DDS keywords and parameters typically consist of combinations of standard abbreviations.
All the keywords and parameters used in DDS are listed in alphabetical order as follows:
Abbreviation | Meaning |
A | after |
AB | allow blanks |
ABS | absolute |
ACC | access |
ACCEL | accelerator |
ALARM | alarm |
ALT | alternative |
ALW | allow |
ARA | area |
ATR | attributes |
AUTO | automatic |
AVAIL | available |
B | before |
BDY | boundary |
BL | blinking field |
BLANKS | blanks |
BLINK | blinking cursor |
BLK | blank |
BOX | box |
BTN | button |
CA | command attention key |
CCS | coded character set |
CDE | code |
CF | command function key |
CHC | choice |
CHG | change |
CHK | check |
CHR | character |
CLR | clear |
CLRL | clear line |
CLS | class |
CMD | command |
CMP | comparison |
CMT | commit |
CNL | cancel |
CNT | continued |
CNV | conversion |
COL | column |
COMP | comparison |
CON | constant |
CONCAT | concatenate |
CS | column separator |
CSR | cursor |
CTL | control |
DAT | date |
DEC | decimal |
DEV | device |
DFN | defined |
DFR | defer |
DFT | default |
DLT | delete |
DOC | document |
DSP | display |
DTA | data |
DUP | duplicate |
DWN | down |
DYN | dynamic |
EDT | edit |
END | end |
ENT | entry |
EOS | end of session |
EQ | equal |
ER | end of record (same as end of field) |
ERR | error |
EXCLD | excluded |
FAIL | fail |
FCFO | first-changed first-out |
FE | field exit |
FIFO | first-in first-out |
FIX | fixed |
FLD | field |
FLT | floating point |
FMT | format |
FNT | font |
FRC | force |
FULL | full |
GDF | graphic data file |
GE | greater than or equal to |
GPH | graphics |
GRD | grid |
GRP | group |
GT | greater than |
HDG | heading |
HI | high intensity |
HLP | help |
ID | identifier |
IDX | index |
IGC | double-byte character set (DBCS) |
IND | indicator |
INP | input |
INZ | initialize |
J | join |
LC | lowercase |
LCK | lock |
LE | less than or equal to |
LEN | length |
LIFO | last in first out |
LIN | line |
LOC | location |
LT | less than |
LVL | level |
MAP | map |
MDT | modified data tag |
ME | mandatory enter |
MF | mandatory fill |
MGT | management |
MLT | multiple |
MNU | menu |
MOU | mouse |
MSG | message |
MSK | mask |
M10 | IBM® Modulus 10 |
M10F | IBM Modulus 10 |
M11 | IBM Modulus 11 |
M11F | IBM Modulus 11 |
NBR | number |
ND | nondisplay |
NE | not equal to |
NEG | negative |
NG | not greater than |
NL | not less than |
NULL | null |
NXT | next |
OF | off |
OID | operator identification |
OUT | output |
OVR | override |
P | physical |
PAG | page |
PC | position cursor |
PCN | precision |
PFILE | physical file |
PGM | program |
PNL | panel |
POS | position |
PR | protect |
PRG | progression |
PRP | prepare |
PRT | print or printer |
PSH | push |
PTH | path |
Q | queue |
QLTY | quality |
RA | record advance |
RAB | right-justify with blank fill |
RAZ | right-justify with zero fill |
RB | right-justify with blank fill |
RCD | record |
RCV | receive |
RECID | record identification |
REF | reference |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
RET | retain |
REV | reverse |
RI | reverse image |
RL | right to left |
RLTB | right to left, top to bottom |
RMV | remove |
RNA | record not active |
ROL | roll |
RQS | request |
RRN | relative record number |
RSP | response |
RST | restore |
RTN | return |
RTT | rotate |
RZ | right-justify with zero fill |
SCH | search |
SCROLL | scroll |
SEL | select |
SEG | segment |
SEP | separator |
SEQ | sequence |
SFL | subfile |
SHELF | shelf |
SIZ | size |
SKIPA | skip after |
SKIPB | skip before |
SLNO | starting line number |
SLT | select |
SNG | single |
SP | select by light pen |
SPACEA | space after |
SPACEB | space before |
SST | substring |
STS | status |
SW | switch |
SYN | sync |
SYS | system |
TIM | time |
TITLE | title |
TNS | transaction |
TRNRND | turn around |
TRNTBL | translation table |
TXT | text |
TYP | type |
UL | underline |
UNAVAIL | unavailable |
USR | user |
VAL | values |
VAR | variable |
VLD | valid |
VN | validate name |
VNE | validate name extended |
WDW | window |
WRD | word |
WRT | write |