Reclaim Spool Storage (RCLSPLSTG)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Reclaim Spool Storage (RCLSPLSTG) command reclaims unused storage for spooled files that have not been used for more than the number of days specified by the user. Spooled files are stored with database file members on the system. When a spooled file is deleted, the member is emptied but not deleted. Therefore, the member can be reused for the next spool file created. Reusing empty members improves the performance time when creating new spooled files. The RCLSPLSTG command deletes unused and empty database members in the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP 1) and any basic user auxiliary storage pools (ASPs 2-32). The RCLSPLSTG command will not delete unused and empty database members in primary or secondary auxiliary storage pools (ASPs). The QRCLSPLSTG system value can be set to automatically delete unused and empty database members in primary or secondary ASPs. This command uses synchronous processing. More information about synchronous processing is in the Backup and Recovery book, SC41-5304.

Restriction: To use this command, you must be signed on as QPGMR, QSYSOPR, QSRV, or QSRVBAS, or have *ALLOBJ authority.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
DAYS Days 1-366, *NONE Required, Positional 1

Days (DAYS)

Specifies an interval in days. If existing spool storage has not been used to create new spooled files in the number of days specified, it will be deleted.

This is a required parameter.

No interval is used. All unused spool storage is deleted. No storage will remain for creating new spooled files. This will lengthen the time it takes to create a new spooled file.

Note: Using this value can have adverse effects on system performance. More information is in the Files and file systems topic in the iSeries Information Center at

Specify the number of days. The specified number of days is measured to the second.



This command reclaims all unused storage for spooled files that have remained unused for more than 30 days. When storage has been unused for 1 second over 30 days it is reclaimed because a date and time stamp is placed on the storage area.


Error messages

