Performance data files: QAPMECLINTNUMInterval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.PD (5,0)DTETIMInterval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval.C (12)INTSECElapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval.PD (7,0)IOPRNIOP resource name.C(10)EIOPIReservedC (1)ELITYPEThe resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by this record.C (4)ELLNDLine description: The name of the description for this line.C (10)ELLSPLine speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second (bps).PD (11,0)ELTFTTotal number of Type II frames transmitted.PD (11,0)ELTFRTotal number of Type II frames received.PD (11,0)ELIFTTotal number of I-frames transmitted.PD (11,0)ELIFRTotal number of I-frames received.PD (11,0)ELICTTotal number of characters transmitted in all I-frames.PD (11,0)ELICRTotal number of characters received in all I-frames.PD (11,0)ELPRCLProtocol type: E for token-ring network.C (1)ELRFTNumber of receive-not-ready frames transmitted.PD (5,0)ELRFRNumber of receive-not-ready frames received.PD (5,0)ELFFTNumber of frame-reject frames transmitted.PD (5,0)ELFFRNumber of frame-reject frames received.PD (5,0)ELRJFRNumber of reject frames received.PD (5,0)ELRJFTNumber of reject frames transmitted.PD (5,0)ELSFTNumber of set asynchronous balanced mode extended frames transmitted.PD (5,0)ELSFRNumber of set asynchronous balanced mode extended frames received.PD (5,0)ELDFTNumber of disconnect frames transmitted.PD (5,0)ELDFRNumber of disconnect frames received.PD (5,0)ELDMTNumber of disconnect mode frames transmitted.PD (5,0)ELDMRNumber of disconnect mode frames received.PD (5,0)ELN2RN2 retries end count: This count is updated when the host has attempted to contact a station n times and n times the T1 timer ended before the station responded.PD (5,0)ELT1TT1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer ended. This count is updated when the host has attempted to contact a station n times and n times the T1 timer ended before the station responded.PD (5,0)EMFTRTotal frames transmitted: Total number of frames (LLC and MAC) transmitted. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMFRVTotal frames received: Total number of frames (LLC and MAC) received. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMMFTMAC frames transmitted: Total number of MAC frames transmitted. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMMFRMAC frames received: Total number of MAC frames received. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMRITRouting information frames transmitted: Total number of frames (LLC and MAC) with a routing-information field transmitted. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMRIRRouting information frames received: Total number of frames (LLC and MAC) with a routing-information field received. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMLNELine error: Code violation of frame-check sequence error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMINEInternal error: Adapter internal error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMBREBurst error: Burst of same polarity is detected by the physical unit after the starting delimiter of a frame or token. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMAFEAddress-recognized indicator or frame-copied indicator error: Physical control field-extension field error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMABTAbnormal ending delimiter: Abnormal ending delimiter transmitted because of internal error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMLSTLost frame: Physical trailer timer ended while IOA is in transmit stripping state. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMRXCReceive congestion: Frame not copied because no buffer was available for the IOA to receive. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMFCEFrame-copied error: The frame with a specific destination address was copied by another adapter. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMFQEFrequency error on the adapter. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMTKEToken error: The adapter that was ended by any token timer without detecting any frame or token. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMDBEDirect memory access bus error: IOP/IOA bus DMA error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMDPEDirect memory access parity error: IOP/IOA DMA parity error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMANRTotal number of frames with address not recognized error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMFNCTotal number of frames with frame not copied error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMTSETotal number of adapter frame transmit or frame strip process errors. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMUAPUnauthorized access priority: The access priority requested is not authorized. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMUMFUnauthorized MAC frame: The adapter is not authorized to send a MAC frame with the source class specified, or the MAC frame has a source class of zero, or the MAC frame physical control field attention field is > 1. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMSFTSoft error: Total number of soft errors as reported by the adapter. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMTBCTotal number of beacon frames transmitted. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMIOAIOA status overrun: Adapter interrupt status queue overrun, earliest status discarded. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (5,0)EMFDCTotal number of frames discarded. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMSINTotal number of interrupts that MAC could not decode. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)EMBRVTotal MAC bytes received ok: This contains a count of bytes in frames that are successfully received. It includes bytes from received multicast and broadcast frames. This number includes everything starting from destination address up to but excluding FCS. Source address, destination address, length or type, and pad are included.PD(11,0)EMBTRTotal MAC bytes transmitted ok: Total number of bytes transmitted successfully. This number includes everything starting from destination address up to but excluding FCS. Source address, destination address, length or type, and pad are included.PD(11,0)EMFNTRTotal frames not transmitted: This contains a count of frames that could not be transmitted due to the hardware not signaling transmission completion for an excessive period of time. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD(11,0)EMRGUCRing use count. Percentage LAN utilization = EMRG*C. Most likely, the value of this field is zero, because only a few adapters use this function.PD(11,0)EMRGSCRing sample count. Percentage LAN utilization = EMRG*C. Most likely, the value of this field is zero, because only a few adapters use this function.PD(11,0)EMCVRFFCS or code violations detected in repeated frames: This counter is incremented for every repeated frame that has a code violation or fails the frame check sequence (FCS) cyclic redundancy check. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD(5,0)EMFNRFrames transmitted that failed to return: This counter is incremented when a transmitted frame fails to return from around the ring due to time out or the reception of another frame. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD(5,0)EMUNDRNumber of underruns: This counter is incremented each time a DMA underrun is detected. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD(5,0)EMDUPThe duplex state of the line. For some lines, this value might change over time. This field can have the following values: C (1)EMUPFUnsupported protocol frames: Number of frames that were discarded because they specified an unsupported protocol. This count is included in the frames discarded counter. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over ATM.PD (11,0)
Field Name Description Attribute