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<title>eimListRegistryAssociations()--List EIM Registry Associations</title>
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<h2>eimListRegistryAssociations()--List EIM Registry Associations</h2>

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 #include &lt;eim.h&gt;

 int eimListRegistryAssociations(EimHandle                * <em>eim</em>,
                                 enum EimAssociationType    <em>associationType</em>,
                                 char                     * <em>registryName</em>,
                                 char                     * <em>registryUserName</em>,
                                 unsigned int               <em>lengthOfListData</em>,
                                 EimList                  * <em>listData</em>,
                                 EimRC                    * <em>eimrc</em>)

&nbsp;&nbsp;Service Program Name: QSYS/QSYEIM<br>
<!-- iddvc RMBR -->
&nbsp;&nbsp;Default Public Authority: *USE<br>
<!-- iddvc RMBR -->
&nbsp;&nbsp;Threadsafe: Yes<br>
<!-- iddvc RMBR -->

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<!--  D E S C R I P T I O N                                          -->
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<p>The <strong>eimListRegistryAssociations()</strong> function
lists association information for the registry or domain.   

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<!--  A U T H O R I T I E S   A N D    L O C K S  --> 
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<h3>Authorities and Locks</h3>

<dt><em>EIM Data</em></dt>

<dd>Access to EIM data is controlled by EIM access groups. LDAP administrators
also have access to EIM data.  The access groups whose members
have authority to the EIM data for this API follow:

<li>EIM Administrator</li>
<li>EIM Registries Administrator</li>
<li>EIM Identifiers Administrator</li>
<li>EIM Mapping Lookup</li>
<li>EIM authority to an individual registry</li>

<p>The list returned contains only the information that the user has authority
to access.</dd>

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<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  eim                                                           -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>The EIM handle returned by a previous call to eimCreateHandle(). A valid
connection is required for this function.<br>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  associationType                                                -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>The type of associations to be listed.
<img src="delta.gif" alt="Start of change">
EIM version 2 must be supported by the local EIM APIs to specify a policy association type
(see <a href="eimgetversion.htm">eimGetVersion()</a>--Get EIM Version).
<img src="deltaend.gif" alt="End of change">
Valid values are: 

<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="35 65" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_ALL_ASSOC (0)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List all associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_TARGET (1)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List target associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_SOURCE (2)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List source associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_SOURCE_AND_TARGET (3)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List source and target associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_ADMIN (4)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List administrative associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_ALL_POLICY_ASSOC (5)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List all policy associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_CERT_FILTER_POLICY (6)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List certificate filter policy associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIM_DEFAULT_REG_POLICY (7)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List default registry policy associations.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top" nowrap><em>EIM_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_POLICY (8)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">List default domain policy associations.</td>


<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  registryName                                                   -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>The name of the registry for which to list association information.
If a NULL value is specified, then association information for the
entire domain will be listed.  The <em>registryUserName</em> parameter
must also be NULL if this parameter is NULL.
If the <em>registryUserName</em> parameter is NULL, then for
policy associations, the association information 
will include policy associations where the registry is the source
registry or the target registry.
If the <em>registryUserName</em> parameter is not NULL, then
the association information will include policy associations where
the registry is the target registry.

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  registryUserName                                               -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>The name of the registry user name for which to list association information.

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  lengthOfListData                                               -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>The number of bytes provided by the caller for the <em>listData</em>
parameter. The minimum size required is 20 bytes.<br>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  listData                                                       -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>A pointer to the EimList structure. 

<p>The EimList structure contains information about the returned data. The API
will return as much data as space has been provided. The data returned is a
linked list of EimRegistryAssociation structures. firstEntry is used to get
to the first EimRegistryAssociation structure in the linked list.</p>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!--  EimList                                                        -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<p>EimList structure:</p>

   typedef struct EimList
       unsigned int bytesReturned;     /* Number of bytes actually returned
                                        by the API                       */
       unsigned int bytesAvailable;    /* Number of bytes of available data
                                        that could have been returned by
                                        the API                          */
       unsigned int entriesReturned;   /* Number of entries actually
                                        returned by the API              */
       unsigned int entriesAvailable;  /* Number of entries available to be
                                        returned by the API              */
       unsigned int firstEntry;        /* Displacement to the first linked
                                        list entry. This byte offset is
                                        relative to the start of the
                                        EimList structure.               */
   } EimList;

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EimRegistryAssociation                                           -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<p>EimRegistryAssociation structure:</p>

   typedef struct EimRegistryAssociation    
       unsigned int nextEntry;         /* Displacement to next entry.  This
                                        byte offset is relative to the
                                        start of this structure          */
       enum EimAssociationType type;   /* Type of association.           */
       EimListData registryName;       /* Registry name the association
                                        is defined to.                   */
       EimListData registryUserName;   /* Registry user name the
                                        association is defined to.       */
       EimListData identifier;         /* Unique name for eim identifier */
       EimListData sourceRegistry;     /* Source registry name the
                                        association is defined for.      */
       EimListData filterValue;        /* Filter value                   */
       enum EimStatus domainPolicyAssocStatus;
                                       /* Policy association status for
                                        the domain:
                                        0 = not enabled
                                        1 = enabled                      */
       enum EimStatus sourceMappingLookupStatus;
                                       /* Mapping lookup status for the
                                        source registry:
                                        0 = not enabled
                                        1 = enabled                      */
       enum EimStatus targetMappingLookupStatus;
                                       /* Mapping lookup status for the
                                        target registry:
                                        0 = not enabled
                                        1 = enabled                      */
       enum EimStatus targetPolicyAssocStatus;
                                       /* Policy association status for
                                        the target registry:
                                        0 = not enabled
                                        1 = enabled                      */
   } EimRegistryAssociation;

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EimListData                                                    -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<p>EimListData structure:</p>

   typedef struct EimListData
       unsigned int length;            /* Length of data                 */
       unsigned int disp;              /* Displacement to data.  This byte
                                        offset is relative to the start of
                                        the parent structure; that is, the
                                        structure containing this
                                        structure.                       */
   } EimListData;
<p>If the <em>type</em> field is EIM_TARGET (1), then the following
fields will be returned:
<p>If the <em>type</em> field is EIM_SOURCE (2), then the following
fields will be returned:
<p>If the <em>type</em> field is EIM_ADMIN (4), then the following
fields will be returned:
<p>If the <em>type</em> field is EIM_CERT_FILTER_POLICY (6), then the following
fields will be returned:
<p>If the <em>type</em> field is EIM_DEFAULT_REG_POLICY (7), then the following
fields will be returned:
<p>If the <em>type</em> field is EIM_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_POLICY (8), then the following
fields will be returned:

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  eimrc                                                          -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>The structure in which to return error code information. If the return value
is not 0, eimrc is set with additional information. This parameter may be NULL.
For the format of the structure, see <a href="eimrc.htm">EimRC--EIM Return Code

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<!--  R E T U R N   V A L U E                                        --> 
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<h3>Return Value</h3>

<p>The return value from the API. Following each return value is the list of
possible values for the
<samp>messageCatalogMessageID</samp> field in the <em>eimrc</em> parameter
for that value.</p>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  0                                                              -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>Request was successful.<br>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EACCES                                                         -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>Access denied. Not enough permissions to access data.<br>
<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="25 75" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_ACCESS (1)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Insufficient access to EIM data.</td>


<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EBADDATA                                                       -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<dt><strong>EBADDATA </strong></dt>

<dd>eimrc is not valid.<br>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EBADNAME                                                       -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>Registry name is not valid or insufficient access to EIM

<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="25 75" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_NOREG (28)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">EIM Registry not found or insufficient access to
EIM data.</td>


<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EBUSY                                                      -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>Unable to allocate internal system object.<br>

<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="25 75" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_NOLOCK (26)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Unable to allocate internal system object.</td>


<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  ECONVERT                                                       -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<dt><strong>ECONVERT </strong></dt>

<dd>Data conversion error.<br>
<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="35 65" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_DATA_CONVERSION (13)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Error occurred when converting data between code pages.</td>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EINVAL                                                         -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<dt><strong>EINVAL </strong></dt>

<dd>Input parameter was not valid.<br>
<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="35 65" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_ASSOC_TYPE_INVAL (4)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Association type is not valid.</td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_EIMLIST_SIZE (16)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Length of EimList is not valid. EimList must be
at least 20 bytes in length.</td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_HANDLE_INVAL (17)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">EimHandle is not valid.</td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_PARM_REQ (34)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Missing required parameter. Please check API documentation.</td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_PTR_INVAL (35)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Pointer parameter is not valid.</td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_SPACE (41)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Unexpected error accessing parameter.</td>

<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_FUNCTION_NOT_ SUPPORTED (70)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">The specified function is not supported
by the EIM version.</td>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  ENOMEM                                                         -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<dt><strong>ENOMEM </strong></dt>

<dd>Unable to allocate required space.<br>
<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="25 75" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_NOMEM (27)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">No memory available. Unable to allocate required space.</td>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  ENOTCONN                                                       -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->

<dd>LDAP connection has not been made.<br>
<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="25 75" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_NOT_CONN (31)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Not connected to LDAP. Use eimConnect() API and
try the request again.</td>

<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<!--  EUNKNOWN                                                       -->
<!-- ==============================================================  -->
<dt><strong>EUNKNOWN </strong></dt>

<dd>Unexpected exception.<br>
<table cellpadding="5">
<!-- cols="25 75" -->
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_LDAP_ERR (23)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Unexpected LDAP error. %s</td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_UNKNOWN (44)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Unknown error or unknown system state.</td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><em>EIMERR_UNEXP_OBJ_ VIOLATION (56)</em></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">Unexpected object violation.</td>


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<!--  R E L A T E D    I N F O R M A T I O N                         --> 
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<h3>Related Information</h3>


<li><a href="eimaddpolicyassociation.htm">eimAddPolicyAssociation()</a>
--Add EIM Policy Association<br>

<li><a href="eimaddassociation.htm">eimAddAssociation()</a>
--Add EIM Association<br>

<li><a href="eimgetassociatedidentifiers.htm">eimGetAssociatedIdentifiers()</a>
--Get Associated EIM identifiers<br>


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<!--  E X A M P L E                                                  --> 
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<p>See <a href="../apiref/aboutapis.htm#codedisclaimer">Code disclaimer information</a> 
for information pertaining to code examples.</p>
<p>The following example lists the default registry policies for a registry.

#include &lt;eim.h&gt;
#include &lt;stddef.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;

void printAssociationType(int type);
void printStatus(int status);
void printListResults(EimList * list);
void printListData(char * fieldName,
                   void * entry,
                   int offset);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int           rc;
    char          eimerr[100];
    EimRC       * err;
    EimHandle   * handle;

    char          listData[1000];
    EimList     * list = (EimList * ) listData;

    <em>/* Get eim handle from input arg.           */</em>
    <em>/* This handle is already connected to EIM. */</em>
    handle = (EimHandle *)argv[1];

    <em>/* Set up error structure.                  */</em>
    err = (EimRC *)eimerr;
    err-&gt;memoryProvidedByCaller = 100;

    <em>/* Get source registry policies             */</em>
    if (0 != (rc = eimListRegistryAssociations(handle,
        printf(&quot;List EIM Registry Associations error = %d&quot;, rc);
        return -1;

    <em>/* Print the results                        */</em>
    return 0;
void printListResults(EimList * list)
    int i;
    EimRegistryAssociation * entry;

    printf(&quot;   bytesReturned    = %d\n&quot;, list-&gt;bytesReturned);
    printf(&quot;   bytesAvailable   = %d\n&quot;, list-&gt;bytesAvailable);
    printf(&quot;   entriesReturned  = %d\n&quot;, list-&gt;entriesReturned);
    printf(&quot;   entriesAvailable = %d\n&quot;, list-&gt;entriesAvailable);

    entry = (EimRegistryAssociation *)((char *)list + list-&gt;firstEntry);
    for (i = 0; i &lt; list-&gt;entriesReturned; i++)
        printf(&quot;Entry %d.\n&quot;, i);
        <em>/* Print out results */</em>
        printListData(&quot;Registry Name&quot;,
                      offsetof(EimRegistryAssociation, registryName));
        printListData(&quot;Registry User Name&quot;,
                      offsetof(EimRegistryAssociation, registryUserName));
        printListData(&quot;EIM identifier&quot;,
                      offsetof(EimRegistryAssociation, identifier));
        printListData(&quot;Source Registry&quot;,
                      offsetof(EimRegistryAssociation, sourceRegistry));
        printListData(&quot;Filter Value&quot;,
                      offsetof(EimRegistryAssociation, filterValue));
        printStatus(&quot;Domain policy association status&quot;,entry-&gt;domainPolicyAssocStatus);
        printStatus(&quot;Source registry mapping lookup status&quot;,entry-&gt;sourceMappingLookupStatus);
        printStatus(&quot;Target registry mapping lookup status&quot;,entry-&gt;targetMappingLookupStatus);
        printStatus(&quot;Target registry policy association status&quot;,entry-&gt;targetPolicyAssocStatus);

        <em>/* advance to next entry */</em>
        entry = (EimRegistryAssociation *)((char *)entry + entry-&gt;nextEntry);



void printAssociationType(int type)
        case EIM_TARGET:
            printf(&quot;    Target Association.\n&quot;);
        case EIM_SOURCE:
            printf(&quot;    Source Association.\n&quot;);
        case EIM_ADMIN:
            printf(&quot;    Administrative Association.\n&quot;);
            printf(&quot;    Certificate Filter Policy Association.\n&quot;);
            printf(&quot;    Default Registry Policy Association.\n&quot;);
            printf(&quot;    Default Domain Policy Association.\n&quot;);
            printf(&quot;ERROR - unknown association type.\n&quot;);

void printStatus(char * fieldName,
                 int    status)
    printf(&quot;     %s = &quot;,fieldName);
            printf(&quot;    Not enabled.\n&quot;);
        case EIM_STATUS_ENABLED:
            printf(&quot;    Enabled.\n&quot;);
            printf(&quot;ERROR - unknown status value.\n&quot;);

void printListData(char * fieldName,
                   void * entry,
                   int offset)
    EimListData * listData;
    char * data;
    int dataLength;

    printf(&quot;     %s = &quot;,fieldName);
    <em>/* Address the EimListData object */</em>
    listData = (EimListData *)((char *)entry + offset);
    <em>/* Print out results */</em>
    data = (char *)entry + listData-&gt;disp;
    dataLength = listData-&gt;length;
    if (dataLength &gt; 0)
        printf(&quot;%.*s\n&quot;,dataLength, data);
        printf(&quot;Not found.\n&quot;);

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API introduced: V5R3 

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