Start the agent platform

After you define the agent platform and optionally secure your platform, you will need to start all the Java™ Virtual Machines associated with your agent services using iSeries™ CL commands.

After you have set up the agent platform and optionally configured security, you need to start the agent platform. Because the platform is made up of one or more Java Virtual Machines, to start the platform you need to start all of the JVMs that make up the platform.

The following instructions provide information on how to start the agent platform on an iSeries server:

Start the agent platform on an iSeries server

The following commands handle the starting and stopping of an agent platform on an iSeries server: Start Agent Services (STRAGTSRV) and End Agent Services (ENDAGTSRV) commands.
Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.
Note: If you have trouble starting or ending the agent platform, you can turn on tracing for the startup programs by adding or setting the QAHA_TRACE system environment variable to '1'. This will create log files in QUSRSYS/QAAHALOG. Files named QSBR<job number>, QSBE<job number, and QEND<job number> will be created for each QAHASBMTER, QAHASBMTEE, and QAHAPLTEND job that has run.
Related tasks
Configure your agent platform
Configure platform security
Secure your agent environment