This topic discusses what control language (CL) commands and iSeries™ Navigator
functions you can use to work with journals.
The following CL commands can be used to work with journals:
- To recover a damaged or unusable database file member that contains journaled
changes, use the Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG) and Remove Journaled
Changes (RMVJRNCHG) commands.
- To apply the changes that were recorded in a journal receiver to the designated
physical file member, use the APYJRNCHG command. However, depending on the
type of damage to the physical file and the amount of activity since the file
was last saved, removing changes from the file using the RMVJRNCHG command
can be easier.
- To convert journal entries to a database file, use the Display Journal
(DSPJRN) command. Use this file for activity reports, audit trails, security,
and program debugging.