Start Program Export List (STRPGMEXP)

Error messages

The Start Program Export List (STRPGMEXP) binder definition statement starts a list of exports in a service program export block.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
PGMLVL Program level *CURRENT, *PRV Optional, Positional 1
LVLCHK Signature level check *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 2
SIGNATURE Signature Character value, *GEN Optional, Positional 3

Program level (PGMLVL)

Specifies the service program level for this export block.

This service program export block contains exports for the current service program.
This service program export block contains exports for a previous version of the service program.

Signature level check (LVLCHK)

Specifies whether a level check is performed on the export block.

The service program export block is level checked by generating a nonzero signature.
The service program export block is not level checked. A zero signature is generated.

Signature (SIGNATURE)

Specifies the signature for the export block.

If *YES is specified for the Signature level check (LVLCHK) parameter, the system generates a nonzero signature for the export block. If *NO is specified for the LVLCHK parameter, this value is required and the system generates a zero signature for the export block.
The signature value for the export block is set to the specified string of hexadecimal digits and is not generated by the system. If the specified value is less than 32 hexadecimal digits in length, the system pads it on the left with hexadecimal zeros to 32 digits. If the specified value is greater than 32 hexadecimal digits in length, the system truncates it on the right to 32 digits.
The signature value for the export block is set to the EBCDIC character codes of the given signature-value and is not generated by the system. If the signature-value is less than 16 characters in length, the system pads the signature-value on the right with spaces to 16 characters. If the signature-value is greater than 16 characters in length, the system truncates it on the right to 16 characters.



This binder definition statement marks the beginning of a list of exported variables or procedures for a service program. This service program export block contains exports for the current service program. Level checking will be performed using a signature generated by the operating system.


Error messages

