Assign point to point virtual Ethernet IP addresses

Start of changeBy default, the Install Windows server (INSWNTSVR) command assigns point to point virtual Ethernet IP addresses of the form 192.168.x.y. To avoid potential conflicts, you can use the VRTPTPPORT parameter on this command to assign IP addresses that you know are unique on your system.End of change

Start of changeIf you let the command assign addresses and then discover a conflict, you can change the IP addresses. For IXS and IXA attached integrated servers, the command assigns to x a value that is based on the resource number of the Integrated xSeries® Server. The command looks for a pair of values y and y+1 (starting with y=1), with addresses that are not in use on that i5/OS. The command assigns the lower number of the pair to the i5/OS side of the point to point virtual Ethernet and the higher number to the Windows server side.End of change

For example, suppose you have a 2892 Integrated xSeries Server with a resource name of LIN03. After running the Install Windows Server (INSWNTSVR) command you might end up with the following addresses for the point to point virtual Ethernet. (i5/OS side) (Windows server side)

In case of a conflict on a server that you have installed, verify that a particular substitute value (for example, 192.168.17) is not used on your network and change the IP addresses to that value. (i5/OS side) (Windows server side)

Be aware that an IP address entered at the Windows console for the point to point virtual Ethernet overrides the value set in the NWSD for the TCPPORTCFG parameter *VRTETHPTP port .

If the problem still persists, check the technical information databases at the IBM branded eserverIBM iSeries Support Web page Link outside Information Center.. If you cannot find the solution there, contact your technical support provider. If the problem persists, contact IBM for service.