Translate PIN (TRNPIN)
The Translate Personal Identification Number (TRNPIN) command reenciphers a personal identification number (PIN) from encipherment under an input PIN protection key to encipherment under an output PIN protection key.
Keyword |
Description |
Choices |
Notes |
Input protection key name |
Name |
Required, Positional 1 |
Enciphered PIN |
Character value |
Required, Positional 2 |
Output protection key name |
Name |
Required, Positional 3 |
Return variable |
Character value |
Required, Positional 4 |
Input protection key name (INPINPTCK)
Specifies the name, or a variable containing the name, of the input PIN protection key which the identification number is enciphered under. This key must exist in the cross-domain key table and be defined with a key use of personal identification number (*PIN specified on the Key use prompt (KUSE parameter) on the Generate Cross-Domain Key (GENCRSDMNK) or Add Cross-Domain Key (ADDCRSDMNK) command). This is a required parameter.
Enciphered PIN (ENCPIN)
Specifies 16 hexadecimal characters, or a character variable containing 16 hexadecimal characters, representing a personal identification number enciphered under the input PIN protection key. This is a required parameter.
Output protection key name (OUTPINPTCK)
Specifies the name, or a variable containing the name, of the output PIN protection key. The value specified in the Enciphered PIN prompt (ENCPIN parameter) is decrypted using the input protection key and encrypted using the output protection key. This key must exist in the cross-domain key table with a defined key use of sending. This is a required parameter.
Return variable (RTNVAR)
Specifies a variable to receive the 16-character value of the identification number reenciphered under the output PIN protection key. This is a required parameter.