

Writes the filter information for the list to the specified key in the Windows® registry. The key name must previously have been set using the CWBSO_SetListProfile API. This API should be called before deleting the list. This will save any filter criteria that was changed by the user during the CWBSO_DisplayList API. Filter information is saved in the registry by iSeries™ system and by type of list. For example, if your application accesses objects from two different iSeries systems, and displays all four types of lists, you would have eight different sections in the registry that specify filter information.


unsigned int CWB_ENTRY CWBSO_WriteListProfile(
                CWBSO_LIST_HANDLE listHandle,           
                CWBSO_ERR_HANDLE errorHandle);          


CWBSO_LIST_HANDLE listHandle - input
A handle to a list that was returned by a previous call to CWBSO_CreateListHandle or CWBSO_CreateListHandleEx.
CWBSO_ERR_HANDLE errorHandle - input
A handle to an error object that was created by a previous call to CWBSO_CreateErrorHandle. When the value that is returned by this API is CWBSO_ERROR_OCCURRED, the error handle may be used to retrieve the error message text or display the error to the user.

Return Codes

The following list shows common return values.

No error occurred.
The list handle that is specified is not valid.
The error handle that is specified is not valid.
No system name was specified on the CWBSO_CreateListHandle call for the list.
Not enough memory is available for the request.
An error occurred. Use the error for more information.


CWBSO_CreateListHandle must be called prior to calling this API. The list handle that is returned by CWBSO_CreateListHandle must be passed as input to this API. CWBSO_SetListProfile must be called prior to calling this API.