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<h1 class="topictitle1">DFNCHR (Define Character) keyword in printer files</h1>
<div><p>The DFNCHR keyword allows you to define characters of your own
design at the file or record level for the 5224 Printer and 5225 Printer.</p>
<div class="section"><p>With this keyword you can specify DFNCHR more than once at the
file or record level, or as many as 50 characters each time you specify DFNCHR.</p>
format of the keyword is:</p>
<pre>DFNCHR(X'code-point-1' X'dot-matrix-pattern-1'
[X'code-point-2' X'dot-matrix-pattern-2'...
[X'code-point-50' X'dot-matrix-pattern-50']])</pre>
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> You cannot
specify more than 5000 characters in a single DDS statement. If you need to
specify more than 5000 characters in specifying DFNCHR several times together,
start a new DDS statement by specifying an option indicator for the new DFNCHR
keywords. To avoid having to set the indicators on, specify an N (for example,
N50). This causes the conditioning to be on for the keyword with no program
<p>User-defined characters can take up one print position (as
in example 1) or more than one print position (as in examples 2 and 3). For
each print position, specify a code point and a dot matrix pattern. In the
EBCDIC character set, hexadecimal C1 is assigned the character A; hexadecimal
51 is an unassigned code point.</p>
<p>You define a dot matrix pattern in DDS
by specifying nine 2-digit pairs of hexadecimal digits. You can specify only
the characters 0 through 9 and A through F.</p>
<p>When your program sends
an output operation to a record format for which DFNCHR defines code points
different from those defined for the previous output operation, the <span class="keyword"><font color="Purple">i5/OS™</font></span> operating
system loads the new definitions, thereby changing the defined characters.
This process can slow printing.</p>
<p>If, however, the same DFNCHR keywords
are in effect for two output operations in a row, the <span class="keyword"><font color="Purple">i5/OS</font></span> operating system does not reload code points
for the second output operation.</p>
<p>You can use DFNCHR only with SCS printers.
It cannot be specified on the same record format with IPDS™ printer keywords, such as COLOR, LPI,
and BARCODE. If any format in the file contains a combination of SCS and IPDS printer
keywords, the file is not created.</p>
<p>If you specify DFNCHR in a file created
with DEVTYPE(*IPDS) or DEVTYPE(*AFPDS), a warning message appears at create
<p>You cannot specify DFNCHR on the same record format as the DRAWER
keyword. If any format in the file contains DFNCHR at the record-level and
a DRAWER keyword, the file is not created.</p>
<p>Option indicators are valid
for this keyword.</p>
<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h4><p>The following examples show how to specify
<p><strong>Example 1:</strong></p>
<p>The following example uses a single
dot matrix to show how to specify DFNCHR at the record level so that hexadecimal
7C prints © instead of @.</p>
00010A R RECORD DFNCHR(X'7C' X'007E813CC324817E00')
00020A 58 4DFT(X'7C') TRNSPY
00030A +2DFT('1982')
<div class="p">This example redefines code point hexadecimal 7C<strong>1</strong>,
normally @ in the EBCDIC character set, as a copyright mark. The copyright
mark is printed as follows (on line 58 of a printer form): <pre>© 1982</pre>
hexadecimal digits <strong>2</strong> define the following dot matrix pattern:</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e16b"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e16b"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1. Dot matrix pattern for example 1</span><br /><img src="rsll763.gif" alt="Dot matrix pattern for example&#xA;1" /><br /></div>
<p><strong>Example 2:</strong></p>
<p>The following example uses a dot matrix for
a large character. This example shows how to specify DFNCHR at the file level
for a character two positions wide by two lines high.</p>
00010A DFNCHR(X'51' X'000000FF00FF00E700' +
00020A X'52' X'E700E700E700E10000' +
00030A X'53' X'0000009C001F000700' +
00040A X'54' X'07000700FF00FC0000' +
00050A X'55' X'00000000FF00E700E7' +
00060A X'56' X'00E700E700E3000000' +
00070A X'57' X'000000001E00070007' +
00080A X'58' X'0007000700FE000000')
00090A R RECORD1
00100A <strong>3</strong> 58 4DFT(X'5152') TRNSPY
00110A 58 4DFT(X'5556') TRNSPY
00120A 59 4DFT(X'5354') TRNSPY
00130A 59 4DFT(X'5758') TRNSPY
<p>Example 2 redefines eight code points (hexadecimal 51
through hexadecimal 58) <strong>1</strong>. Each position of the two-by-two character
is printed twice so that adjacent horizontal dots can print. The hexadecimal
codes <strong>2</strong> define the dot matrix pattern.</p>
<p>The information marked <strong>3</strong> shows
how the large character 5 looks when printed (using four print positions,
two on line 58 and two on line 59 of a printer form):</p>
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> The file should
be at 9 lpi to avoid a horizontal gap in the large character (LPI parameter
on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command).</div>
<p>In the grid pattern,
mark the dot patterns for as many as nine print columns (three across and
three down), as shown in example 2.</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18b"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18b"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 2. Specify the grid
pattern for example 2 (points 51 through 54)</span><br /><img src="rsll768.gif" alt="Specify the grid pattern&#xA;for example 2" /><br /></div>
<p>Use <a href="prdots.htm#prdots__tbit">Table 1</a> to determine which
hexadecimal digit to specify for each half-column in the grid pattern.</p>
each print position, complete one row of the grid pattern (one pair of hexadecimal
digits to each box) as shown in <a href="#rzakdmstptdfnch__e18c">Figure 3</a> for
code points 51 through 54.</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18c"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18c"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 3. Complete code points for
example 2 (points 51 through 54)</span><br /><img src="rsll769.gif" alt="Complete code points for&#xA;example 2" /><br /></div>
<p>In the grid pattern, mark the dot patterns for as many as nine print
columns (three across and three down), as shown in <a href="#rzakdmstptdfnch__e18d">Figure 4</a>.</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18d"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18d"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 4. Specify the grid pattern for example 2 (points 55 through
58)</span><br /><img src="rsll770.gif" alt="Specify the grid pattern&#xA;for example 2 (points 55 through 58)" /><br /></div>
<p>Use <a href="prdots.htm#prdots__tbit">Table 1</a> to determine which
hexadecimal digit to specify for each half-column in the grid pattern.</p>
each print position, complete one row of the grid pattern (one pair of hexadecimal
digits to each box) as shown in <a href="#rzakdmstptdfnch__e18e">Figure 5</a> for
code points 55 through 58.</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18e"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e18e"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 5. Complete the code points
for example 2 (points 55 through 58)</span><br /><img src="rsll772.gif" alt="Complete the code points&#xA;for example 2" /><br /></div>
<p><strong>Example 3:</strong></p>
<p>The following example uses a dot matrix for
a large graphic to show how to specify DFNCHR at the file level for a large
graphic three columns wide by two lines high.</p>
00010A <strong>1</strong><strong>2</strong>
00020A DFNCHR(X'B1' X'FF00E000D000C800C4' +
00030A X'B2' X'00C200C100C100C200' +
00040A X'B3' X'C400C800D000E000FF' +
00050A X'B4' X'FF0007000800130023' +
00060A X'B5' X'004300830083004300' +
00070A X'B6' X'230013000B000700FF' +
00080A X'B7' X'00FF00F000D800CC00' +
00090A X'B8' X'C600C100C100C100C6' +
00100A X'B9' X'00CC00D800F000FF00' +
00110A X'BA' X'00FF000F001B003300' +
00120A X'BB' X'630083008300830063' +
00130A X'BC' X'0033001B000F00FF00')
00140A R RECORD1 CPI(15)
00150A 58 4DFT(X'B1B2B3') TRNSPY
00160A 58 4DFT(X'B7B8B9') TRNSPY
00170A 59 4DFT(X'B4B5B6') TRNSPY
<p>The example redefines 12 code points (hexadecimal B1
through hexadecimal BC) <strong>1</strong>. Each column of the three-by-two character
prints twice so that adjacent horizontal dots can print. The hexadecimal codes <strong>2</strong> define
the dot matrix pattern.</p>
<p>This example prints an X inside a grid using
three print columns (on lines 58 and 59 on a printer form).</p>
<div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> The file
should be at 9 lpi to avoid a horizontal gap in the large character (LPI parameter
on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command).</div>
<p>Mark the dot patterns
for as many as nine print columns (three across and three down) in the grid,
as shown in the example.</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19b"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19b"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 6. Specify the grid pattern
for example 3 (points B1 through B6)</span><br /><img src="rsll774.gif" alt="Specify the grid pattern&#xA;for example 3" /><br /></div>
<p>Use <a href="prdots.htm#prdots__tbit">Table 1</a> to determine which
hexadecimal digit to specify for each half-column in the grid. For each print
position, complete one row of the grid pattern (one pair of hexadecimal digits
to each box) as shown in <a href="#rzakdmstptdfnch__e19c">Figure 7</a>.</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19c"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19c"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 7. Complete the code points for example 3 (points B1 through
B6)</span><br /><img src="rsll775.gif" alt="Complete the code points&#xA;for example 3 (points B1 through B6)" /><br /></div>
<p>As shown in <a href="#rzakdmstptdfnch__e19d">Figure 8</a>, mark the
dot patterns in the grid for as many as nine print columns (three across and
three down).</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19d"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19d"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 8. Specify the grid pattern for example
3 (points B7 through BC)</span><br /><img src="rsll776.gif" alt="Specify the grid pattern&#xA;for example 3 (points B7 through BC)" /><br /></div>
<p>Use <a href="prdots.htm#prdots__tbit">Table 1</a> to determine which
hexadecimal digit to specify for each half-column in the grid. For each print
position, complete one row of the grid pattern (one pair of hexadecimal digits
to each box) as shown in <a href="#rzakdmstptdfnch__e19e">Figure 9</a>.</p>
<div class="fignone" id="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19e"><a name="rzakdmstptdfnch__e19e"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 9. Complete the code points for example 3 (points B7 through
BC)</span><br /><img src="rsll777.gif" alt="Complete the code points&#xA;for example 3 (points B7 through BC)" /><br /></div>
<ul class="ullinks">
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="prpnts.htm">Select which code points to redefine</a></strong><br />
You can define any code point except hexadecimal 00.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="dotm.htm">Dot matrix</a></strong><br />
The dot matrix for the 5224 Printer and 5225 Printer is an 8-row-by-9-column matrix. All 8 rows and 9 columns are printed regardless of CPI or LPI settings.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="prdots.htm">Specify dots to be printed in the dot matrix</a></strong><br />
When you define a dot matrix pattern for a user-defined character, specify nine 2-digit pairs of hexadecimal digits.</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzakdmstprkey.htm" title="See the valid keyword entries for defining printer files in this topic.">Keyword entries for printer files (positions 45 through 80)</a></div>