Locate distributed relational database jobs

When you are looking for information about a distributed relational database job on an application requester (AR) and you know the user profile that is used, you can find that job by using the Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) command.

You can also use this command on the application server (AS), but be aware that the user profile on the AS might be different from that used by the AR. For TCP/IP servers, the user profile that qualifies the job name will always be QUSER, and the job name will always be QRWTSRVR. The Display Log (DSPLOG) command can be used to help find the complete server job name. The message will be in the following form:

   DDM job 031233/QUSER/QRWTSRVR servicing user XY on 10/02/97 at 22:06

If there are several jobs listed for the specified user profile and the relational database is accessed using DRDA®, enter option 5 (Work with job) to get the Work with Job display. From this display, enter option 10 (Display job log) to see the job log. The job log shows you whether this is a distributed relational database job and, if it is, to which remote server the job is connected. Page through the job log looking for one of the following messages (depending on whether the connection is using APPC or TCP/IP):

DDM job started.
Database connection started over TCP/IP or a local socket.

The second level text for message CPI9150 and CPI9160 contains the job name for the AS job.

If you are on the AS and you do not know the job name, but you know the user name, use the Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) command. If you do not specify a user, the command returns a list of the jobs under the user profile you are using. For TCP/IP, the user profile in the job name will always be QUSER. On the Work with User Jobs display, use these columns to help you identify the AS jobs that are servicing APPC connections.

The job type column shows jobs with the type that is listed as CMNEVK for APPC communications jobs.
The status column shows if the job is active or completed. Depending on how the server is set up to log jobs, you might see only active jobs.
The job column provides the job name. The job name on the AS is the same as the device being used.
Work with User Jobs                      KC105
03/29/92  16:15:33
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change   3=Hold   4=End   5=Work with   6=Release   7=Display message
8=Work with spooled files   13=Disconnect
Opt   Job          User         Type      -----Status------   Function
__    KC000        KCDBA        CMNEVK    OUTQ
__    MP000        KCDBA        CMNEVK    OUTQ
__    MP000        KCDBA        CMNEVK    OUTQ
__    KC000        KCDBA        CMNEVK    OUTQ
__    KC000        KCDBA        CMNEVK    ACTIVE
__    KC0001       KCDBA        INTER     ACTIVE              CMD-WRKUSRJOB
      3                         1         2

If you are looking for an active AS job and do not know the user name, the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command gives you a list of those jobs for the subsystems active on the server. The following example shows you some items to look for:

Work with Active Jobs                     KC105
03/29/92  16:17:45
CPU %:   41.7     Elapsed time:   04:37:55     Active jobs:   102
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change   3=Hold   4=End   5=Work with   6=Release   7=Display message
8=Work with spooled files   13=Disconnect
Opt  Subsystem/Job  User        Type  CPU %  Function        Status
__   QBATCH         QSYS        SBS      .0                   DEQW
4  QCMN           QSYS        SBS      .0                   WDEQ
__     KC0001       KCCLERK     EVK      .0  *                EVTW
       5                     6
Search the subsystem that is set up to handle the AS jobs. In this example, the subsystem for AS jobs is QCMN. The subsystem for TCP/IP server jobs is QSYSWRK prior to V5R2, and QUSRWRK after V5R1.
For APPC AS jobs, the job name is the device name of the device that is created for AS use.
The job type listed is normally EVK, started by a program start request. For TCP/IP AS jobs, the job type is PJ (unless DRDA prestart jobs are not active on the server, in which case the job type is BCI).

When you have located a job that looks like a candidate, enter option 5 to work with that job. Then select option 10 from the Work with Job Menu to display the job log. Distributed database job logs for jobs that are accessing the AS from a DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ application requester contain a statement near the top that reads:

Local relational database accessed by (system name).

After you locate a job working on the AS, you can also trace it back to the AR if the AR is an iSeries server. One of the following messages will appear in your job log; place the cursor on the message you received:

Target DDM job started by application requester (AR).
Target job assigned to handle DDM connection started by application requester (AR) over TCP/IP.

When you press the help key, the detailed message for the statement appears. The application requester (AR) job named is the job on the AR that caused this job.

Related tasks
Print a job log
Related reference
Display Log (DSPLOG) command
Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command
Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) command
Application does not complete in the expected time