NetWare Authentication Entry APIs

The NetWare Authentication Entry APIs provide a means that automatically logs you on to a server when you request a NetWare function (for example, the QNETWARE file system or NetWare administration commands). You can create authentication entries for each NetWare Directory Services (NDS) tree or NetWare 3.x server to which you are authorized. The entry identifies the tree or server, your name on that server, and (optionally) your password. The system saves the authentication entries as part of the user profile. When you request a NetWare function, the system attempts to start a connection to the server by using the data stored in the authentication entries.

Alternatively, you can explicitly start and end a connection to a server, such as when the system administrator has disabled storing passwords through the Retain Server Security Data (QRETSVRSEC) system value.

Note: To use these APIs, you need NetWare on iSeries(TM). See Netware on iSeries in the Information Center for more information on this topic.

The NetWare Authentication Entry APIs are:

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