This information is an overview of the tasks involved
in distributing software from a central system.
- Prepare to distribute software from a central system. First, you must
select the type of distribution media to use, an installation profile, and
an installation method for the target systems. Then, you may want to write
a user-defined installation program to eliminate installation tasks for the
operators at the target systems. Finally, ensure the central system and target
systems are ready for distribution.
- Create the distribution media using option 40 on the GO LICPGM menu.
- The following is a list of tasks completed using option 40:
- End all subsystems.
- Save the Licensed Internal Code, i5/OS™ operating system, system configuration
data, security objects, system resources manager (SRM) objects, and user profiles.
- Save the QGPL library. This library includes the user-defined installation
program called QLPUSER.
- Save the QUSRSYS library.
Save licensed programs you want to distribute. Select licensed
programs you want to distribute from the Save Licensed Program display. The
Extended Base Support and the Extended Base Directory Support options are
preselected because they are required.
- Save additional objects to the distribution media after option 40 is complete.
For example, you can save user libraries, user directories, and secondary
language files. If you write a user-defined installation program it can be
used to restore these additional libraries and objects.
- Install the distribution media on the target systems.
Do not put objects into the QGPL and QUSRSYS libraries on the central system
that you do not want to distribute to the target systems.