Obtain the latest PTFs and service packs for your server to avoid unnecessary service calls and create a more stable operating environment.
Fixes for iSeries™ Access for Windows® are integrated into service packs, which are packaged into a program temporary fix (PTF) for delivery. You can download the latest PTF to your iSeries server to provide a more stable operating environment for the iSeries Access for Windows client, and to correct known problems. Once you have installed the PTF on your host system, you can use the When to check service level function to distribute service packs to client PCs.
Service pack PTFs update the iSeries Access for Windows installation image on the iSeries server. All installations reflect the latest service pack level of the host iSeries server.
Use the send PTF order (SNDPTFORD) command to order the PTF for your iSeries server. Since the service pack PTFs generally exceed the size limit to be sent electronically, you can receive the PTF on media by changing the Delivery Method, DELIVERY, parameter on SNDPTFORD to *ANY. (The parameter defaults to *LINKONLY.) Alternatively, use Fix Central.
You can also order a service pack CD electronically, and place it directly in the integrated file system in a Virtual Optical Device from which you can install. To use this option, you must prearrange it with IBM® Service.
learn more about PTF ordering options, see IBM iSeries support (http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/support/) and select Fixes from the left menu.