1 | Receiver variable | Output | Char(*) |
2 | Length of receiver variable | Input | Binary(4) |
3 | List information | Output | Char(80) |
4 | Number of records to return | Input | Binary(4) |
5 | Format name | Input | Char(8) |
6 | Storage space name qualifier | Input | Char(*) |
7 | Length of storage space name qualifier | Input | Binary(4) |
8 | Network server description name qualifier | Input | Char(*) |
9 | Length of network server description name qualifier | Input | Binary(4) |
10 | Error code | I/O | Char(*) |
The Open List Network Server Storage Spaces (QFPADOLD) API retrieves a list of storage spaces (virtual disk drives) that can be linked to a server. The functions provided by this API are similar to the Work with Network Server Storage Spaces (WRKNWSSTG) command.
The receiver variable that receives the information requested. You can specify the size of the area to be smaller than the format requested as long as you specify the length parameter correctly. As a result, the API returns only the data the area can hold.
The length of the receiver variable provided. The length of the receiver variable parameter may be specified up to the size of the receiver variable specified in the user program. If the length of the receiver variable parameter specified is larger than the allocated size of the receiver variable specified in the user program, the results are not predictable. The minimum length is 0 bytes.
Information about the list created by this program. For a description of the layout of this parameter, see Format of List Information.
The number of records in the list to put into the receiver variable. The value must be 0 or greater.
The format of the information returned. You must use the following format name:
DOLD0100 | The output storage space list structure. For more information, see DOLD0100 Format. |
A restriction on the information to be retrieved. This parameter allows the caller to request a subset of the records that normally would be returned on a given format. If this parameter is *ALL, no information qualification is performed. Allowable values are:
*ALL | Information about all storage spaces. |
Storage space name | Information about the specified storage space name record only. |
Generic storage space name* | Information about storage spaces matching the generic storage space name string. |
The length of the storage space name qualifier.
A restriction on the information to be retrieved. This parameter allows the caller to request a subset of the records that normally would be returned on a given format. If this parameter is *ALL, no information qualification is performed. Allowable values are:
*ALL | Information about storage spaces for all network server descriptions, including storage spaces that are not linked to a network server description. |
Network server description name | Information about storage spaces linked to the specified network server description name only. |
The length of the network server description name qualifier.
The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error Code Parameter. If this parameter is omitted, diagnostic and escape messages are issued to the application.
Format DOLD0100 returns storage space information.
Offset | Type | Field | |
Dec | Hex | ||
0 | 0 | BINARY(4) | Displacement to next storage space record |
4 | 4 | BINARY(4) | Length of storage space record |
8 | 8 | CHAR(10) | Name |
18 | 12 | CHAR(50) | Description |
68 | 44 | BINARY(4) | Capacity |
72 | 48 | BINARY(4) | Percent used |
76 | 4C | BINARY(4) | Disk pool |
80 | 50 | BINARY(4) | Storage space format |
84 | 54 | BINARY(4) | Storage space formatting status |
88 | 58 | BINARY(4) | Access to storage space |
92 | 5C | BINARY(4) | Displacement to list of server entries |
96 | 60 | BINARY(4) | Length of server list entries |
100 | 64 | BINARY(4) | Number of server list entries |
104 | 68 | BINARY(4) | Clustering quorum resource disk |
108 | 6C | CHAR(10) | Disk pool name |
118 | 76 | CHAR(2) | Reserved |
120 | 78 | BINARY(4) | Displacement to list of extent entries |
124 | 7C | BINARY(4) | Length of extent list entries |
128 | 80 | BINARY(4) | Number of extent list entries |
![]() | |||
132 | 84 | BINARY(4) | Displacement to cluster quorum disk information |
136 | 88 | BINARY(4) | Length of cluster quorum disk information |
![]() | |||
These fields repeat for each server entry | BINARY(4) | Dynamic link | |
BINARY(4) | Link sequence position | ||
CHAR(8) | Network server description name | ||
BINARY(4) | Displacement to server name | ||
BINARY(4) | Length of server name | ||
BINARY(4) | Link type | ||
![]() | |||
BINARY(4) | Storage path identifier | ||
CHAR(10) | Network server host adapter name | ||
![]() | |||
CHAR(*) | Server name | ||
These fields repeat for each extent entry | BINARY(4) | Extent capacity | |
BINARY(4) | Extent free space | ||
CHAR(16) | Extent format | ||
CHAR(64) | Volume name | ||
![]() | |||
These fields exist when disk is created as a cluster quorum resource disk | CHAR(10) | Cluster name | |
CHAR(15) | Cluster domain name | ||
CHAR(10) | Cluster connection port | ||
CHAR(15) | Cluster IP address | ||
CHAR(15) | Cluster subnet mask | ||
![]() |
Access to storage space. The type of access the server has to the storage space data. The possible values follow:
0 | Exclusive update - update access; not shared |
1 | Shared read - read access; storage space shared with other servers |
2 | Shared update - update access; storage space shared with other servers |
Capacity. The size of the storage space, in megabytes (MB).
Cluster connection port. The port number that was specified when creating the cluster quorum resource disk.
Cluster domain name. The name of the Windows cluster domain that was specified when creating the cluster quorum resource disk.
Cluster IP address. The internet address of the cluster that was specified when creating the cluster quorum resource disk.
Cluster name. The name of the Windows cluster that was specified when creating the cluster quorum resource disk.
Clustering quorum resource disk. Specifies whether the storage space was created as a cluster quorum resource disk or not.
0 | This storage space is not a cluster quorum resource disk. |
1 | This storage space is a cluster quorum resource disk. |
Cluster subnet mask. The subnet mask of the cluster that was specified when creating the cluster quorum resource disk.
Description. The text description of the storage space.
Disk pool. The disk pool that contains the storage space.
1 | System disk pool |
2-32 | User disk pools |
33-255 | Independent user disk pools |
Disk pool name. The device description name for the independent user disk pool that contains the storage space.
Displacement to cluster quorum disk information. The displacement in bytes from the beginning of the record to the cluster quorum disk information. If this disk is not a cluster quorum disk, this value is zero.
Displacement to list of extent entries. The displacement in bytes from the beginning of the record to the list of disk drive extents found on the storage space. If there are no disk drive extents found on this storage space, this value is zero.
Displacement to list of server entries. The displacement in bytes from the beginning of the record to the list of network server descriptions that are linked to the storage space. If there are no network server descriptions linked to the storage space, this value is zero.
Displacement to next storage space record. The displacement in bytes from the beginning of the record to the next storage space record. If this is the last record, this value is zero.
Displacement to server name. The displacement in bytes from the beginning of the server list entry to the server name.
Dynamic link. Whether the storage space was linked to the server dynamically. The possible values follow:
0 | The storage space was not linked dynamically. |
1 | The storage space was linked dynamically. |
Extent capacity. The size of the disk drive extent in megabytes (MB).
Extent format. A blank padded Unicode (CCSID 13488) text string describing the file system type formatted on the volume residing on the disk drive extent. Expected value includes but is not limited to one of the following.
FAT | File Asllocation Table (FAT) file system |
FAT32 | 32-bit File Allocation Table (FAT-32) file system |
NTFS | Windows NT file system (NTFS) |
*NONE | The area of the disk is unallocated or unformatted. |
Extent free space. The size in megabytes (MB) on this disk extent that is not occupied by data.
Length of cluster quorum disk information. The length of the cluster quorum disk information.
Length of extent list entries. The length of each disk drive extent entry.
Length of server list entries. The length of each server entry.
Length of server name. The length of the server name.
Length of storage space record. The length of the data for the current storage space.
Link sequence position. The relative order that storage spaces are linked to the network server description. Storage spaces are presented to the hosted operating system in the order specified by the link sequence position value. There are several types of storage space links. The link types and the corresponding link sequence position ranges are as follows:
Fixed | Links of this type have the dynamic link value set to 0. The link sequence position values range from 1 to 16. |
Cluster quorum resource | Links of this type have the clustering quorum resource disk value set to 1 and the access to storage space value set to 2. The link sequence position value is 1. |
Cluster shared | Links of this type have the clustering quorum resource disk value set to 0 and the access to storage space value set to 2. The link sequence position values range from 1 to 15. |
Dynamic | Links of this type have the dynamic link value set to 1. The link sequence position values range from 1 to 64. |
Link type. The type of linking and access mode used for this disk drive. The possible link types are as follow:
1 | This disk drive is linked as a fixed disk. |
2 | This disk drive is linked as a dynamic disk. |
3 | This disk drive is linked as a cluster quorum resource disk. |
4 | This disk drive is linked as a cluster shared disk. |
Name. The name of the storage space.
Network server description name. The name of the network server description that is linked to the storage space.
Network server host adapter name. The name of the network server host adapter device description that is being used to access this disk drive. This field will be blank if a network server host adapter is not required to access this disk. The following special value can be returned:
*MULTIPATH | Multiple storage paths are defined in the NWSD for accessing this disk drive. |
Number of extent list entries. The number of disk drive extent entries. The maximum number of extent entries per disk drive is 32. If more than 32 extent entries exist on the disk drive, the contents of the 32nd extent entry will be a sum of all remaining extent entries.
Number of server list entries. The number of server entries.
Percent used. The percentage of the storage space capacity that is occupied by data.
Reserved. Reserved area for 4-byte boundary alignment.
Server name. The name of the server that is linked to the storage space.
Storage path identifier. This value represents the storage path identifier of the network server host adapter device being used to access this storage.
1 | First storage path in NWSD |
2 | Second storage path in NWSD |
3 | Third storage path in NWSD |
4 | Fourth storage path in NWSD |
-1 | Default storage path |
-2 | Multipath as defined in NWSD |
-3 | Storage path not used for accessing disk |
Storage space format. The file system format that is used for the storage space. The possible values follow:
0 | High performance file system (HPFS) |
1 | File Allocation Table (FAT) file system |
2 | NetWare file system |
3 | AIX file system |
4 | Windows NT file system (NTFS) |
6 | 32-bit File Allocation Table (FAT-32) file system |
7 | Open source file system |
254 | Unknown (the storage space contains an unknown format type) |
255 | Pending (the storage space is in the process of being created) |
Storage space formatting status. Whether the storage space is properly formatted for the specified file system format and ready to use. The possible values follow:
0 | Unknown |
1 | Complete |
2 | Incomplete |
Volume name.
A blank padded Unicode (CCSID 13488) text string describing the
volume name residing on the disk drive extent.
If the disk contains more than 32 extents,
the volume name on the 32nd extent entry will be *OVERFLOW.
The following table shows the format of the list information parameter. For detailed descriptions of the field in the table, see Field Descriptions.
Offset | Type | Field | |
Dec | Hex | ||
0 | 0 | BINARY(4) | Total records |
4 | 4 | BINARY(4) | Records returned |
8 | 8 | CHAR(4) | Request handle |
12 | C | BINARY(4) | Record length |
16 | 10 | CHAR(1) | Information complete indicator |
17 | 11 | CHAR(13) | Date and time created |
30 | 1E | CHAR(1) | List status indicator |
31 | 1F | CHAR(1) | Reserved |
32 | 20 | BINARY(4) | Length of information returned |
36 | 24 | BINARY(4) | First record in buffer |
40 | 28 | CHAR(40) | Reserved |
Date and time created. The date and time the list was created. The 13 characters are:
1 | Century, where 0 indicates years 19xx and 1 indicates years 20xx. |
2-7 | The date, in YYMMDD (year, month, day) format. |
8-13 | The time of day, in HHMMSS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. |
First record in buffer. The number of the first record in the receiver variable.
Information complete indicator. Whether all information requested has been supplied.
I | (x'C9') Incomplete information. An interruption caused the list to contain incomplete information about a buffer or buffers. |
P | (x'D7') Partial and accurate information. Partial information is returned when the maximum space was used and not all of the buffers requested were read. |
C | x'C3') Complete and accurate information. All the buffers requested were read and returned. |
Length of information returned. The size, in bytes, of the information returned in the receiver variable.
List status indicator. The status of the list building. The indicators are:
0 | The list building is pending. |
1 | The list is in the process of being built. |
2 | The list has been built completely. |
3 | An error occurred while building the list. The next call to QGYGTLE will cause the error to be signalled to the caller of QGYGTLE. |
Record length. The length of each record of information returned. For variable length records, this value is set to 0. For variable length records, you can obtain the length of individual records from the records themselves.
Records returned. The number of records returned in the receiver variable. This is the smallest of the following values:
Request handle. The handle of the request that can be used for subsequent requests of information from the list. The handle is valid until the Close List (QGYCLST) API is called to close the list or until the job ends.
Note: This field should be treated as a hexadecimal field. It should not be converted from one CCSID to another (for example, EBCDIC to ASCII) because doing so could result in an unusable value.
Reserved. Reserved field. Must be set to hexadecimal or binary zero.
Total records. The total number of records available in the list.
Message ID | Error Message Text |
CPF24B4 E | Severe error while addressing parameter list. |
CPF2634 E | Not authorized to object &1. |
CPF3C17 E | Error occurred with input data parameter. |
CPF3C19 E | Error occurred with receiver variable specified. |
CPF3C1D E | Length specified in parameter &1 not valid. |
CPF3C1E E | Required parameter &1 omitted. |
CPF3C1F E | Pointer is not on a 16 byte boundary. |
CPF3C21 E | Format name &1 is not valid. |
CPF3C24 E | Length of the receiver variable is not valid. |
CPF3CF1 E | Error code parameter not valid. |
CPF3CF2 E | Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API. |
CPF3C36 E | Number of parameters, &1, entered for this API was not valid. |
CPF9806 E | Cannot perform function for object &2 in library &3. |
CPF9872 E | Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3. |
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