Listed here are the product manuals (in PDF format), Web sites,
and information center topics that relate to the i5/OS™ globalization topic. You can view
or print any of the PDFs.
- For a complete list of the CDRA CCSIDs, see the Character Data Representation
Architecture - Level 2, Registry.
- For an overview of the architecture, refer to Character Data Representation
Architecture Executive Overview.
- For a complete discussion of the architecture, refer to the Character
Data Representation Architecture - Level 2 Reference.
- For information about linguistic and cultural conventions by country,
see National Language Design Guide: National Language Support Reference,
Volume 2.
- For a complete list of the guidelines of DBCS application design, as well
as a full description of each guideline, see Volume 1 Designing Enabled
Products, Rules and Guidelines (SE09-8001).
- For information about character generator utility (CGU), see the ADTS/400:
Character Generator Utility, book SC09-1769-00.
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