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<h1 class="topictitle1">Configuration object commands</h1>
<div><p>View and use commands that affect your line, controller, or device
<div class="section"> <p>You can view and use other commands that affect your line, controller,
or device descriptions by using the GO command. To view a subset of the commands
use the following GO commands:</p>
<ul><li>To view line description commands, type <span class="cmdname">GO CMDLIND</span> and
press Enter.</li>
<li>To view controller description commands, type <span class="cmdname">GO CMDCTLD</span> and
press Enter.</li>
<li>To view device description commands, type <span class="cmdname">GO CMDDEVD</span> and
press Enter.</li>
<div class="p">To view a more complete list of commands, use the following: <ul><li>To view line description commands, type <span class="cmdname">GO CMDLIN</span> and
press Enter.</li>
<li>To view controller description commands, type <span class="cmdname">GO CMDCTL</span> and
press Enter.</li>
<li>To view device description commands, type <span class="cmdname">GO CMDDEV</span> and
press Enter.</li>
<div class="section"> <p>The list below shows other related commands that you can use
with your descriptions. To use one of these commands, type the name of the
command (shown in parentheses) and press <kbd class="userinput">F4</kbd> (Prompt):</p>
<ul><li>Retrieve Configuration Status (RTVCFGSTS)</li>
<li>Vary Configuration (VRYCFG)</li>
<li>Save Configuration (SAVCFG)</li>
<li>Restore Configuration (RSTCFG)</li>
<li>Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS)</li>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzajymanagingethernetsupport.htm" title="You can use existing line descriptions with iSeries Navigator by assigning it to a TCP/IP interface.">Manage Ethernet support</a></div>