CD (Change Working Directory or Library)

FTP client subcommand

Use the Change Directory (CD) FTP client subcommand to change the working directory, library, or file group on the remote system:

CD directory

The name of a file directory, library, or other system-dependent file-group designator on the remote system.

If the remote system is an iSeries™, this subcommand changes the current library or directory. To find out what directories are on the remote system, use the Directory (DIR) subcommand to get a listing.

Use the DIR subcommand with caution.

Note: When using the subcommand CD (or LCD) to change from one iSeries file system to another, you must specify the root directory of the file system that contains the new current directory.
Related reference
DIR (List Directory Entries, Libraries, or Files)
File Transfer Protocol client syntax conventions
LS (List Remote File Names)
File names for client-transfer subcommands
Naming files for transfer