ictxIdContext--Identity Context Info Parameter

This is information about the identity context. See eServer Implementation Notes for details on platform-specific details.

The layout for ictxIdContext follows:

typedef struct ictxIdContext
    char * identityContextOID;     /* context OID                     */
    unsigned char * identityContext; /* Identity context as binary data
    int    identityContextLength;  /* Length of binary data           */
} ictxIdContext_t;

Field Descriptions

The OID (object identifier) that is used to uniquely identify the type of identity context.

The identity context binary data.

The length of the binary data in the identityContext parameter.

eServer Implementation Notes

  1. AIX implementation details:
  2. Linux implementation details:
  3. i5/OS implementation details:
  4. Windows implementation details:
  5. z/OS implementation notes:

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