These topics include the data integrity runtime considerations
for more efficient file processing.
Protect your file with journaling and commitment control
Journaling and commitment control are the preferred methods for
data and transaction recovery on the iSeries™ system.
You can use the COMMIT parameter to protect your file with journaling and
commitment control.
Write data and access paths to auxiliary storage
Normally, DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ determines
when to write changed data from main storage to auxiliary storage. However,
you can control when database changes are written to auxiliary storage.
Check changes to the record format description
The system checks, when you open the file, if the description of the record format you are using was changed since your program was compiled to an extent that it cannot process the file.
Check for the expiration date of the file
The system can verify that the data in the file you specify is still current. However, you can specify the expiration date for the file using the EXPDATE and EXPCHK parameters.
Prevent the job from changing data in the file
If you want to test your program, but do not want to actually change data in the file used for the test, you can tell the system not to write (inhibit) any changes to the file that the program attempts to make. For this operation, you can use the INHWRT parameter.