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2024-04-02 16:02:31 +02:00
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<toc label="DDS for ICF files" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzake/rzakemst.xml" topic="kickoff.htm">
<topic href="kickoff.htm" label="DDS for ICF files">
<topic href="print.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="cmnfl.htm" label="Define an ICF file using DDS">
<topic href="icfseq.htm" label="Sequence number for ICF files (positions 1 through 5)"/>
<topic href="icfform.htm" label="Form type for ICF files (position 6)"/>
<topic href="icfcmmt.htm" label="Comment for ICF files (position 7)"/>
<topic href="icfcond.htm" label="Condition for ICF files (positions 7 through 16)"/>
<topic href="cmn17.htm" label="Type of name or specification for ICF files (position 17)"/>
<topic href="icfrsrvd.htm" label="Reserved for ICF files (position 18)"/>
<topic href="cmn1928.htm" label="Name for ICF files (positions 19 through 28)"/>
<topic href="ref290.htm" label="Reference for ICF files (position 29)"/>
<topic href="icflen.htm" label="Length for ICF files (positions 30 through 34)"/>
<topic href="cdata.htm" label="Data type for ICF files (position 35)"/>
<topic href="cdec.htm" label="Decimal positions for ICF files (positions 36 and 37)"/>
<topic href="cusg.htm" label="Usage for ICF files (position 38)"/>
<topic href="icfloc.htm" label="Location for ICF files (positions 39 through 44)"/>
<topic href="rzakemstckeyw.htm" label="DDS keyword entries for ICF files (positions 45 through 80)">
<topic href="rzakemsticfalia.htm" label="ALIAS (Alternative Name) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfalww.htm" label="ALWWRT (Allow Write) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfcanc.htm" label="CANCEL (Cancel) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfcnli.htm" label="CNLINVITE (Cancel Invite) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfconf.htm" label="CONFIRM (Confirm) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfctld.htm" label="CTLDTA (Control Data) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfdeta.htm" label="DETACH (Detach) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfdfre.htm" label="DFREVOKE (Defer Evoke) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfendg.htm" label="ENDGRP (End of Group) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfeos.htm" label="EOS (End of Session) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfevok.htm" label="EVOKE (Evoke) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticffail.htm" label="FAIL (Fail) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticffltp.htm" label="FLTPCN (Floating-Point Precision) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticffmh.htm" label="FMH (Function Management Header) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticffmtn.htm" label="FMTNAME (Format Name) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticffrcd.htm" label="FRCDTA (Force Data) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfinda.htm" label="INDARA (Indicator Area) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfindt.htm" label="INDTXT (Indicator Text) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfinvi.htm" label="INVITE (Invite) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfnegr.htm" label="NEGRSP (Negative Response) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfprpc.htm" label="PRPCMT (Prepare for Commit) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrcvc.htm" label="RCVCANCEL (Receive Cancel) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrcon.htm" label="RCVCONFIRM (Receive Confirm) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrctl.htm" label="RCVCTLDTA (Receive Control Data) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrcvd.htm" label="RCVDETACH (Receive Detach) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrcve.htm" label="RCVENDGRP (Receive End of Group) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrcvf.htm" label="RCVFAIL (Receive Fail) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrfmh.htm" label="RCVFMH (Receive Function Management Header) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrdvn.htm" label="RCVNEGRSP (Receive Negative Response) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrcvr.htm" label="RCVROLLB (Receive Rollback Response Indicator) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrcvt.htm" label="RCVTKCMT (Receive Take Commit Response Indicator) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrtrn.htm" label="RCVTRNRND (Receive Turnaround) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfreci.htm" label="RECID (Record Identification) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfref.htm" label="REF (Reference) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfreff.htm" label="REFFLD (Referenced Field) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrqsw.htm" label="RQSWRT (Request Write) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfrspc.htm" label="RSPCONFIRM (Respond Confirm) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfsecu.htm" label="SECURITY (Security) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfsubd.htm" label="SUBDEV (Subdevice) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfsynl.htm" label="SYNLVL (Synchronization Level) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticftext.htm" label="TEXT (Text) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticftime.htm" label="TIMER (Timer) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticftnss.htm" label="TNSSYNLVL (Transaction Synchronization Level) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfvarb.htm" label="VARBUFMGT (Variable Buffer Management) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemsticfvarl.htm" label="VARLEN (Variable-Length User Data) keyword for ICF files"/>
<topic href="rzakemstzdbcs.htm" label="DBCS considerations for ICF files">
<topic href="icfpos.htm" label="Positional entry considerations for ICF files that use DBCS"/>
<topic href="icfgen.htm" label="Additional considerations for describing ICF files that contain DBCS data"/>