images can significantly increase the time it takes to
complete an Option 21 save operation, even if the image catalog entries do
not contain data. If you want to exclude virtual images from a full system
save, use one of the following strategies:
- If you have independent ASPs, make them available before ending iSeries Navigator
if you want them to be included in an Option 21 or 23 save.
Note: If
your server includes independent ASPs that are geographically mirrored, it
is recommended that you eliminate them from this GO SAVE option by making
them unavailable. You should save independent ASPs that are geographically
mirrored separate from this GO SAVE operation. If the geographically mirrored
ASPs remain available during the GO SAVE operation, geographic mirroring is
suspended when the system becomes restricted. When you resume mirroring after
the save, a complete synchronization is required. Synchronization can be a
very lengthy process.
For more information see Independent disk pools the iSeries Information
Center at
- If you are operating in a clustered environment and want to save
independent ASPs without causing a failover, or you want to save the cluster
environment for a node, you must end the device cluster resource group and
end clustering before you end subsystems.
Use the End Cluster
Resource Group ENDCRG command
and the End Cluster Node NeENDCLUNOD command.
For more information, refer to the online help in the Simple Cluster Management
utility or see Clusters.
- If you have OptiConnect controllers, vary them off prior to the
save operation. You must vary off OptiConnect controllers before ending subsystems
and performing a save of the entire server, or before any save that ends the
QSOC subsystem. If you do not vary off OptiConnect controllers before ending
subsystems, they go into a failed status, the server marks them as damaged,
and the server does not save them. For more information, see Networking for logical partitions the iSeries Information
Center at
- If you have IBM® WebSphere® MQ for iSeries, V5.3 (5724-B41), you need to
quiesce WebSphere MQ,
V5.3 before you save the server. The MQSeries® for i5/OS™ Administration, GC33–1356 book has
instructions for quiescing WebSphere MQ, V5.3.
- If you plan to run the save procedure immediately, make sure that
no jobs are running on the server: type WRKACTJOB .
If you plan to schedule the save procedure to run later, send a message
to all users informing them when the server will be unavailable.
- Type GO SAVE at a command prompt to display the
Save menu.
- To perform an attended save of your server, go to step 11.
- To perform an unattended save operation, continue with the following
steps. An unattended save operation prevents your save operation from stopping
because of unanswered messages:
- Display the reply list sequence numbers to find what numbers are available
for use:
- If MSGID(CPA3708) is not already in your reply list, add it. For xxxx,
substitute an unused sequence number from 1 through 9999:
MSGID(CPA3708) +
- If you are using virtual media for your save media, specify automatic
load in the reply list, MSGID(OPT149F), to avoid receiving a message that
interrupts the unattended save. If necessary, virtual optical will use the
autoload feature to create additional images with the same capacity as the
last image you loaded, provided the disk storage is available.
- Change your job to use the reply list and to notify you of any break messages
that are sent:
Note: You can also set up a default so that whenever you select menu
options 21, 22, or 23, the server will always use the reply list. To set up
the default, select
option 20 from the Save menu. Specify
Yes on the
system reply list option.
- Select the option (21, 22, or 23) from the Save menu and press
the Enter key.
A prompt display describes the function of the
menu option that you selected.
- After reading the Specify Command Defaults prompt
display, press the Enter key to continue.
Specify Command Defaults
Type choices, press Enter.
Devices . . . . . . . . . . . TAP01 Names
Prompt for commands . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Check for active file . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Message queue delivery . . . . *BREAK *BREAK, *NOTIFY
Start time . . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT *CURENT, time
Vary off network servers . . . . *ALL *NONE, *ALL
Unmount file systems . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Specify Command Defaults
Type choice, press Enter.
Print system information . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Use system reply list . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Spooled file data . . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *ALL
- Type your choices for the Devices prompt. You can specify
as many as four tape media device names. If you specify more than one device,
the server automatically switches to the next tape device when the current
tape is full. You may select only one DVD-RAM optical media device.
The first device for options 21 and 22 should be your alternate IPL
device. If you are creating media to install on another server, the device
must be compatible with the alternate IPL device for that server. This ensures
that the server can read the SAVSYS media if you need to restore your Licensed
Internal Code and the operating system.
- Type your choice for the Prompt for commands prompt. Specify N (No)
if you want to run an unattended save. Specify Y (Yes) if
you want to change the defaults on the SAVxxx commands.
Note: If Y is
specified to change the LABEL parameter for save commands, Y must
be specified if you use this media to restore the server.
- Type your choice for the Check for active files prompt.
Specify Y (Yes) if you want the server to warn you if active
files exist on the save media. The warning you receive gives the following
- Cancel the save operation.
- Insert new media and try the command again.
- Initialize the current media and try the command again.
Note: If you use DVD-RAM optical media for your save, the server sends
inquiry messages to the QSYSOPR message queue when it encounters identical
active files. The server sends the inquiry message for each identical active
file that it finds. See
media or
Solutions in iSeries Information Center at
Specify N (No) if you want the server to write over
any active files on the save media without warning you.
- Type your choice for the Message queue delivery prompt.
Specify *NOTIFY if you want to do an unattended save. This prevents communications
messages from stopping the save operation. If you specify *NOTIFY, severity
99 messages that are not associated with the save operation are sent to the
QSYSOPR message queue without interrupting the save process. For example,
messages that request a new volume be loaded interrupt the save operation
because they are associated with the job. You cannot continue until you reply
to these messages.
Specify *BREAK if you want to be interrupted
for severity 99 messages that require a reply.
- Type your choice for the Start time prompt. You may schedule
the start of the save operation up to 24 hours later. For example, assume
that the current time is 4:30 p.m. on Friday. If you specify 2:30 for the
start time, the save operation begins at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday.
Note: - The server uses the Delay Job (DLYJOB) command to schedule the save operation.
Your workstation will be unavailable from the time you request the menu option
until the save operation completes.
- Make sure that your workstation is in a secure location.
Your workstation remains signed on, waiting for the job to start. If the server
request function is used to cancel the job, your workstation displays the
Save menu. The workstation remains signed on with your user profile and your
- Make sure that the value for the QINACTITV system value is
*NONE. If the value for QINACTITV is other than *NONE, the workstation will
vary off in the amount of time specified. If you changed the value to *NONE,
write the old value down.
- If you specify a delayed start and want your save operation to run unattended,
be sure you have done the following:
- Set up the system reply list.
- Specified *NONE on QINACTITV system value.
- Specified *NOTIFY on message queue delivery.
- Specify *NOTIFY for any break messages.
- Responded N to the Prompt for commands prompt.
- Responded N to Check for active files.
- Type your choice for the Vary off network servers prompt.
If you use iSeries Integration
for Windows® Server,
you may vary off the network server descriptions before beginning the save
The Information Center provides additional information
about the effects of varying off the network servers. Select one of the following
options to specify which network servers should be varied off before the save
operation is performed:
- Does not vary off network servers. The save operation will take longer
since the network server data will be saved in a format that allows restoration
of individual objects.
- *ALL
- Varies off all network servers. The save operation will take less time
but the network server data will not be saved in a format that allows restoration
of individual objects. You will only be able to restore all of the data from
the network servers.
- Type your choice for the Unmount file system prompt. If
you use user-defined file systems (UDFSs), you should unmount the UDFSs before
beginning the save procedure. Specify Y (Yes) if you want
to allow all dynamically mounted file systems to be unmounted. This allows
you to save UDFSs and their associated objects. IBM recommends that you unmount your UDFSs
for recovery purposes. For more information on UDFSs, refer to
i5/OS Network
File System Support, SC41-5714-03. Note: After
the save operation completes, the server will not attempt to remount the file
Specify N (No) if you do not want all
dynamically mounted file systems to be unmounted. If you specify N,
and you have mounted UDFSs, you will receive a CPFA09E message
for each mounted UDFS. The objects in the mounted UDFS will be saved as if
they belong to the mounted over file system.
- Type your choice for the Print system information prompt.
Specify Y (Yes) if you want to print the system information.
The system information may be useful for disaster recovery. Printing
system information explains how to print your system information manually
without using the automatic GO SAVE command menu option function.
- Type your choice for the Use system reply list prompt. Specify Y (Yes)
if you want to use the system reply list when the server sends an inquiry
Type your choice for the Spooled file data prompt.
Specify *NONE if you do not want to save spooled files or *ALL to save spooled
files. Note: Saving spooled files may require more save media and
will take additional time.

- Press the Enter key. If you chose a later start time, your display
shows message CPI3716. The message tells when the save operation was requested
and when it will start. You cannot use the display until the save operation
completes. The input-inhibited indicator should appear. You have completed
the steps for setting up the save operation.
If you did not
choose a later start time, continue with step 23. If the value
for QSYSOPR message queue delivery is *BREAK with a severity level of 60
or lower, you must respond to the ENDSBS messages. This is true even if you
plan to run an unattended save operation specifying a start time of *CURRENT.
- If you responded Y to the system prompt, Prompt
for commands, the End Subsystem display appears. Type any changes and press
the Enter key. While the server is ending subsystems, you see the following
messages. You must respond to them if the QSYSOPR message queue is set to
*BREAK with a severity level of 60 or lower. Each message appears at least
twice. Press the Enter key to respond to each message.
- CPF0994 ENDSBS SBS(*ALL) command being processed
- CPF0968 System ended to restricted condition
If you responded N to the Prompt for commands prompt,
skip to step 25.
- When the server is ready to perform each major step in the save
operation, you are shown the prompt display for that step. The time between
prompt displays may be quite long.
For option 21 (Entire system)
these prompt displays appear:
SAV DEV('/QSYS.LIB/media-device-name.DEVD') +
OBJ(('/*') ('/QSYS.LIB' *OMIT) +
('/QDLS' *OMIT)) +
STRSBS SBSD(controlling-subsystem)
For option 22 (System
data only) these prompt displays appear:
SAV DEV('/QSYS.LIB/media-device-name.DEVD') +
OBJ(('/QIBM/ProdData') +
('/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData')) +
STRSBS SBSD(controlling-subsystem)
For option 23 (All user
data) these prompt displays appear:
SAV DEV('/QSYS.LIB/media-device-name.DEVD') +
OBJ(('/*') ('/QSYS.LIB' *OMIT) +
('/QDLS' *OMIT) +
('/QIBM/ProdData' *OMIT) +
('/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData' *OMIT)) +
STRSBS SBSD(controlling-subsystem)
Type your changes at each
prompt display and press the Enter key.
- When the server sends a message that asks
you to load the next volume, load the next media and respond to the message.
For example, if the message is the following, load the next volume and then
enter R to retry (C cancels the operation):
Device was not ready or next volume was
not loaded (C R)
If a media error occurs
Note: If
an unrecoverable media error occurs during the SAVLIB procedure, see How to recover from a
media error during a SAVLIB operation in the iSeries Information Center at
You can find this subject under the Backing up your server topic in the Information
- You should mount all other user-defined file systems at this point
if you unmounted them for the save operations.
- Change the QINACTITV system value back to its original value. You
wrote this value down in step 17 c.
- When the save operation completes, print the job log. It contains
information about the save operation. Use it to verify that the operation
saved all objects. Type one of the following:
You have completed the save operation.
Make sure that you mark all of your media and store it in a safe, accessible
- If you ended clustering before running the save operation, restart
clustering on the save node from a node where clustering is already active.
For more information, refer to the online help in the Simple
Cluster Management utility or see Clusters in
the iSeries Information
Center at
- Now restart the device cluster resource group to enable resiliency.
- When your independent disk pool was saved, the Qdefault.UDFS was
unmounted, if you chose to unmount file systems. In order to use the independent
disk pool again, remount Qdefault.UDFS. Do this step for each independent
disk pool that you saved.
TYPE(*UDFS) MOUNT MFS('/dev/iasp_name/Qdefault.UDFS') MTOVRDIR('/iasp-name')