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Configure transaction settings
To set transaction settings, do the following:
- Expand the Manage server properties category
in the navigation area of the Web administration tool, and then select the Transactions tab in the right pane.
- Select the Enable transaction processing check
box to enable transaction processing. If Enable
transaction processing is disabled, all other options on this panel are
ignored by the server.
- Set the Maximum number of transactions.
Click either the Transactions or the Unlimited radio button. If you select Transactions, specify the maximum number of transactions. The maximum number of transactions
is 2 147 483 647. The default setting is 20
- Set the Maximum number of operations per transaction. Click either the Operations or the Unlimited radio button. If you select Operations, specify the maximum number of operations allowed for each
transaction. The maximum number of operations is 2 147 483 647.
The smaller the number, the better the performance. The default is 5 operations.
- Set the Pending time limit. This selection
sets the maximum timeout value of a pending transaction in seconds. Click
either the Seconds or the Unlimited radio button. If you select Seconds, specify the maximum number of seconds allowed for each transaction.
The maximum number of seconds is 2 147 483 647.
Transactions left uncompleted for longer than this time are cancelled (rolled
back). The default is 300 seconds.
- When you are finished, click OK.
- If you have enabled transaction support, restart the server for the changes
to take effect. If you were modifying only the settings, the server does not
need to be restarted.
![End of change](deltaend.gif)