#include <rapi.h> int rapi_reserve( rapi_sid_t SessID, int flags, rapi_addr_t *SessAddr, rapi_styleid_t style, rapi_stylex_t *style_ext, rapi_policy_t *RcvPol, int numFilt, rapi_filter_t *FspecLst, int numFlow, rapi_flowspec_t *Flowlst )
The RSVP receiver uses the the rapi_reserve() API to make, modify, or delete an RSVP reservation in the network. This call causes an RSVP RESERVE message to be sent to the sender through the network. This API should be called after a PATH message has been received from the sender.
Style Type | Style ID | Description |
Wildcard Filter(WF) | RAPI_RSTYLE_ WILDCARD | The Flowspec_list parameter may be empty (to delete the reservation) or else point to a single flowspec. The FilterSpec_list parameter may be empty or it may point to a single filter spec containing appropriate wildcard(s). |
Fixed Filter(FF) | RAPI_RSTYLE_FIXED | FilterSpecNo must equal FlowspecNo. Entries Flowspec_list and FilterSpedc_list parameters will correspond in pairs. |
Shared Explicit(SE) | _RSTYLE_SE | The Flowspec_list parameter should point to a single flowspec. The FilterSpec_list parameter may point to a list of any length. |
Returns 0 if successful.
RAPI error code if it fails.
One or more of the parameters that was passed to the API was not valid.
The session ID that was passed to the API did not correspond to an active RAPI session.
The RSVP server was not detected. Make sure the RSVP server is running.
If this call is successful, the application RAPI message-handling routine of type RAPI_RESV_ERROR or RAPI_RESV_CONFIRM may be generated. A rejection of the reservation request or other failure is reported by an RAPI message-handling routine of type API_RESV_ERROR. An error code of RSPV_Err_NO_PATH indicates that the RSVP state from one or more of the senders specified in filter_list has not yet propagated all the way to the receiver; it may also indicate that one or more of the specified senders has closed its API session and that its RSVP state has been deleted from the routers.
For a description of the RSVP protocol, see RFC 2205 on the RFC Pages for The Internet Engineering Task
Complete documentation of the RAPI APIs can be found at The Open
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