You can use substitution variables for keyword values. The NWSD configuration file substitutes the correct values for the variables. These substitution variables are configured using the values stored in the NWSD or the hardware that is detected on the NWSD.
i5/OS supplies these variables:
Substitution variable | Description |
![]() ![]() |
TCP/IP address (NWSD Port *VRTETHPTP) * |
%FPAIPADDR01% | TCP/IP address (NWSD Port 1) * |
%FPAIPADDR02% | TCP/IP address (NWSD Port 2) * |
%FPAIPADDR03% | TCP/IP address (NWSD Port 3) * |
%FPASUBNETPP% | TCP/IP subnet address (NWSD Port *VRTETHPTP) * |
%FPASUBNET01% | TCP/IP subnet address (NWSD Port 1) * |
%FPASUBNET02% | TCP/IP subnet address (NWSD Port 2) * |
%FPASUBNET03% | TCP/IP subnet address (NWSD Port 3) * |
%FPATCPDOMAIN% | TCP/IP domain name |
%FPATCPDNSS% | TCP/IP DNS's, separated by commas |
%FPATCPDNS01% | TCP/IP Domain Name Server 1 |
%FPATCPDNS02% | TCP/IP Domain Name Server 2 |
%FPATCPDNS03% | TCP/IP Domain Name Server 3 |
%FPANWSDTYPE% | The type of the NWSD that you are varying on |
%FPANWSDNAME% | The name of the NWSD that you are varying on |
![]() ![]() |
The resource type of the NWSD that you are varying on (ex. 2890, 2892, 4812, 2689, iSCSI) |
%FPAINSMEM% | The amount of installed memory detected |
%FPAUSEMEM% | The amount of useable memory detected |
%FPACODEPAGE% | The ASCII codepage used to translate from EBCDIC |
%FPALANGVERS% | The i5/OS Language version used on the NWSD |
%FPASYSDRIVE% | The drive letter used for the system drive (C, E when server was installed with V4R4 or earlier) |
%FPA_CARET% | The caret symbol (^) |
%FPA_L_BRACKET% | The left bracket symbol ([) |
%FPA_R_BRACKET% | The right bracket symbol (]) |
%FPA_PERCENT% | The percent symbol (%) NOTE: Since the percent symbol is used as the substitution variable delimiter, this substitution variable should be used when a string contains a percent symbol that should NOT be interpreted as a substitution variable delimiter. |
%FPABOOTDRIVE% | This is always drive E for the Integrated xSeries® Server |
%FPACFGFILE% | The name of the NWSD configuration file being processed |
%FPACFGLIB% | The library that contains the NWSD configuration file being processed |
%FPACFGMBR% | The name of the NWSD configuration file member being processed |
* Values are retrieved from the NWSD |
You can configure additional substitution variables by creating a file in QUSRSYS and giving it the same name as the NWSD followed by the suffix 'VA'. You must create the file as a source physical file with a minimum record length of 16 and maximum record length of 271.
For example, at the i5/OS command line, type this:
CRTSRCPF FILE(QUSRSYS/nwsdnameVA) RCDLEN(271) MBR(nwsdname) MAXMBRS(1) TEXT('Congfiguration file variables')
The member 'nwsdname' contains data in fixed columns formatted as:
For example:
Columns: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890... myaddr
where %myaddr% is added to the list of available substitution variables and has a value of "".