Related information for DB2 Multisystem

Listed here are the information center topics that relate to the DB2® Multisystem topic.

  • APIs provides information for the experienced programmer on how to use the application programming interfaces (APIs) for some operating system functions.
  • Backup, recovery and media services provides information about setting up and managing:

    – Journaling, access path protection, and commitment control

    – User auxiliary storage pools (ASPs)

    – Disk protection (device parity, mirrored, and checksum)

    This topic also provides performance information about backup media and save/restore operations. It also includes advanced backup and recovery topics, such as using save-while-active support, saving and restoring to a different release, and programming tips and techniques.

  • Control language provides a description of the iSeries™ server control language (CL) and its commands. (Other commands are described in the respective licensed program publications.) The topic also provides an overview of all the CL commands for the iSeries server, and it describes the syntax rules needed to code them.
  • Database programming provides a detailed discussion of the iSeries server database organization, including information about how to create, describe, and update database files on the system.
  • Distributed database programming provides information about preparing and managing an iSeries server in a distributed relational database using the Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®). It describes planning, setting up, programming, administering, and operating a distributed relational database on more than one server in a like-system environment.
  • Install, upgrade, or delete i5/OS™ and related software includes planning information and step-by-step instructions for procedures to install the operating system and licensed programs.
  • OptiConnect describes OptiConnect support, which can connect multiple servers using a fiber optic cable. OptiConnect allows you to access intersystem databases more quickly and enables you to offload work to another server. Additional topics include configuration, installation, and operation information.
  • SQL programming concepts provides information about how to use DB2 for DB2 UDB Query Manager and SQL Development Kit licensed program. The topic shows how to access data in a database library and how to prepare, run, and test an application program that contains embedded SQL statements. The topic also contains examples of SQL/400® statements and a description of the interactive SQL function, and describes common concepts and rules for using SQL/400 statements in COBOL/400®, ILE COBOL/400, PL/I, ILE C/400®, FORTRAN/400, RPG/400®, ILE RPG/400, and REXX. SQL programming concepts and Database programming also provides information about DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing.
  • SQL reference provides information about how to use DB2 SQL statements and gives details about the proper use of the statements. Examples of statements include syntax diagrams, parameters, and definitions. A list of SQL limitations and a description of the SQL communication area (SQLCA) and SQL descriptor area (SQLDA) are also provided.