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<h2>getopts - Parse utility options</h2>
<p><strong>getopts</strong> <em>optstring varname</em></p>
<p>You can use <strong>getopts</strong> to check the positional
parameters for legal options. An option argument begins with a
minus (<strong>-</strong>). The end of the the options is marked by
the first argument that does not begin with a minus or an argument
of <strong>--</strong>.</p>
<p>Each time you call <strong>getopts</strong>, it places the next
option letter it finds in <em>varname</em>. <strong>qsh</strong>
stores the index of the next parameter to be processed in the
variable <strong>OPTIND</strong>. When an option requires an
argument, <strong>qsh</strong> stores the argument in the variable
<p>The option letters recognized by <strong>getopts</strong> are
identified in <em>optstring</em>. If a letter is followed by a
colon (<strong>:</strong>), that option is expected to have an
argument. The argument can be separated from the option letter by
<p>With each call to <strong>getopts</strong>, <em>varname</em> is
updated with the option letter.</p>
<p><strong>Exit Status</strong></p>
<li>0 when successful.</li>
<li>&gt;0 when unsuccessful.</li>