Start Communications Trace (STRCMNTRC)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Start Communications Trace (STRCMNTRC) command initiates a communications trace for a specified line, a network interface or a network server description.

A communications trace continues until:




Keyword Description Choices Notes
CFGOBJ Configuration object Name Required, Positional 1
CFGTYPE Type *LIN, *NWI, *NWS Required, Positional 2
MAXSTG Buffer size Integer, *MIN, *MAX, 128K, 256K, 2M, 4M, 6M, 8M, 16M, 32M, 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G Optional
DTADIR Data direction *SND, *RCV, *BOTH Optional
TRCFULL Trace full *WRAP, *STOPTRC Optional
USRDTA Number of user bytes to trace Single values: *CALC, *MAX
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Beginning bytes Decimal number
Element 2: Ending bytes Decimal number, *CALC
RMTCTL Remote controller Name Optional
RMTMAC Remote MAC address Hexadecimal value Optional
RMTSAP Remote SAP Hexadecimal value Optional
LCLSAP Local SAP Hexadecimal value Optional
IPPCLNUM IP protocol number 0-255, *ICMP, *IGMP, *TCP, *EGP, *IGP, *UDP Optional
RMTIPADR Remote IP address Character value Optional
WCHMSG Watch for message Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Message identifier Name
Element 2: Comparison data Character value, *NONE
Element 3: Compare against *MSGDTA, *FROMPGM, *TOPGM
WCHMSGQ Watched message queue Values (up to 3 repetitions): Element list Optional
Element 1: Message queue Single values: *SYSOPR, *JOBLOG, *HSTLOG
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Message queue Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL
WCHJOB Watched job Single values: *
Other values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Job name Qualified job name
Qualifier 1: Job name Generic name, name
Qualifier 2: User Generic name, name
Qualifier 3: Number 000001-999999, *ALL
WCHLICLOG Watch for LIC log entry Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Major code Character value, *ALL
Element 2: Minor code Character value, *ALL
Element 3: Comparison data Character value, *NONE
WCHTIMO Length of time to watch 1-43200, *NOMAX Optional
TRCPGM Trace program Single values: *NONE
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Trace program Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL
TRCPGMITV Time interval 1-9999, *NONE Optional
TEXT Trace description Character value, *BLANK Optional

Configuration object (CFGOBJ)

Specifies the configuration object to be traced. The object is either a line description, a network interface description, or a network server description.

Specify the name of the configuration object to be traced.


Specifies the type of configuration description to trace.

The configuration object is a line description.
The configuration object is a network interface description.
The configuration object is a network server description.

Buffer size (MAXSTG)

Specifies the trace buffer size.

A trace buffer of 128 kilobytes is used.
The minimum trace buffer size is used.
The maximum trace buffer size is used.
Specify the trace buffer size. Valid buffer sizes may be specified either as number of kilobytes, or as one of the following special values which has a one-letter suffix of 'K' for kilobytes, 'M' for megabytes, or 'G' for gigabytes: 128K, 256K, 2M, 4M, 6M, 8M, 16M, 32M, 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G. The minimum trace buffer size is 128 kilobytes.

Data direction (DTADIR)

Specifies the communication data to trace.

Note: For network server description traces, this parameter is ignored and *BOTH is used.

Data sent and received by the system is traced.
Data sent by the system is traced.
Data received by the system is traced.

Trace full (TRCFULL)

Specifies the action the system takes when the trace buffer is full of data.

The trace continues and overwrites the data in the buffer.
The trace stops.

Number of user bytes to trace (USRDTA)

Specifies the amount of beginning and ending user data to trace.

Note: For network server description traces and binary synchronous lines, this parameter is ignored and *CALC is used.

Single values

The system determines the number of beginning and ending bytes to be traced. For LAN lines, this is the first 100 bytes. For other line types, the whole frame is traced.
Trace as much of frames as possible. For non-LAN, *MAX will be the equivalent of *CALC.

Element 1: Beginning bytes

Specify the number of bytes of beginning user data to be traced.

Element 2: Ending bytes

The system determines the number of ending bytes to be traced.
Specify the number of bytes of ending user data to be traced.

Communications trace options (CMNTRCOPTS)

Specifies the type of data to be traced.

All data is traced. No filtering is specified.
The data traveling to and from a remote controller is traced.
The data traveling to and from a remote medium access control (MAC) address is traced.
The data traveling to and from a remote service access point (SAP) is traced.
The data traveling to and from a local service access point (SAP) is traced.
The data within an Internet Protocol (IP) number is traced.
The data traveling to and from a remote IP address is traced.

DDI trace options (DDITRCOPTS)

The DDITRCOPTS parameter is supported for upward compatibility of CL programs which contain the STRCMNTRC command. The CMNTRCOPTS parameter provides all of the same function as DDITRCOPTS and should be used instead of DDITRCOPTS.

All data is traced. No filtering is specified.
The data traveling to and from a remote controller is traced.
The data traveling to and from a remote medium access control (MAC) address is traced.
The data traveling to and from a remote service access point (SAP) is traced.
The data traveling to and from a local service access point (SAP) is traced.
The data within an Internet Protocol (IP) number is traced.
The data traveling to and from a remote IP address is traced.

Remote controller (RMTCTL)

Specifies the remote controller receiving and sending the data to be traced.

Specify the name of the remote controller.

Remote MAC address (RMTMAC)

Specifies the remote medium access control address receiving and sending the data to be traced.

Specify the remote medium access control address.


Specifies the remote service access point receiving and sending the data to be traced.

Specify the remote service access point.


Specifies the local service access point receiving and sending the data to be traced.

Specify the local service access point.

IP protocol number (IPPCLNUM)

Specifies the Internet Protocol (IP) number to be traced.

The Internet control message group is traced.
The Internet group management group is traced.
The transmission control group is traced.
The exterior gateway protocol group is traced.
A private interior gateway group is traced.
The user datagram group is traced.
Specify the Internet Protocol (IP) number to trace.

Remote IP address (RMTIPADR)

Specifies the remote Internet Protocol (IP) address to be traced.

Specify the remote IP address to be traced.

LMI trace options (LMITRCOPTS)

Specifies the type of data to be placed in the trace buffer.

All data, including the local management interface (LMI), is placed in the trace buffer.
All data, except LMI data, is placed in the trace buffer.
Only LMI data is placed in the trace buffer.

NWS trace options (NWSTRCOPTS)

Specifies the type of data to be placed in the trace buffer.

All NetBIOS data is placed in the trace buffer.
The communications processor operating system data is placed in the trace buffer.
All TCP/IP data for network server description applications is placed in the trace buffer.

Watch for message (WCHMSG)

Specifies up to five message identifiers which are to be watched for. If a value other than *NONE is specified, you must specify where to watch for the message on the WCHMSGQ parameter. When the watched for message is added to the specified message queue or log, the trace exit program is called; if no trace exit program is defined, the trace stops.

Single values

No messages will be watched for.

Element 1: Message identifier

Specify the 7-character message identifier to be watched for.

Element 2: Comparison data

Specify comparison data to be used if a message matching the specified message ID is added to the specified message queue or log. If the message data, the "From program" or the "To program" includes the specified text, the watched for condition is true. If the message data, the "From program" or the "To program" does not contain the specified text, the trace function continues.

No comparison data is specified. If a message matching the specified message ID is added to the specified message queue or log, the watched for condition is true.
Specify the text string used to compare against the message data, the "From program" or the "To program" of the watched for message. This text is case sensitive and can be quoted in order to specify imbedded or trailing blanks.

Element 3: Compare against

Specify which part of the message the comparison data specified for element 2 is to be compared against.

The comparison data will be compared against the message replacement data.
The comparison data will be compared against the name of the program sending the message, or the name of the ILE program that contains the procedure sending the message.
The comparison data will be compared against the name of the program the message was sent to, or the name of the ILE program that contains the procedure the message was sent to.

Watched message queue (WCHMSGQ)

Specifies where to watch for the message identifiers specified on the WCHMSG parameter. You can specify to watch the message being added to the system operator message queue, the history log, other message queues, and job logs. Up to three message queues or special values can be specified.

Element 1: Message queue

Single values

Watch messages added to the system operator message queue (QSYSOPR message queue in library QSYS).
Watch messages added to the job logs of the jobs specified for the Watched job (WCHJOB) parameter.
Watch messages added to the history log (QHST message queue in library QSYS).

Qualifier 1: Message queue

Specify the name of the message queue to watch.

Qualifier 2: Library

All libraries in the library list for the current thread are searched until the first match is found.
Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located.

Watched job (WCHJOB)

Specifies the job whose job log is watched for the messages specified on the WCHMSG parameter. The specified job will only be watched if *JOBLOG is specified on the WCHMSGQ parameter. Up to five job names may be specified.

Single values

Only the job log of the job that issued this trace command is watched.

Element 1: Job name

Qualifier 1: Job name

Specify the generic name of the job to be watched. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic job name specifies all jobs with job names that begin with the generic prefix.
Specify the name of the job to be watched.

Qualifier 2: User

Specify the generic name of the user name of the job to be watched. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic user name specifies all jobs with the specified job name and with user names that begin with the generic prefix.
Specify the user name of the job to be watched.

Qualifier 3: Number

All jobs with the specified job name and user name are watched.
Specify the job number to further qualify the job name and user name. You cannot specify a job number if a generic job name or a generic user name qualifier is specified.

Watch for LIC log entry (WCHLICLOG)

Specifies up to five licensed internal code (LIC) log entry identifiers which are to be watched for. Each LIC log entry contains a major and a minor code. The watched for condition will be met if a LIC log entry is added that matches the specified major and minor codes and any comparison data specified. When the watched for log entry is added to the LIC log, the trace exit program is called, even when the comparison data specified does not match; if no trace exit program is defined, the trace stops.

Single values

No LIC log entries will be watched for.

Element 1: Major code

Any LIC log entry major code will be considered to be a match. If *ALL is specified for the major code, you cannot specify *ALL for the LIC log entry minor code.
Specify the LIC log major code to be watched for. You can specify either a hexadecimal digit or a question mark for each character in the four-digit code. A question mark is a wildcard character that will match any digit in that position. Up to three wildcard characters can be specified.

Element 2: Minor code

Any LIC log entry minor code will be considered to be a match. If *ALL is specified for the minor code, you cannot specify *ALL for the LIC log entry major code.
Specify the LIC log minor code to be watched for. You can specify either a hexadecimal digit or a question mark for each character in the four-digit code. A question mark is a wildcard character that will match any digit in that position. Up to three wildcard characters can be specified.

Element 3: Comparison data

Specify comparison data to be used if a log entry matching the specified major and minor codes is added to the licensed internal code (LIC) log. If this text is found in the LIC log entry data fields of the watched for log entry, the watched for condition is true. If this text is not found in the LIC log entry data fields of the watched for log entry and no exit program is specified on the TRCPGM parameter, the trace function continues. If the log entry matches the specified major and minor codes and an exit program is specified on the TRCPGM parameter, but the entry data does not contain the specified text, the exit program is called to determine if the trace should continue or stop.

No comparison data is specified. If a LIC log entry matching the specified major and minor codes is added to the LIC log, the watched for condition is true.
Specify the text string used to compare against the entry data of the watched for log entry. If this text is found in the LIC log entry data fields compared of a watched for log entry, the watch condition is considered to be true. This text is case sensitive. The LIC log fields which can be compared are TDE number, task name, server type, job name, user ID, job number, thread ID, exception ID, LIC module compile timestamp, LIC module offset, LIC module RU name, LIC module name, LIC module entry point name. The comparison data cannot be used to match across two fields, and can match an entire field or a substring of any field.

When watching for an exception ID, all four hexadecimal digits of the exception ID must be specified. Also, the prefix MCH may be specified if you want to compare only against the exception ID field and avoid possible substring matches with the other fields.


Length of time to watch (WCHTIMO)

Specifies the time limit, in minutes, for watching for a message or a licensed internal code (LIC) log entry. When the specified amount of time has elapsed, the trace exit program is called (if one was specified on the TRCPGM parameter), the trace is ended, and message CPI3999 is sent to the system operator message queue.

There is no time limit for watching for a particular message or LIC log entry.
Specify the number of minutes that the trace will remain active while none of the watched for conditions have been met.

Trace program (TRCPGM)

Specifies the program to be called for user-defined trace commands and procedures.

The trace program will be called:

There are three input parameters and one output parameter associated with the trace program. The four parameters are required:

1   Trace option setting   Input    Char(10)
2   Reserved               Input    Char(10)
3   Error detected         Output   Char(10)
4   Comparison data        Input    Char(*)

Allowed values for the "Trace option setting" parameter are:

The watch for trace facility is starting when the collection of trace information is started.
A match on a message id specified on WCHMSG parameter occurred.
A match on a LIC log specified on the WCHLICLOG parameter occurred.
The major and minor code of a LIC log matched, but the comparison data did not.
The time interval specified on TRCPGMITV parameter is elapsed.
The length of time to watch specified on WCHTIMO parameter is elapsed.

The "Reserved" parameter must be set to blanks.

Allowed values for the "Error detected" parameter are:

The trace and the watch for trace event facility will continue running.
The trace and the watch for trace event facility will be ended.
Error detected by customer trace program.

Allowed values for the "Comparison data" parameter when *MSGID is specified for the "Trace option setting" parameter will be the following structure:

Dec Hex
 0   0     BINARY(4)    Length of trace information
 4   4     CHAR(7)      Message ID
11   B     CHAR(9)      Reserved
20  14     BINARY(4)    Offset to comparison data
24  18     BINARY(4)    Length of comparison data
 *   *     CHAR(*)      Message comparison data

Allowed values for the "Comparison data" parameter when *LICLOG or *CMPDATA is specified for the "Trace option setting" parameter will be the following structure:

Dec Hex
 0   0     BINARY(4)    Length of trace information
 4   4     CHAR(4)      LIC Log major code
 8   8     CHAR(4)      LIC Log minor code
12   C     CHAR(8)      LIC Log identifier
20  14     BINARY(4)    Offset to comparison data
24  18     BINARY(4)    Length of comparison data
 *   *     CHAR(*)      LIC log comparison data

Allowed values for the "Comparison data" parameter when *ON, *INTVAL or *WCHTIMO is specified for the "Trace option setting" parameter will be the following structure:

Dec Hex
 0   0     BINARY(4)    Length of trace information (always 4).

For more information on the trace exit program interface, refer to the System API Reference information in the iSeries Information Center at .

Single values

No trace exit program is defined. If a watched for message or licensed internal code (LIC) log entry is added, or if the specified watch time limit is exceeded, the trace function ends.

Qualifier 1: Trace program

Specify the name of the trace exit program.

Qualifier 2: Library

All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
Specify the name of the library where the user exit program is located.

Time interval (TRCPGMITV)

Specifies how often the trace exit program will be called.

No time interval is specified. The trace exit program will not be called because a time interval has elapsed.
Specify the interval of time, in seconds, of how often the trace exit program will be called. This must be less than the amount of time specified for the Length of time to watch (WCHTIMO) parameter.

Trace description (TEXT)

Specifies the text that briefly describes the object.

Text is not specified.
Specify up to 20 characters of text.


Example 1: Start a Communications Trace for a Line Description


This command starts a communications trace of line description QESLINE.

Example 2: Start a Trace and Watch for a Message to End the Trace

            WCHMSGQ((*SYSOPR) (*JOBLOG))

This command starts a communications trace of line description LINE001. The trace will be ended when MCH2804 message is found on the System Operator message queue or within the *ALL/MYUSER/MYJOBNAME job log. Also, MYLIB/TRCEXTPGM is specified as a trace exit program.

Example 3: Start a Trace and Watch for a LIC Log Entry to End the Trace

            WCHLICLOG(('99??' 9932 MYJOBNAME))

This command starts a communications trace of line description LINE001. The trace will be ended when a Licensed Internal Code (LIC) log entry that has a major code starting with 99 and a minor code of 9932 is generated on the system. Also, the LIC log information should contain the text "MYJOBNAME". *NOMAX on WCHTIMO parameter indicates that the trace will be active until the event occurs or ENDCMNTRC command is issued manually.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Line description &1 not found.
Not authorized to object &1.
Trace &1 type &2 already exists
Beginning or ending bytes exceeds maximum value
Total of beginning and ending bytes exceeds maximum value
&1 type &2 cannot be traced
Storage could not be allocated
Trace storage not available in communications processor
Not authorized to communications trace service tool
Error occurred during communications trace function
Network interface description &1 not found
Remote IP address not valid.
Communications trace function cannot be performed
Controller description &1 not found.
Controller description &1 not valid.
Number of user bytes to trace must be *CALC.
Trace buffer size too large.
Cannot allocate library &1
Not authorized to &1 command.