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<meta name="abstract" content="The following Visual Basic functions can assist in converting strings and arrays of byte." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Convert strings and arrays of byte</h1>
<div><p>The following Visual Basic functions can assist in converting strings
and arrays of byte.</p>
<div class="section"><pre>Public Sub Byte2String(InByte() As Byte, OutString As String)
'Convert array of byte to string
OutString = StrConv(InByte(), vbUnicode)
End Sub
Public Function String2Byte(InString As String, OutByte() As Byte) As Boolean
'vb byte-array / string coercion assumes Unicode string
'so must convert String to Byte one character at a time
'or by direct memory access
Dim I As Integer
Dim SizeOutByte As Integer
Dim SizeInString As Integer
SizeOutByte = UBound(OutByte)
SizeInString = Len(InString)
'Verify sizes if desired
'Convert the string
For I = 0 To SizeInString - 1
OutByte(I) = AscB(Mid(InString, I + 1, 1))
Next I
'If size byte array &gt; len of string pad with Nulls for szString
If SizeOutByte &gt; SizeInString Then 'Pad with Nulls
For I = SizeInString To SizeOutByte - 1
OutByte(I) = 0
Next I
End If
String2Byte = True
End Function
Public Sub ViewByteArray(Data() As Byte, Title As String)
'Display message box showing hex values of byte array
Dim S As String
Dim I As Integer
On Error GoTo VBANext
S = "Length: " &amp; Str(UBound(Data)) &amp; " Data (in hex):"
For I = 0 To UBound(Data) - 1
If (I Mod 8) = 0 Then
S = S &amp; " " 'add extra space every 8th byte
End If
S = S &amp; Hex(Data(I)) &amp; " "
Next I
MsgBox S, , Title
End Sub</pre>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzaikexecuteprepstmt.htm" title="If an SQL statement is used more than once, it is best to have the statement prepared and then executed.">Execute prepared statements</a></div>