If you have Digital Certificate Manager installed on your system, you can use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security to protect access to your Directory Server. Before enabling SSL on the directory server, you might find it helpful to read Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) with the Directory Server.
To enable SSL on your LDAP server, do the following:
After SSL is enabled, you can change the port that the Directory Server uses for secured connections.
In order to use SSL or TLS, you must enable it in the iSeries
You can also specify the port number that you want to make secure.
Clicking the Secure check box is an indication
that an application can start an SSL or TLS connection over the secure port.
It is also an indication that an application can issue a StartTLS operation
to allow a TLS connection over the non secure port. Alternatively, TLS can
be invoked by using the -Y option from a client command line utility. If using
the command line, the ibm-slapdSecurity attribute must be equal to TLS or
For more information on SSL and TLS, see Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) with the Directory Server.