Obtain a list of error messages specific to logical partitions.
If the server experiences logical partition errors, it will notify
you in one of the following ways:
Logical partition error messages at the bottom
of the display screen
This list contains error messages that are
specific to the logical partitions green screen interface. These messages
generally appear near the bottom of the display screen.
The following
information lists each error message and a reason why the error occurred.
Recovery actions, if appropriate, are included.
- A console resource must be selected before an alternate console resource
- You need to select the main console resource before you can proceed with
selecting the alternate console resource. Main and alternate consoles can
be the same resource.
- Accept load source disk unit failed
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration data recovery action. Contact your service
- Accept load source disk unit failed - no data found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. No one has altered the
server yet by removing resources from the primary partition and assigning
them to new secondary partitions. The server did not perform the requested
- Accept load source disk unit not performed - data not protected
- The server does not detect a problem with the logical partition configuration
data saved on this partition's load source disk unit. There is no reason to
perform the accept operation.
- Activate remote service failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Add I/O resource failed
- An internal error occurred. The server did not find the IOP you are adding
as an available resource. It is not currently allocated to the relevant partition.
Contact your service provider.
- Adjust configuration values when changing to i5/OS™
- This message is informational only.
- Alternate console IOP selection failed
- An internal error occurred. The server could not correlate the IOP with
the list of resources that are assigned to the partition. Check the Licensed
Internal Code logs for a 0C00 C9FF entry.
- Alternate console IOP selection successful, no console IOP selected yet
- This is a warning message. You need to select the console IOP for this
partition. For more help, contact your service provider.
- Alternate IPL IOP selection failed
- An internal error occurred. The server could not correlate the IOP with
the list of resources assigned to the partition. Check the Licensed Internal
Code logs for a 0C00 C9FF entry.
- Alternate IPL IOP selection successful, but optical not supported
- You have successfully selected an alternate IPL IOP for a secondary partition.
That kind of resource does not support optical devices. A tape device might
be available for use.
- Alternate IPL IOP selection successful, but tape not supported
- You have successfully selected an alternate IPL IOP for a secondary partition.
That kind of resource does not support tape devices. A CD-ROM device might
be available for use.
- Bus xxx already allocated
- The partition is already using the bus. If you want to change the ownership
type of the bus, select option 5 (Change bus ownership type) from the Work
with Partition Configuration display screen.
- Bus xxx not allocated
- You cannot remove or change the bus. Or you cannot add the IOP since the
partition does not currently own the bus. No other logical partition currently
owns the bus.
- Bus xxx not available
- Another partition already owns the bus in shared mode that you attempted
to add. You can choose to use the bus instead of own the bus.
- Bus xxx ownership type cannot be changed
- The bus is a special type that prevents it from being changed to shared.
The virtual OptiConnect bus or the primary bus that contains the service processor
falls into this category.
- Bus requires allocation
- A partition must own the bus before another partition can use it in shared
mode. Add the bus to a partition with the status of own shared before attempting
to use it in another partition.
- Bus xxx requires an owner
- Before you can select the IOP, you need to assign the bus to a partition.
- Cannot change bus xxx ownership while it is in use by another partition
- Cannot change the status of the bus while it is in use by another partition.
Remove usage of the bus before proceeding with the current requested action.
- Cannot perform requested panel function 22 during system MSD IPL
- This partition is currently going through a main storage dump. You cannot
do another one yet.
- Cannot perform requested panel function at this time
- The server is performing internal processing (such as an early-stage IPL
of a secondary partition) and cannot accept the requested panel function.
Try the request again at a later time.
- Cannot perform requested panel function, partition must be in manual mode
- This error will occur if you attempt to use option 10 on the Work with
Partition Status display screen on a partition that is not set to manual mode.
To perform option 10, first set the partition to manual mode and restart the
- Cannot perform requested panel function while system is in secure mode
- This error will occur if you attempt to use panel functions on the Work
with Partition Status display screen on a secondary partition set to secure
mode. When a secondary partition is set to secure mode, you can only perform
its panel functions from the primary partition Work with Partition Status
display screen from a DST console. When you change a secondary partition mode
from secure to another mode, you can use panel functions on that secondary
- Cannot use reserved primary partition name
- You tried to use the word "PRIMARY" for the name of a secondary partition.
This name is reserved for the primary partition only. Enter a different name.
- Change bus ownership type failed
- The information on the server indicates that the partition does not own
or use the bus, so the change ownership type has failed. Refresh the list
of resources by exiting and entering the screen again. Try the request again
if logical partition really owns or uses the bus. If the request fails again,
contact your service provider.
- Change operating environment failed - partition must be powered off.
- Some logical partition actions require a partition to be powered on or
- Change operating environment was cancelled.
- A user manually cancelled the change to the operating environment. This
message is informational only.
- Change operating environment was successful.
- This message is informational only.
- Change successful, but SLIC release does not support shared processors.
- This function is not supported for one of the following reasons: The version
or release of the operating system does not support this function or the installed
guest operating system does not support this function.
- Clear configuration data failed
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration data recovery action. Contact your service
- Clear configuration data failed - no data found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. No one has altered the
server yet by removing resources from the primary and assigning them to new
secondary partitions. The server did not perform the requested action.
- Clear non-configured disk unit configuration data failed
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration data recovery action. Contact your service
- Clear non-configured disk unit configuration data failed - no data found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. No one has altered the
server yet by removing resources from the primary and assigning them to new
secondary partitions, or the disk unit does not contain any configuration
data. The server did not perform the requested action.
- Clear non-reporting logical partitioning resources failed
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration data recovery action. Contact your service
- Clear non-reporting resources failed - no data found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. No one has altered the
server yet by removing resources from the primary partition and assigning
them to new secondary partitions. The server did not perform the requested
- Clear non-reporting resources not performed - data protected
- The server detected logical partition configuration data problems, so
the copy operation cannot proceed. You must perform some other recovery action
- Clear reference code history failed
- Try the task again. If it continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Configuration change successful, but partition will not be functional
- The server will allow changes made to the logical partition. However,
the logical partition might not restart successfully since it does not meet
minimum requirements for processors, main storage, or interactive performance.
Add the required resources before restarting the partition.
- Configuration data changed during request, try again.
- The configuration of the partitions has changed while you were making
your request. Wait five minutes and retry the operation. The partition might
be restarting or might be finishing its restart process.
- Configuration data errors detected - see Product Activity Log
- The logical partition configuration data is protected and cannot be changed
until you take corrective action. See the product activity log (PAL) for information.
Typically, you must use an option on the Recover Configuration Data display
screen to correct the problem.
- Configuration data found that is newer
- The server found logical partition configuration data on other disk units.
The data is newer than the data on this partition's load source disk unit.
No other action required.
- Configuration data found that is older
- The server found logical partition configuration data on other disk units.
The data is older than the data on this partition's load source disk unit.
No other action required.
- Configuration data found that originated from another partition
- The server found logical partition configuration data on other disk units.
The server has determined that the configuration data originated on another
partition. Clear the configuration data for the disk units which are not configured
before using them.
- Configuration data found that originated from another system
- The server found logical partition configuration data on other disk units.
The server has determined that the configuration data originated on another
server. Clear the configuration data for the disk units that are not configured
before using them.
- Console IOP selection failed
- An internal error occurred. The server could not correlate the I/O processor
(IOP) with the list of resources assigned to the partition. Check the Licensed
Internal Code logs for a 0C00 C9FF entry.
- Control panel read failed
- Try the task again. If it continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Control panel task failed
- The virtual service processor task has failed. The use of control panel
functions for secondary partitions might not work from the primary partition.
Contact your service provider.
- Control panel update failed
- An internal error occurred that caused the panel request to fail. Try
again and if the condition persists contact your service provider. There might
be a 0C00 C9FF Licensed Internal Code log.
- Copy configuration data to other side failed
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration data recovery action. Contact your service
- Copy configuration data to other side failed - data not valid
- This copy of the logical partition configuration data is corrupt or wrong.
Try restarting the partition using the other IPL source. If successful, use
this function to copy that configuration data to this IPL source. If you cannot
fix the problem, contact your service provider.
- Copy configuration data to other side failed - no data found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. No one has altered the
server yet by removing resources from the primary partition and assigning
them to new secondary partitions. The server did not perform the requested
- Copy configuration data to other side not performed - data protected
- The server has detected logical partition configuration data problems,
so the copy operation cannot proceed. Some other recovery action must be performed
- Could not start a service tool
- A service function could not be started from the Use Dedicated Service
Tools menu. If you are attempting to work with server partitions, this error
indicates that another user in the same logical partition is currently working
with server partitions using SST.
- CPM or MSD IPL retry failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Data may be incomplete until all partitions are IPLed
- The service function has checked if secondary partitions that are represented
on the screen where this message is displayed are all powered on and able
to report resources such as I/O adapters and devices. The logical partition
configuration manager does not track these types of resources in general.
You might only see buses and I/O processors until the partitions are activated.
- Data may be incomplete until partition is IPLed
- The logical partition is in a state (powered off, for example) where the
logical partition configuration manager cannot know for sure what resources
are attached to the bus or buses owned or used by the partition. It is possible
some resources have physically moved since the last time the partition restarted
successfully. This message is informational. It indicates that the server
will not display I/O adapters and devices until you restart the logical partition.
Bus resources might have been moved since that last restart.
- Data recovery will not be allowed, return code: xxxxxxxx
- This message is displayed when the server experiences an error during
a configuration data recovery process. Contact your service provider.
- Deactivate remote service failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Default electronic customer support IOP selection failed
- An internal error occurred. The server could not correlate the IOP with
the list of resources assigned to the partition. Check the Licensed Internal
Code logs for a 0C00 C9FF entry.
- Delete failed - one or more partitions currently use the shared pool.
- This action is not allowed because there are active secondary partitions
using the shared processor pool.
- Detailed report does not exist for the problem
- This problem does not have any detailed information about it. No other
action is required.
- Disk unit IOP reset/reload failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Display processor status failed, no processors are owned by partition
- The selected partition does not have any processors. The requested option
cannot be performed.
- DST console session required to use panel function while in secure mode
- This error occurs in SST when you select a function that must be performed
in DST. Use the DST display screen to perform this function.
- Dump MFIOP failed.
- The request to dump the MFIOP failed. Check the product activity log for
errors associated with the MFIOP resource and report the errors to your service
- Dump MFIOP was successful.
- You have successfully dumped the MFIOP.
- Electronic customer support IOP selection successful, async not supported
- You have successfully selected a default electronic customer support IOP
for a secondary partition. Beware that the asynchronous communications protocol
is not supported by that kind of resource.
- Electronic customer support IOP selection successful, SDLC not supported
- You have successfully selected a default electronic customer support IOP
for a secondary partition. Beware that the SDLC communications protocol is
not supported by that kind of resource.
- Enter value for shared processor pool units.
- Set the value for the shared processor pool units.
- Force DST failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Function not allowed during system MSD IPL.
- This partition is currently going through a main storage dump. You cannot
perform the requested functions at this time.
- Function not available due to version/release level of primary partition
- The function you tried to perform in the secondary partition is not possible
because the primary partition has an earlier version of the operating system.
The primary partition must be at the same level or a higher level for you
to be able to use this function.
- Function not supported in SST, use DST console
- The function you tried to perform is only allowed from DST because of
the greater security for DST. Start DST and try the function again.
- Highest number allowed for partition identifier: xx
- This error occurs when you try to give the partition an identifier that
is greater than what the server allows. Enter a number that is less than or
equal to the highest allowed number.
- Incorrect key pressed
- An invalid key was pressed. Press a valid function key for this display
- Incorrect resource type selected
- You made a request that is not supported by the type of resource you selected.
Depending on the display screen where the error message is displayed, you
might need to select a bus, an IOP, or both.
- Interactive feature decreased to xxx % based on number of processors
- This is an informational message that the system has adjusted the value.
Verify the value and press Enter to accept it. No other action is required.
- Interactive feature increased to xxx % based on number of processors
- This is an informational message that the system has adjusted the value.
Verify the value and press Enter to accept it. No other action is required.
- Interactive feature percentage entered is not valid
- You entered a value that was greater than 100 % or that was not an integer.
Enter a value between 1% and 100% for the partition.
- Interactive feature percentage not within minimum and maximum range
- You tried to change the value for interactive performance in this partition.
However, the value you entered is not between the minimum and maximum values.
Either enter a number that is between the minimum and maximum values, or change
the minimum and maximum values.
- IOP cannot be added or removed due to IOP type
- The server cannot add or remove the I/O processor because it is:
- Attached to the virtual bus used for OptiConnect.
- Attached to a bus that is used in a clustered environment.
- The IOP that is used for the primary partition load source or console.
- IOP option must match bus option specified
- Due to the nature of the request, a bus and an attached IOP cannot have
conflicting options taken against them.
- IOP selected lacks capabilities to support requested function
- When resource capability is being filtered on a tagged resource selection
screen this message will appear if the server determines that the resource
cannot support the requested capability selection. Tagged resources are ones
that have special meaning for secondary partitions, such as the load source
IOP or console IOP. Press F9 on the selection displays to turn filtering off.
This will allow the selection if you still want to use the resource.
- I/O resources differ from system, adjust configuration after recovery
- This is a warning message. Some resources in the server are not originally
part of the configuration. Perform recovery actions for the partition configuration
- Insufficient available shared processor units.
- You have tried to set the number of shared processor units to a number
greater than is available in the shared processor pool. Possible solutions
are to add more processors to the shared processing pool or to reduce the
number of shared processor units to be less than or equal to the number of
available shared processors units.
- IPL restart failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Load source and console IOPs will be required to continue with create
- There are no available IOPs to add to this partition. Go back and remove
the required IOPs from another partition that does not need them, then continue
with creating this partition.
- Load source IOP selection failed
- An internal error occurred. The server could not correlate the IOP with
the list of resources assigned to the partition. Check the Licensed Internal
Code logs for a 0C00 C9FF entry.
- Logical partitioning configuration data error detected
- Logical partition configuration manager checksum failed. You cannot trust
the configuration data to be valid. Contact your service provider.
- Logical partitioning configuration data is not valid
- Logical partition configuration management did not detect logical partition
data on the current IPL source of the load source disk unit (source A or source
B). Contact your service provider.
- Logical partitioning configuration data not found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. No one has altered the
server yet by removing resources from the primary partition and assigning
them to new secondary partitions. The server did not perform the requested
- The logical partition API has been deprecated on physical system
- The logical partition configuration functionality for this system is available
from the Hardware Management Console. See the logical partitioning information in the IBM® Systems Hardware
Information Center.
- Make a valid selection
- You entered input that is not valid for this selection. Enter valid input
for this selection.
- Maximum interactive performance set to xxx % based on maximum processors
- The server has 100% interactive performance available to split between
partitions. However, the allowable ranges for each partition depend on how
the server processors are split. For example, if one partition has only 10%
of the server's processors, then it would not be possible for that partition
to use 99% of the interactive performance available to the server. These error
messages will appear when the interactive performance settings are outside
of a practical range, and the server has made the adjustment for you.
- Maximum processor pool units above what maximum processors can support.
- You have tried to set the amount of processing units to a number greater
than the maximum processors can support. A possible solution is to reduce
the maximum amount of processing units requested.
- Maximum processor units set to xxx based on maximum processors.
- The maximum processor units were adjusted based on the maximum processors
specified. The adjusted value is different than what was specified to satisfy
the maximum processor units supported per processor.
- Maximum value entered is not valid
- The value you entered is incorrect. Either it is greater than what this
server allows, or it is not an integer. Enter a different value.
- Minimum interactive feature set to xxx % based on minimum processors
- The server has 100% interactive performance available to split between
partitions. However, the allowable ranges for each partition depend on how
the server processors are split. For example, if one partition has 90% of
the server's processors, then it would not be possible for that partition
to use 1% of the interactive performance available to the server. These error
messages will appear when the interactive performance settings are outside
of a practical range, and the server has made the adjustment for you.
- Minimum processor pool units below what minimum processors can support.
- You have tried to set the amount of processing units to a number less
than the minimum processors can support. A possible solutions is to increase
the amount of processing units requested.
- Minimum processor units set to xxx based on minimum processors.
- The minimum processor units were adjusted based on the minimum processors
specified. The adjusted value is different than what was specified to satisfy
the minimum processor units supported per processor.
- Minimum value cannot be greater than the maximum value
- The value you specified for the minimum is greater than the value for
the maximum. Either make the maximum value greater or enter a value for the
minimum that is less than the current maximum.
- Minimum value entered is not valid
- The value you entered is incorrect. Either it is less than what this server
allows, or it is not an integer. Enter a different value.
- Multiple interactive feature values adjusted based on processor values
- This is an informational message that the system has adjusted the values.
Verify the values and press Enter to accept them. No other action is required.
- New interactive performance percentage entered is greater than available
- Not enough interactive performance is available to allow you to add the
amount that you requested. Either add less interactive performance or free
the interactive performance from another partition.
- New number of processors entered is greater than available
- Not enough processors are available to allow you to add the amount that
you requested. Either add fewer processors or free processors from another
- New partition name entered is not valid
- The partition name must conform to the following rules: Characters can
be any letter (A-Z) and any number (0 - 9). Name cannot be all blanks. Name
cannot be PRIMARY. Name cannot be the same as an existing secondary partition.
- New partition name entered is not valid - name already exists
- The name you entered for this partition is already being used by another
partition on the server. Enter a different name for this partition.
- New size of main storage entered is greater than available
- Not enough main storage is available to allow you to add the amount that
you requested. Either add less main storage or free the main storage needed
from another partition.
- No alternate IPL device is currently attached to IOP selected
- This is a warning message. The server cannot identify any alternate IPL
devices attached to this IOP. If no devices are attached, make sure you attach
one before trying to use the IOP in a partition.
- No change made, the new name is the same as the existing name
- This is an informational message. You choose to change the name of the
partition. However, the name you selected is the same as it was previously.
No other action is required.
- No console device is currently attached to IOP selected
- This is a warning message. The server cannot identify any console devices
attached to this IOP. If no devices are attached, make sure that you attach
one before trying to use the IOP in a partition.
- No electronic customer support resource is attached to IOP selected
- This is a warning message. The server cannot identify any electronic customer
support devices attached to this IOP. If no devices are attached, make sure
that you attach one before trying to use the IOP in a partition.
- No guest partitions defined.
- This is informational only.
- No load source capable disk unit is currently attached to IOP selected
- This is a warning message. The server cannot identify any load source
disk units attached to this IOP. If no devices are attached, make sure that
you attach one before trying to use the IOP in a partition.
- No non-configured disk units found that have configuration data
- This message is displayed on the Select Non-Configured Disk Unit for Configuration
Data Clear display screen. The disk units you selected do not contain any
partition configuration data.
- No service printer specified. Print request failed
- This message is displayed in DST or SST when you do not select a printer
and exit the prompt. If you meant to select a printer, try the request again.
- Not able to start Work with system partitions
- This message is displayed in SST and indicates that another user on the
server is currently working with logical partitions in either DST or SST.
- Not enough interactive performance percentage available
- You requested to add more interactive performance than is available. Either
add less interactive performance or remove what you need from other partitions.
- Not enough main storage available
- You requested to add more main storage than is available. Either add less
main storage or remove what you need from other partitions.
- Not enough processors available
- You requested to add more processors than are available. Either add fewer
processors or remove what you need from other partitions.
- Not enough processors available.
- There are not enough available processors to complete your request. Reduce
the number of processors being requested.
- Not enough shared pool processor units available.
- You tried to set the amount of shared processor units to a number greater
than is available. Possible solutions are to add more processors to the shared
pool or to reduce the amount of processor units requested to be less than
or equal to the amount of processors units that are available.
- Number entered is too small - less than required by using partitions.
- The shared processor pool requires more processors than the number you
entered. Enter a greater number of processors to complete the request. The
shared processor pool must have enough processors to support the greatest
number of processors of all the partitions using the shared processor pool.
- Number of processors allocated to pool changed successfully.
- This message is informational only.
- Number of processors entered is greater than available.
- You tried to move more processors than are available. Reduce the number
of processors to move.
- Number of processors not within minimum and maximum range
- You tried to change the value for processors in this partition. However,
the value you entered is not between the minimum and maximum values. Either
enter a number that is between the minimum and maximum values, or change the
minimum and maximum values.
- Number of processors entered is not valid
- The value you entered is incorrect. Either it is less than or greater
than what is allowed for this server or it is not an integer. Enter a different
- Number of shared processor units not within minimum and maximum range.
- The number of processing units must be greater than or equal to the minimum
and less than or equal to the maximum shared processor units.
- Only one partition may be selected
- You tried to perform an action on more than one partition. This display
screen can only handle one request at a time. Repeat the action separately
for each partition.
- Only one resource may be selected
- You tried to perform an action on more than one resource. This display
screen can only handle one request at a time. Repeat the action separately
for each resource.
- Only one resource of a specific type may be selected
- You tried to perform an action on more than one type of resource. This
display screen can only handle one request at a time for each type of resource.
Repeat the action separately for each type of resource.
- Option is allowed only from primary partition
- You can perform options 13 and 14 to change the System IPL Action from
the primary partition. The server does not allow the displaying or changing
of that value in secondary partitions. Or the secondary partition is in secure
mode. You must therefore go to the primary DST console to change the mode
to a value other than secure mode.
- Option not allowed during system MSD IPL
- When the server is performing a main storage dump (MSD), you cannot perform
many of the logical partition configuration options that alter the logical
partition configuration data. For example, you cannot perform recovery actions
or create a new secondary partition.
- Option not allowed for new partition until next system IPL
- This partition was recently created. You cannot perform any actions from
it until after you restart the server. When you restart the server, you can
attempt this option.
- Option not allowed for primary partition
- Some options do not make sense when issued against the primary partition.
For example you cannot change the primary partition's name, delete the primary
partition, or select a tagged secondary resource like a load source IOP or
a console IOP.
- Option not allowed for resource chosen
- The option you entered is not valid on this display screen. See the display
screen for a list of allowed options.
- Option not allowed while partition is in secure mode, use primary DST
- This error will occur if you attempt to use panel functions on the Work
with Partition Status display screen on a partition set to secure mode. When
a partition is set to secure mode, you can only perform its panel functions
from the primary partition Work with Partition Status display screen from
a DST console. When you change a partition mode from secure to another mode,
you can use panel functions on that secondary partition.
- Option is only allowed for the primary partition.
- Some actions are not allowed for a secondary partitions. For example,
configuration changes cannot be made from a secondary partition.
- Panel function failed - keylock is not in control panel
- The key for the server is not in the control panel. Insert the key and
try the request again.
- Partition already powered off
- You selected to power off this partition. However, the partition is already
- Partition already powered on
- You selected to power on this partition. However, the partition is already
- Partition create failed - maximum number of partitions already exist
- The server already has the maximum allowed number of logical partitions
allowed for the release. You cannot create another one.
- Partition create failed - not enough system resources available
- You cannot create another partition. The maximum number of partitions
that this server supports have already been created.
- Partition delete failed - partition must be powered off
- You cannot delete a partition while it is still powered on. Power of the
partition, then perform the delete operation for that partition.
- Partition does not currently own the bus.
- The action cannot be performed because no other logical partition owns
the bus. You must assign ownership of this bus before you can do the following:
- Remove the bus.
- Change the bus.
- Move an I/O processor.
- Partition identifier entered is already in use by another partition
- This error occurs when you try to give the partition an identifier that
is already used by another partition on the server. Enter a different identifier.
- Partition identifier entered is not valid
- You entered an identifier that was not between 1 and 24 or that was not
an integer. Enter a value that is between 1 and 24.
- Partition install might be needed after recovery due to version/release
- This is a warning message. The system found what seems to be an unsupported
software version in one of the secondary partitions. The identified release
cannot support the current server hardware. If the secondary partition does
have an unsupported release, install a supported i5/OS version
after you finish recovering the primary partition.
- Partition xxx create successful, but partition will not be functional.
- The server allowed the changes to the logical partition. However, the
logical partition might not restart successfully since it does not meet one
or more of the minimum requirements for processors, memory, or interactive
performance. Add the required resources before restarting the partition.
- Power off domain failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Power on domain failed
- The panel task has experienced a failure. Try the request again. If it
continues to fail, contact your service provider.
- Primary partition configuration data recovery failed
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration data recovery action. Contact your service
- Primary partition configuration data recovery failed - no data found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. No one has altered server
yet by removing resources from the primary partition and assigning them to
new secondary partitions. The server did not perform the requested action.
- Primary partition configuration data recovery failed - no new data found
- No further action is necessary. The server did not find any logical partition
configuration data on other disk units that is different than what is currently
saved on this logical partition's load source disk unit.
- Print request failed with unknown error
- An unknown error has occurred. Contact your service provider.
- Print request not submitted, no entries listed to print
- You tried to send a print request without selecting anything to print,
or, this display screen does not allow printing. Try to print from a display
screen that allows you to select entries.
- Print request submitted to service printer with one or more errors
- This is an informational error. Although the print request had some errors,
the print request was successful. You might want to contact your service provider
to determine the nature of the problem.
- Problem resolution failed
- A problem selected to be accepted is not currently in the list of known
problems for the logical partition, or another internal error occurred. Contact
your service representative.
- Problem resolution failed, unable to clear attention errors
- A problem selected to be accepted is not currently in the list of known
problems for the logical partition, or another internal error occurred. Contact
your service representative.
- Problem resolution failed, unable to clear informational errors
- A problem selected to be accepted is not currently in the list of known
problems for the logical partition, or another internal error occurred. Contact
your service representative.
- Problem resolution failed, unable to clear severe errors
- A problem selected to be accepted is not currently in the list of known
problems for the partition, or another internal error occurred. Contact your
service representative.
- Remove I/O resource failed
- An internal error occurred. The server did not find that the IOP is currently
owned by the relevant partition and is not already an available resource.
Contact your service provider.
- Reorder SPCN addressing was successful.
- This message is informational only.
- Requested panel function not currently enabled
- The server has not enabled the panel function at this time. Wait and try
the request again. For instance, if panel function 21 is attempted against
a partition that is restarting and not quite to dedicated service tools (DST)
yet, then 21 will not be enabled until DST is reached.
- Request failed, bus xxx not in use
- The partition does not currently use the bus, so it cannot own it.
- Request failed, bus xxx not shared
- The bus is in a special state that prevents it from being changed to shared
(such as being used in a cluster). Or, the IOP being removed does not belong
to a bus that is in shared mode.
- Request failed, configuration data protected - see Product Activity Log
- The logical partition configuration data is protected for some reason,
and cannot be changed until corrective action is taken. See the product activity
log (PAL ) for information about what action to take. Typically, you must
use an option on the Recover Configuration Data display screen to correct
the problem.
- Request failed due to the state of one or more partitions
- Depending on the requested function, either all the secondary partitions
must be powered off or powered on to continue.
- Request failed, errors reported were not handled
- An error report screen was previously displayed and either the user canceled
without allowing the server to recover from the problems listed or the server
failed to perform the recovery action.
- Request failed, return code: xxxxxxxx
- This message will appear for an error that does not have a message description
associated with it. The hex return code will tell you what has happened.
I/O configuration has changed while the current action was being performed.
Depending on the display screen you were on resources might refresh automatically.
If so just retry the request. You might have to exit and enter the display
screen again to retry the request.
- Request is not allowed for the partition.
- You attempted a request that is not allowed for this partition. Some actions
are not allowed on the primary partition. For example, you cannot delete the
primary partition or remove the primary partition's load source I/O processor.
- Request failed, more processors specified than are in shared pool.
- You tried to set the amount of processors to a number greater than is
available in the shared processor pool. Possible solutions are to add more
processors to the shared pool or reduce the amount of processors requested
to be less than or equal to the amount of processors that is available.
- Request failed - see Product Activity Log
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration change request. See the product activity log
(PAL) for information. Contact your service provider.
- Resources requested greater than is allocated to the partition
- The partition might have been restarted with fewer processors, main storage,
or interactive performance than requested (but within the minimum allowable
limit). The attempt to remove these resources exceeds what the partition is
currently using.
- Size of main storage entered is not valid
- The value you entered for the main storage is not a valid integer. Enter
an integer.
- Size of main storage not within minimum and maximum range
- You tried to change the value for main storage in this partition. However,
the value you entered is not between the minimum and maximum values. Either
enter a number that is between the minimum and maximum values, or change the
minimum and maximum values.
- Shared processor pool create was successful.
- This message is informational only.
- Shared processor pool delete was successful.
- This message is informational only.
- Shared processor pool units above maximum processor capacity.
- You have set the amount of processing units to be more than the maximum
processor capacity. A possible solution is to reduce the amount of processing
units you are requesting to be less than or equal to the amount the current
processors can support. Each processor can support a maximum of 1.00 processing
- Shared processor pool unit allocation entered is not valid.
- The value you entered is incorrect. Either it is greater than or less
than what the shared pool allows. Enter a different value.
- Shared processor pool units below minimum processor capacity.
- You have set the amount of processing units to be less than the minimum
processor capacity. A possible solution is to increase the amount of processing
units you are requesting.
- Shared processor pool units greater than processors can support.
- You have specified processing units greater than the processors can support.
Possible solutions are use more processors or reduce the number of processor
- Smallest minimum main storage size is xxxxxxxx for maximum entered
- The server must enforce a range of reasonable values for the minimum and
maximum main storage values relative to each other. This is because a certain
amount of fixed storage is allocated for server use based on the maximum size
specified. The fixed storage required by the server cannot be smaller than
the minimum value specified. Adjust your minimum value to be at least as large
as the value in the message. Or, adjust the maximum size to some value that
is smaller.
- Storage I/O adapter cannot be assigned to a guest partition when a controlling
I/O processor exists.
- An I/O Adapter used by a guest partition is located in a card position
on the same Multi-adapter bridge domain as an I/O Processor. Guest partition
data might be lost if any of the following occur:
- A primary partition Type D IPL is performed.
- The I/O Adapter is moved to an i5/OS partition.
- An error causes the Logical partition (LPAR) configuration data to not
be used.
Use the LPAR Validation Tool (LVT)
![link outside Information Center](www.gif)
to create a valid LPAR configuration.
- System IPL required to activate changes
- Changes have been made to the logical partition configuration that require
a server restart to activate. Examples are partition create, delete, recovery,
bus ownership type change, or changing the primary partition's processors,
main storage, or interactive performance values.
- Unit has incorrect logical partition configuration
- The logical partition configuration data is protected for some reason,
and cannot be changed until corrective action is taken. See the product activity
log (PAL) for information about what action to take. Typically, you must use
an option on the Recover Configuration Data display screen to correct the
- Unknown error in service function
- An unexpected condition occurred in the licensed code that either manages
the logical partition configuration data or the logical partition service
function. Check the Licensed Internal Code logs for a 0C00 C9FF entry. Contact
your service provider.
- Update configuration data failed
- An internal error has occurred in the logical partition configuration
manager during a configuration data recovery action. Contact your service
- Update configuration data failed - no data found
- No logical partition configuration data exists. The server has not been
altered yet by removing resources from the primary and assigning them to new
secondary partitions. The server did not perform the requested action.
- Value entered for Level of detail is not valid
- The value you supplied for this field is incorrect. Enter a valid value
for the Level of detail.
- Value entered for Number of reference codes is not valid
- The value you supplied for this field is incorrect. Enter a valid value
for the Number of reference codes.
- Value entered for Secondary partition(s) is not valid
- The value you supplied for this field is incorrect. Enter a valid value
for the Secondary partition.
- Value entered for System partition(s) is not valid
- The value you supplied for this field is incorrect. Enter a valid value
for the System partition.
Logical partition error messages in
the error report
When the logical partitioning configuration manager
must report multiple errors, the Logical Partitioning Error Report display
screen is displayed. This display screen contains a summary of errors with
details available by using option 5 on the particular error.
From this
display screen, you can cancel the current request and return to the previous
display screen by selecting F3 (Exit) or F12 (Cancel). You can also accept
the error and continue by selecting option 1 (Accept problem) or F10 (Accept
all problems and continue). However, you should fully understand these errors
before taking any actions.
The report groups error messages by category
as follows:
- Informational--A recoverable error occurred that
did not prevent the requested operation.
- Attention--An error occurred which prevents the
requested operation. Details describe the cause of the failure, but do not
tell you which operation failed. See any severe errors
to determine which operation failed.
- Severe--An operation could not complete successfully.
See any previous attention messages to determine reasons
for the failed operation.
The following list gives attention message and severe message summaries,
why the error might have occurred, and recommended actions.
- Bus not removed
- A severe message indicating that a bus remove operation failed. Correct
previous attention errors listed in the error report and try the operation
- Bus ownership type change failed
- A severe message indicating that a change bus ownership type operation
failed. Correct previous attention errors listed in the error report and try
the operation again.
- Device in use
- An attention message indicating that a particular resource is in use by
the server, its owning IOP, or bus while someone attempted to remove it from
a partition. If this resource is a disk unit, it is recommended that you remove
it from its current auxiliary storage pool (ASP) before removing the IOP or
- For all other resources, perform the following steps:
- Write down the logical address of the resource that you need to vary off.
You can find this information when you display the allocated resources for
the partition.
- From i5/OS, use the Work
with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command to find the resource
name based on the logical address. From DST, go to Hardware Service Manager.
- Vary off any devices or controllers that are active on the resource.
- IOP not removed
- A severe message indicating that an IOP remove operation failed. Correct
previous attention errors listed in the error report and try the operation
- IOP requires reallocation
- An attention message indicating that you attempted to change bus ownership
type from shared to dedicated. However the bus contains IOPs currently unassigned
to any logical partition. Add I/O resources to assign the available IOPs to
the same partition as the bus owner. Then, repeat the change of bus ownership
- I/O resource not updated
- A severe message indicating that an I/O resource could not be updated
in the configuration data. Correct previous attention errors listed in the
error report and try the operation again.
- State of IOP is unknown
- An attention message indicating a particular IOP cannot be located in
the partition from which it is being removed.
- If the owning partition is currently powered off, you can ignore this
error if you know the IOP and its resources are available. If the owning partition
is currently powered on, this error might indicate that the owning IOP was
recently added to the partition but is not yet active.
- Wait five minutes and retry the operation. If the failure persists or
if the IOP was not recently added to the owning partition, contact your service