Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Remove TCP/IP Route (RMVTCPRTE) command removes a previously identified route from the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) configuration.

Five parameter values uniquely define a route. These values are the route destination (RTEDEST), the subnet mask (SUBNETMASK), the type of service (TOS), the internet address of the next system on the route (NEXTHOP), and the preferred binding interface (BINDIFC). For default routes and default multicast routes (*DFTROUTE and *DFTMCAST), the NEXTHOP, TOS and BINDIFC values uniquely define the route because the SUBNETMASK is always *NONE.

Note: When a RMVTCPRTE command is entered using option 4 of the Work with TCP/IP Routes display, a confirmation display is shown. This display warns that the removal of a route might affect active TCP connections and that unpredictable results might occur. A confirmation display is not shown when the RMVTCPRTE CL command is issued directly.




Keyword Description Choices Notes
RTEDEST Route destination Character value, *DFTROUTE, *DFTMCAST Required, Positional 1
SUBNETMASK Subnet mask Character value, *NONE, *HOST Required, Positional 2
TOS Type of service *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT, *MAXRLB, *MINCOST, *NORMAL Optional, Positional 3
NEXTHOP Next hop Character value Optional
BINDIFC Preferred binding interface Character value, *NONE Optional

Route destination (RTEDEST)

Specifies the route destination being removed. You must specify all 4 bytes that make up an internet address though some of the bytes may be equal to 0. For example, a route to all the hosts on the 9.5.11 subnetwork is identified by entering for the route destination. Used in combination with a subnetmask, type of service value, and next hop, the route destination uniquely identifies a route to a network or system.

Specifies that a default route entry is being removed. A default route entry is used by the system to route data that is being sent to a remote destination that does not have a specific route defined. The default route entries are used based on the availability of the next hop gateway and the type of service (TOS). If the application requests a specific TOS, the TOS of the default route used must match the TOS requested. If no default route is found that matches the requested TOS, the first available default route with a TOS of *NORMAL is used.
Use the *DFTMCAST special value to indicate that the static route you are removing is a default Multicast route. The default Multicast route is used by an application when no specific route is specified.

Note: When RTEDEST(*DFTMCAST) is specified, then SUBNETMASK(*NONE) must also be specified and the NEXTHOP parameter must be a local TCP/IP interface (on this system).

Specify the route destination being changed. The route destination can be specified in the form nnn.0.0.0, for Class A, nnn.nnn.0.0 for Class B, and nnn.nnn.nnn.0 for Class C, or nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn for any combination thereof, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

Any combination thereof means that you may specify a route, such as to the hosts on the 9.5 subnet, even though all 9.5.x.x addresses are class A network addresses.


  • The first byte (octet) must be greater than 0 and less than 255.
  • The last byte (octet) may not equal 255.
  • The last byte (octet) may not equal 0 if *HOST is specified for the SUBNETMASK value.
  • Routes to a broadcast address are not allowed.

Subnet mask (SUBNETMASK)

Specifies a bit mask that identifies to TCP/IP which bits of the value specified for the route destination (RTEDEST) compose the network and subnet portions of the internet address. By defining the network portion and subnetwork portion of the RTEDEST address, the subnet mask also defines which bits of the RTEDEST address make up the host portion. The mask is a 32-bit combination that is logically ANDed with the internet address to determine a particular subnetwork. The bits of the mask set to the value one (1) determine the network and subnetwork portions of the address. The bits set to the value zero (0) determine the host portion of the address.

No subnet mask is used. A subnet mask is not used when specifying default routes. For example, when RTEDEST(*DFTMCAST) or RTEDEST(*DFTROUTE) is specified, SUBNETMASK(*NONE) must also be specified.
The internet address value specified in the route destination field is a host address. The subnetmask value is calculated to be
Specify the mask of the subnet field. The internet address is in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. The subnetmask network class's network ID part of the destination route's internet address must equal 255. For example, a destination route's internet address value of is a Class B subnet. The network ID part of its address is 129.35. The upper 2 bytes must designate 255 in the subnetmask. The subnetmask must appear in the format 255.255.x.x, where x is determined by the user. The portion of the subnetmask that is associated with the network portion of a particular class of address must equal 255.

Type of service (TOS)

Specifies the type of service to be used. The type of service defines how the internet hosts and routers should make trade-offs between throughput, delay, reliability, and cost.

*NORMAL: Normal service is used for delivery of data.

*MINDELAY: Minimize delay means that prompt delivery is important for data on this connection.

*MAXTHRPUT: Maximize throughput means that a high data rate is important for data on this connection.

*MAXRLB: Maximize reliability means that a higher level of effort to ensure delivery is important for data on this connection.

*MINCOST: Minimize monetary cost means that lower cost is important for data on this connection.


Next hop (NEXTHOP)

Specifies the internet address of the next system (gateway) on the route.

Specify the internet address. The internet address is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An internet address is not valid if it has a value of all binary ones or all binary zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the address. If the internet address is entered from a command line, the address must be enclosed in apostrophes.

Preferred binding interface (BINDIFC)

Preferred Binding Interface (BINDIFC). Specify the IP interface this route will be bound to. The bind is absolute.

Note: This parameter is useful only when there are multiple interfaces defined on your system for the same network. BINDIFC allows you to define which interface should be used to reach the network for a particular route destination. In this way you can distribute traffic (load balancing) across multiple interfaces so all routes do not use the same interface to reach the network.

If the IP interface you specify is active, this route will bind to it, otherwise it will follow the normal route binding rules (which are also used when BINDIFC is defined as *NONE).

No particular IP interface will be bound to this route. The first active IP interface on the network defined by the NEXTHOP and SUBNETMASK parameters will be used. This is the default value.
Specify the internet address (IP address) of the interface you want this route to bind to.


Example 1: Removing a Route

            TOS(*MINDELAY)  NEXTHOP('')

This command removes the route identified as with a subnetmask of, a type of service of *MINDELAY, and a next hop of

Example 2: Removing a Default Route


This command removes a host route identified as a default route (*DFTROUTE). The subnetmask is specified as *NONE and the type of service defaults to *NORMAL. The subnetmask, type of service, and next-hop value differentiate this *DFTROUTE from the other possible eight *DFTROUTE entries.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

&1 member record length not correct.
Error occurred processing member &1 of &2/&3.
Internet address &1 not valid.
Process completed successfully.
&2 &1 not removed.
*IOSYSCFG authority required to use &1.
Internal system error in program &1.